Corsairian Crescent

CorsairianCrescent A space station within the Corsairian Crescent, guarded by several Corsair Man O'wars During the Galactic Civil War era, the Corsairian Crescent represented a sector of the Karthakk system held by the Canyon Corsairs. It was said that the Corsairs would eagerly engage in dogfights with local inhabitants, motivated by the prospect of acquiring valuable plunder. Though unremarkable in many respects, the Corsairian Crescent was known as a dangerous territory, avoided by all but the most daring travelers. A space station, policed by numerous Corsair Man O'wars, was situated within this region.

Production Notes

The Corsairian Crescent was featured in Jump to Lightspeed, an expansion released in 2004 for the massively multiplayer online roleplaying game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011.

