Valarian Syndicate

The Valarian Syndicate, a criminal enterprise, was established by Lady Valarian. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, it fiercely competed with Jabba Desilijic Tiure's criminal empire for dominance over the planet Tatooine. Individuals associated with this organization were simply referred to as Valarians.


Lady Valarian

On Tatooine, the Whiphid crime lord known as Lady Valarian founded the Valarian Syndicate. Her ambition was to cultivate a formidable criminal network throughout the Outer Rim Territories. However, recognizing Jabba the Hutt's control over most illicit activities, she acknowledged the necessity of dismantling Jabba's criminal organization to achieve her goal. Consequently, Lady Valarian stood as one of the few crime lords who openly challenged the Hutt, declaring herself Jabba's primary adversary on Tatooine. In addition to Jabba, the Valarians maintained hostile relations with the Black Sun. Conversely, they were allied with Talon Karrde's group of smugglers.

A Valarian pilot in Mos Espa.

The Valarian gang included a wide array of personnel: numerous henchmen, enforcers, thugs, thieves, scouts, assassins, smugglers, bookies, hackers and pirates. Furthermore, it encompassed diverse types of pilots, such as swoopers, pod racers, and starfighter pilots. Valarian special operatives were armed with older Republic blasters, while Lady Valarian's most trusted associates received ornate daggers. Being a woman herself, Valarian tended to grant positions of power within the Syndicate to other women.

The Syndicate's headquarters was located in the Lucky Despot cantina within Mos Eisley, but it also possessed numerous facilities throughout Tatooine. These included a smuggling depot in the Jundland Wastes, an outpost near Jabba's Palace, a bunker for podracers in the Lowland Basin, a hacker bunker near Wayfar, and a strategic command bunker in the Western Dune Sea. Valarians also maintained a significant presence in the Tatoo system. Operating from a region of space known as the Valarian Sun, Valarian pilots routinely patrolled various areas of the system, including the Desert Sands quadrant, the Rebel Ruins, the Dragon's Spine asteroid field, Station-Star 1, Pirate's Gold, Jabba's Star, and the Dragon's Pearl. These pilots primarily flew M12-L Kimogila heavy fighters as their main starfighters, but they also utilized Ixiyen-class fast attack crafts. Beyond the Tatoo system, Valarian pilots were also stationed in the Dantooine, Karthakk and Yavin systems.


Following the Battle of Yavin, Lady Valarian's two principal lieutenants were Ind, a Gran, and Kavas Urdano, a Chiss. However, Urdano and Ind shared a contentious relationship, vying for Valarian's favor. Kavas Urdano oversaw all of Valarian's smuggling ventures. As the war between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance intensified, relations between Valarian and Jabba soured, leading to frequent skirmishes over each other's assets.

A group of Valarians in the Dune Sea

In 1 ABY, Kavas Urdano and Ind recruited several spacers to aid them in their operations against Jabba's organization. These adventurers engaged a group of Jabba's enforcers who had come to eliminate Valarian operatives on the outskirts of Mos Eisley. They then rescued Ysho, Lady Valarian's advocate, from the Hutt's henchmen and subsequently killed one of Jabba's thugs who was harassing patrons at the Lucky Despot. The spacers also assassinated Cie Vos, a traitor. In another mission, they tracked down one of Jabba's assassins who had failed to kill Lady Valarian but had managed to steal most of the Valarian financial records. The spacers ultimately killed the assassin and returned the sensitive information to Urdano before it could reach Jabba. Impressed by the spacers, Lady Valarian requested that they work for Ind. The adventurers rescued a Valarian compound guard carrying a rill casserole for Lady Valarian from one of Jabba's henchmen. They then killed Roden Venthrall, an assassin, before he could murder Valarian, and later prevented Jabba's enforcers from poisoning the water supply of the Lucky Despot. Meanwhile, Ind learned that Kaum, a scientist specializing in beam weapons, had been recruited by Jabba the Hutt to develop new weapons for his organization. As the scientist was unfamiliar with Jabba's men, one of the spacers picked him up upon his arrival in Mos Eisley before Jabba's thugs could, and escorted him back to Ind at the Lucky Despot. Unaware of the deception, Doctor Kaum began working for the Valarian Syndicate instead of Jabba. Subsequently, Lady Valarian tasked Ind with stealing an expensive avian egg that Jabba had ordered to be cooked by his chef Porcellus. After the spacers successfully stole the egg from Jabba's enforcers, Lady Valarian was so pleased that she requested Ind to have the spacers work directly for her. Valarian discovered that Una Githori, a former agent of hers, was providing Jabba with secret information and asked a spacer to kill him. She also had the spacer kill Soobu Javeedo, one of Jabba's spice dealers, who was encroaching on her territory. Shortly thereafter, the Whiphid realized that Arrud Barsoomu, Jabba's prime enforcer in Mos Eisley, was recruiting local swoop gangs to attack the Valarians. She retaliated by having the spacers decimate the gang of the Desert Banshees and their leader Kilth Saanu, as well as Barsoomu himself. Later, the spacers also killed Duska Murgo, the Chadra-Fan assassin, and Siron Vurn'ke, the Weequay criminal, who were sent after Lady Valarian by Jabba.

