Pamorjal Freeman's League

The Pamorjal Freeman's League was a group of insurgents who fought against oppression on the world of Pamorjal during the era of the Galactic Civil War. This planet was their base of operations.


After the Galactic Empire gained power, wood sourced from the garna trees, a tree species that naturally grew on Pamorjal, became highly sought after in the Core Worlds. This led to large companies, like TaggeCo, starting to exploit Pamorjal to harvest these trees. In response, the PFL was created to fight back against these actions, and they initiated attacks on the corporations' resources on Pamorjal. Taj Vellion, the governor of Pamorjal, initially refused to take action against the corporations, but soon faced growing demands to intervene.

In 3 ABY, the Dark Jedi known as Thaum Rystra journeyed to Pamorjal while being hunted by a team of Rebel Alliance operatives. To shake off his pursuers, he got in touch with the PFL and deceived them into thinking that the alliance operatives were a danger to them. The PFL launched an assault on the operatives near the Temples of Vormijj, but they eventually discovered that Rystra had manipulated them. Because they had destroyed the operatives' vessel, the PFL provided the YT-2000 light freighter called the Celestial Dancer to replace it.

