Arrud Barsoomu, a Twi'lek male, operated as a criminal on Tatooine during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Following the Battle of Yavin, he became an important figure within Jabba the Hutt's criminal organization, functioning as the crime lord's main enforcer in Mos Eisley. His responsibilities included recruiting swoop gangs into Jabba's criminal empire and coordinating them in their conflict against Lady Valarian, who was the leader of the Valarian Syndicate and Jabba's primary rival. In 1 ABY, after the Desert Banshees swoopers were defeated by the Valarian Syndicate, Barsoomu's involvement in the attacks was exposed. Subsequently, Lady Valarian hired a spacer to assassinate the Twi'lek. The spacer eventually located Arrud Barsoomu, who was accompanied by two B'omarr monk bodyguards, close to Mos Eisley. A firefight ensued, resulting in the deaths of all three.

Arrud Barsoomu was featured as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its eventual shutdown on December 15, 2011. He was included in the original release of the game, specifically as a part of Lady Valarian's Quest Series.
Because Arrud Barsoomu's in-game model was generated using the generic "assassin_twilek_male" template, his appearance was subject to randomization with three potential variations, changing each time the server was reset. However, he was always represented as a male Twi'lek.
The "Publish 23" update, released on August 31, 2005, led to the deactivation of Lady Valarian's Quest Series, and consequently, Arrud Barsoomu was removed from the game.