A Human male named Rat plied his trade as an information merchant on the moon of Nar Shaddaa during the Galactic Civil War. In the year 4 ABY, Rat encountered agents of the Rebel Alliance in a Nar Shaddaa cantina, where they sought his knowledge about the Dark Jedi known as Thaum Rystra. However, their meeting was disrupted by thugs dispatched by Brinojja, a Hutt crime lord, who aimed to capture Rat. Consequently, the information merchant was compelled to escape Nar Shaddaa alongside the Rebels. Following this, Rat journeyed with the Rebels to Pamorjal, a planet located in the Expansion Region, where he met his death during an assault by the Pamorjal Freeman's League, a terrorist organization.

Operating as an information merchant, Rat, a male Human scoundrel , conducted his business on the moon of Nar Shaddaa amidst the backdrop of the Galactic Civil War. In 4 ABY, Rat happened to be in a bustling Nar Shaddaa spaceport when he observed the Dark Jedi Thaum Rystra land a starship at a restricted landing bay. Intrigued by the lightsaber at Rystra's side, Rat secretly tailed Rystra and his Force-sensitive child companion, Caeleb. He witnessed Rystra being confronted by a gang and saw the Dark Jedi use a mind trick on a Barabel thug, compelling it to kill the other gang members before taking its own life. Remaining undetected, the information merchant followed Rystra and Caeleb to a cantina, where he overheard a conversation between the Dark Jedi and an agent of the Pamorjal Freeman's League terrorist group, originating from the Expansion Region world of Pamorjal. After Rystra left the cantina, Rat waited thirty minutes before returning to the landing bay where Rystra had arrived, noting that the Dark Jedi's starship was no longer there.
Four days later, a group of Rebel Alliance agents, who were tracking Rystra, contacted Rat. The information broker agreed to meet them at a Nar Shaddaa cantina. However, just as he was about to begin his discussion with the Rebels, thugs working for Brinojja, a Hutt crime lord, stormed into the cantina to capture Rat on their master's orders. The information broker escaped with the Rebels through the back of the cantina and fled through the streets of Nar Shaddaa, pursued by the thugs and Verkoss, Brinojja's chief enforcer. Trapped in a dead end, Rat and the Rebels engaged in a intense lightfight with the thugs and were rescued by Maric Tovar, a Rebel engineer, who used the YT-1300 light freighter Lazy Katarn to airlift them to safety. Subsequently, Rat accompanied the Rebels as the freighter departed Nar Shaddaa and entered hyperspace.
Initially, Rat was too shaken by his experience to leave the freighter's landing bay, until the Rebels helped him regain his composure. Once they were a safe distance from Nar Shaddaa, the freighter exited hyperspace, and Rat resumed his negotiations with the Rebels. In exchange for sharing information about Rystra, he requested transportation to Celanon City on the planet Celanon in the D'Astan sector and 1,500 credits to restart his business. Rat considered this a discounted rate, claiming that he would typically charge 10,000 credits for such valuable intelligence, even though he was unsure of the true worth of his information on Rystra. After reaching an agreement with the Rebels, Rat recounted his sighting of Rystra on Nar Shaddaa and revealed details he had overheard from Rystra's conversation with the PFL, including the Dark Jedi's intention to travel to Pamorjal and his warning to the PFL to be cautious of the Rebels' combat skills due to their having killed his apprentice, Tol Skaros.
To Rat's dismay, the Rebels decided to go to Pamorjal first, docking in the city of Beldon, to intercept Rystra before dropping Rat off on Celanon. In protest, Rat remained on board the ship while the Rebels searched for clues about Rystra's location, refusing to leave until he reached Celanon. However, the PFL, misled by Rystra's false claims that the Rebels were agents of TaggeCo seeking to exploit Pamorjal's resources, destroyed the Lazy Katarn with a rocket attack, resulting in Rat's death. After the attack, the Rebels realized Rat was missing and unsuccessfully attempted to contact him.
Rat enjoyed watching bootleg holovids. He was a shrewd businessman who was willing to deceive during negotiations to achieve his goals. He was deeply disturbed by his near-capture by Brinojja's thugs on Nar Shaddaa and feared for his life. As a result, he was ineffective during the battle, relying on the Rebels to defend him. In his agitated state, he felt resentment towards his Rebel rescuers for their role in the frightening experience, although he later expressed his gratitude for their help. He was prone to petulance and openly voiced his displeasure when the Rebels chose to travel to Pamorjal instead of taking him directly to Celanon.
Lee Pickler created Rat, and he appeared in Soulsaber, a roleplaying adventure and the second part of the Child of Light saga, which was released by RPGA in 2001. He was later mentioned in Light and Dark, the final installment of the Child of Light saga, in 2002.
In Soulsaber, the players assume the roles of the Rebel agents who meet with Rat on Nar Shaddaa. During his negotiations with the Rebels regarding payment for information on Thaum Rystra, Rat initially asks for 1,500 credits but can be persuaded to lower the price to 1,000 credits. Rat requests that the Rebels transport him to Celanon in exchange for his information, and the players can choose to either take him directly to Celanon or travel to Pamorjal first. If the players agree to go to Celanon first, Rat quickly disembarks in Celanon City and leaves the Rebels. If the player characters decide to proceed directly to Pamorjal, Rat is annoyed and remains on the ship when they arrive, dying when the vessel is destroyed by the Pamorjal Freeman's League. Light and Dark confirms that the Rebels traveled directly to Pamorjal with Rat, making the information merchant's death on Pamorjal the canonical outcome.