Canyon Corsairs

The Canyon Corsairs, also referenced as the Corsair Raiders or simply the Corsairs, represented a piratical faction that operated around the planet of Lok and throughout the Karthakk system during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


The Karthakk system was the operational area of the Canyon Corsairs. Their name originated from the Canyon, a region within the Karthakk system that functioned as their base of operations. These pirates also extended their activities to other areas, including Nym's Hovel, Voria's Ember, the Censorious Tempest Nebula, and the Corsairian Crescent. Their primary base was situated on Lok, where they had established a small stronghold in the remote areas.

The Corsairs were a notoriously brutal group, threatening violence against any passing civilian or ship. A typical Canyon Corsair saw themselves as an exceptional pilot and were usually proficient in operating various vehicles such as swoops, landspeeders, and starships. Canyon Corsairs dedicated much of their time to maintaining their vehicles, often acquiring parts through illicit means. In space combat, Corsair pilots utilized Z-95-AF4 Headhunters, Ixiyen-class fast attack crafts, M12-L Kimogila heavy fighters, and T-65 X-wing starfighters.

The Canyon Corsairs had conflicts with the Blood Razors and Nym's Lok Revenants.


Following the Battle of Yavin, Boyrake, a retired Imperial Naval Captain, and Talia v'laenya, a former Rebel spy, uncovered the location of the Canyon Corsair's Stronghold on Lok.

During 1 ABY, the Corsairs intercepted several Valarian shipments destined for Nym's organization. Consequently, Shamdon Kree deployed skilled pilots from Talon Karrde's Smuggler Alliance to confront the pirates. Many Corsairs perished, including their leader, known as the Canyon Corsair Behemoth.

