
Brinojja was a Hutt who functioned as a crime lord during the Galactic Civil War era. This Hutt employed a Trandoshan named Verkoss to be the primary enforcer within Brinojja's criminal enterprise. In the year 4 ABY, Brinojja dispatched Verkoss along with a collection of criminals to capture the Human information broker known as Rat from a cantina located on the moon of Nar Shaddaa. Rebel Alliance operatives aided Rat in his escape from the thugs sent by Brinojja, and the information broker felt indebted to the Rebels for rescuing him from the Hutt.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Brinojja occurs in Soulsaber, a roleplaying adventure released in 2001 by the RPGA. This adventure, penned by Lee Pickler, takes place within the Star Wars Legends continuity and is the second part of the Child of Light saga. Brinojja was later mentioned in Light and Dark, the concluding adventure in the Child of Light saga, which came out in 2002. Neither source explicitly states Brinojja's gender.

