Maric Tovar was a Human male who exhibited Force-sensitive abilities. He dedicated his service to both the Alliance to Restore the Republic and its successor, the New Republic.
During the era of the Galactic Empire, Maric Tovar earned his living as an engineer. An incident occurred when he was assisting a woman experiencing difficulties with her droid. Imperial stormtroopers ambushed them, forcing Tovar and the woman to escape. Subsequently, he enlisted in the Rebel Alliance and became part of the crew aboard the Alliance's YT-1300 light freighter, known as the Lazy Katarn. In 3 ABY, Tovar, along with his fellow crewmates on the Katarn, received orders to journey to the planet Dalicron-4. Their mission: to locate Caeleb, the "Child of Light," a prophesied child possessing a strong connection to the Force. Upon their arrival, Tovar and the team successfully rescued Caeleb from the clutches of the Dark Jedi named Tol Skaros, delivering the child into the Alliance's care. Four months later, Jedi Thaum Rystra, a Dark individual, kidnapped Caeleb, prompting Tovar and the Katarn crew to embark on another rescue mission. They tracked Rystra to Nar Shaddaa, eventually following him to the planet Pamorjal. However, the Pamorjal Freeman's League, a local resistance group, destroyed the Lazy Katarn. Consequently, Tovar and the other Rebels transitioned to flying in the YT-2000 light freighter called the Celestial Dancer. Ultimately, they confronted Rystra within the Cavern of Light on the world ZXK-100346.6a and successfully rescued Caeleb.
The Alliance later underwent a reformation, evolving into the New Republic, and Tovar remained in service to the new government. The Sith spirit known as Valik Kodank sought to transfer her consciousness into Sha'lia, a Twi'lek member of the Celestial Dancer's crew whom Tovar secretly admired. The Sith plotted to manipulate Tovar into aiding her in achieving her objective. While Tovar was engaged in a mission with the New Republic Intelligence Service, assisting with slicing into an Imperial computer network, Kodank materialized before him. She promised to instruct him in the ways of the Force and ensure Sha'lia's affection if he led the Celestial Dancer crew to Kodank's temple within the Tascollan Nebula. Tovar accepted her proposition, and Kodank dispatched him on various assignments to cultivate his Force powers. Around 7 ABY, Thaum Rystra lured the Celestial Dancer to Kodank's temple, where Tovar, Sha'lia, and the rest of the freighter's crew confronted Rystra and Kodank.
Despite Valik Kodank's manipulation, Tovar aided the other New Republic agents in defeating Rystra and destroying Kodank's spirit. They subsequently fled the collapsing temple, departing the Tascollan Nebula aboard the Celestial Dancer.