Valarian starfighters above Tatooine

Following the Battle of Yavin, Valarian's and Jabba's pilots engaged in space battles for control of the Tatoo System. During the conflict, both factions fought to secure Station-Star 1, the space station linking Tatooine to the space system. However, neither faction managed to capture the station, which was ultimately destroyed in battle. During this period, Shamdon Kree served as the starfighter pilot trainer for the Valarians and commander of space operations. In 1 ABY, Lady Valarian formed a partnership with Talon Karrde, the leader of the Smugglers' Alliance. This allowed Shamdon Kree to utilize Karrde's pilots in a series of missions to defend the interests of Lady Valarian's organization and to act against Jabba's assets throughout the galaxy. These missions included the destruction of Corsair starfighters in the Karthakk system, the elimination of Black Sun aces in the Yavin system, the escort of Valarian freighters against Hutt pirates in the Tatoo system, and the destruction of an Imperial patrol in the Dantooine system. Secondary missions also involved escorting transports in the Karthakk system, hijacking Imperial transports in the Dantooine system, and destroying Black Sun fighters in the Yavin system. However, the success of these pilots drew the attention of Jabba, who discovered the alliance between Karrde and Valarian. Instead of punishing Talon Karrde, Jabba the Hutt threatened the smuggler leader and forced him to provide the services of his skilled pilots to one of his lieutenants, Beissa, to use against the Valarians. The subsequent attacks severely hampered Valarian's operations outside the Tatooine system, and Valarian pilots suffered significant losses in the Yavin system.

In the same year, 1 ABY, Imperial Commander Barrezz and Rebel Captain Bastra dispatched agents to the Valarian smuggling depot near Bestine to search for an important cargo that had been smuggled earlier from Tansarii Point Station. Simultaneously, the depot was visited by a Rebel spacer to retrieve an RX-8 modulator from the leg of an AT-AT for Droma Ordo. Meanwhile, Imperial Captain Jasha sent an operative to infiltrate the depot and plant a transmitter on an X-wing starfighter acquired by the Valarians, intending to sell it to the Rebellion.

A group of Valarian thugs roaming around Jabba's Palace

Shortly thereafter, Reelo Baruk, one of Jabba's lieutenants, hired a spacer to eliminate Valarian soldiers lurking around Jabba's Palace, as well as other Valarians who were buying up gambling debts owed to Jabba. Concurrently, Jabba's cook, Porcellus, hired a spacer to steal several bottles of Corellian Merlot from Valarian pirates, who had recently stolen the shipment. Barada, Jabba's chief mechanic, then investigated the Valarian Pod Racers Bunker, suspecting the Valarian podracer pilots of cheating. He eventually ordered the assassination of Doane Watki, the podracer champion of the Valarian gang. Meanwhile, the Valarian hackers' bunker near Wayfar was attacked by Bib Fortuna's henchmen because Romo Vax, a Sennex spy, claimed they had stolen information belonging to Jabba. In response, Lady Valarian eventually assembled a team of off-world specialists to compete with Jabba's criminal empire and potentially assassinate the Hutt. This team consisted of Delrice Capreese, a spice trading specialist; Arkahn Greystar, a weaponsmith; Iris Tanada Sinclair, a slicer; Careem, a warlord; Fnast Drexler, a tactician; and Emanon, an assassin. However, the Hutt crime lord discovered the plot and assassinated Delrice Capreese and Tyrok, Lady Valarian's bodyguard. The other specialists were then killed during Jabba's henchmen's assault on the Valarian Strategic Command Bunker.

Shortly thereafter, the Valarians stole a cargo of droid disciplinary devices from EV-9D9, Jabba's supervisor droid. EV-9D9 then sent a spacer to infiltrate the Valarian Depot to retrieve the stolen cargo. The spacer sliced a binary load lifter to load EV-9D9's cargo onto a shuttle, and then killed the shuttle's pilot, Rando M'Kabe. The spacer finally reprogrammed the shuttle for an automated flight to Wayfar, where the cargo was retrieved by EV-9D9. Shortly later, the Valarians dispatched a group of M12-L Kimogila fighters to exfiltrate Jabba the Hutt's fugitive droid R3-B57 from the Tatooine system. However, the mission failed, and all ships were destroyed by Jabba's pilots.

In the same year, Lady Valarian managed to corrupt one of Jabba's men to provide information on the Hutt's spice smuggling runs. This allowed the Valarians to intercept one of those spice shipments, causing Jabba to lose a significant amount of money. The Hutt crime lord promptly tasked Bossk, a Trandoshan bounty hunter, to find the culprit. Bossk then recruited a spacer to attack Valarian's people and interrogate them about Jabba's shipments. The spacer eventually identified Valarian's informant, tracked the traitor in the desert, and killed him.

In 4 ABY, Lady Valarian infiltrated her lover, J'Quille, a Whiphid, into Jabba's organization with the intention of assassinating the Hutt crime lord. Although J'Quille failed in his mission, Jabba was killed soon thereafter. After the death of Jabba the Hutt, Lady Valarian finally succeeded in seizing control of all of Jabba's operations in and around Mos Eisley.

Behind the scenes

The Valarian Syndicate made its debut in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011.

