The Temples of Vormijj were a trio of ancient Jedi sanctuaries situated within the jungles of the planet Pamorjal.
Located on Pamorjal, roughly 180 kilometers distant from Beldon, the capital city, were the Temples of Vormijj. These three temples stood adjacent to one another, with a larger temple positioned centrally, flanked by two smaller ones on either side. The two smaller temples mirrored each other in design, each situated approximately 150 meters from the central temple. The central temple reached a height of around 50 meters, while the smaller temples stood at approximately 35 meters tall. Each of the three temples were constructed as four-sided pyramids, featuring steps carved into their surfaces that ascended to the summit. A gray stone formed the building material for all three temples, which were adorned with embedded crystals. Inside the largest temple was a chamber housing a star chart, where crystals marked the positions of Coruscant, Pamorjal, and the Soulsaber.
Millennia prior to the emergence of the Galactic Empire, a Dark Jedi fashioned a dark-side relic known as the Soulsaber. This Dark Jedi engaged in combat against a contingent of Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters upon Pamorjal. Although many Jedi perished, the Dark Jedi was ultimately vanquished, and the twelve surviving Jedi Masters departed with the Soulsaber to conceal it. The Jedi Knights who lived then journeyed into Pamorjal's jungles, erecting the temples as a guide to the Soulsaber's hidden location.
By the time of the Galactic Civil War, the temples had evolved into a popular tourist destination. The Dark Jedi Thaum Rystra made his way to the temples in an attempt to uncover the Soulsaber's whereabouts, seeking it for his master, Valik Kodank. Soon after, a team of Rebel Alliance operatives, in pursuit of Rystra, arrived at the temples. There, they faced an assault from members of the Pamorjal Freeman's League, who had been deceived by Rystra into believing that the Alliance agents posed a danger to them.