
K1-1R, a military droid with a masculine programming, functioned in the final years of the Galactic Republic. He once served a master, but later achieved independence and built a successful career as a bounty hunter. During the Clone Wars, K1-1R allied himself with fellow bounty hunters Drokka and Shiana Trist, seeking to claim a substantial bounty offered for the capture of the Heroes of Cularin, a group of independent agents operating from the Cularin system. Trist, along with droid units controlled by K1-1R, captured the agents inside a factory located on the moon Nar Shaddaa. The bounty hunters then planned to freeze their prisoners in carbonite. However, the agents escaped, leading to a confrontation where K1-1R was destroyed by blasterfire during the resulting firefight.


K1-1R was a modified military protocol droid exhibiting a masculine personality, active during the concluding years of the Galactic Republic. K1-1R was under the service of a master for a time, but after being assigned a mission by his owner that would certainly result in his destruction, the droid's self-preservation programming took precedence over his loyalty. Subsequently, K1-1R left his owner, achieved full autonomy, and established himself as both an assassin droid and a bounty hunter.

Nar Shaddaa

By the time of the Clone Wars, the K1-1R droid model was considered obsolete. Despite this outdated design, K1-1R became a bounty hunter of some note, commanding considerable fees for his services. Furthermore, he cultivated relationships with various individuals who opposed the Republic. Around 20 BBY, the Heroes of Cularin, a group of independent agents from the Cularin system, successfully prevented a bioweapon attack on the planet Caarimon. This event brought the agents into the public eye, leading to the reemergence of Contract AA23, a bounty placed on the agents' capture by Metatheran Cartel envoy Velin Wir over a decade prior. The bounty had grown to a total of 500,000 credits for the agents' capture. K1-1R learned of this bounty and partnered with Rodian bounty hunter Drokka and Human assassin Shiana Trist in an attempt to capture the agents and claim the reward. K1-1R served as the trio's tactical leader, devising a plan to capture the agents during a meeting on the moon Nar Shaddaa with Korlana Toryn, the daughter of influential Republic Senator Jasso Toryn.

K1-1R secured a carbon-freezing chamber within a gas processing facility on Nar Shaddaa. The bounty hunters planned to ambush the Heroes of Cularin as they traveled through a nearby factory with Toryn. The military droid deployed six G-2RD seeker droids to track the agents through the factory complex. After a short battle, Trist and the seeker droids subdued Toryn and the agents, imprisoning them within the carbon-freezing chamber. For twenty minutes, K1-1R, Drokka, and Trist debated the fate of Toryn, whose capture had not been part of their original plan. At K1-1R's suggestion, they decided to test the carbon-freezing facility on Toryn and adjust it for preserving living beings, before freezing the freelancers in carbonite. However, as K1-1R prepared to lower Toryn into the chamber, the agents broke free and attacked. They disabled K1-1R, but he quickly rebooted, reactivated his systems, and re-engaged the agents. Despite the bounty hunters' efforts, the Heroes of Cularin prevailed, and blasterfire from the agents destroyed K1-1R, reducing him to molten slag.


K1-1R was a humanoid assassin droid, characterized by a streamlined, blank head reminiscent of a Human. Instead of eyes, K1-1R possessed a single red [color](/article/color-legends] sensor scanner that illuminated as he spoke. His body was marked with carbon scoring and covered in repairs from numerous past firefights. K1-1R was also equipped with a shield generator and a remote processor broadcast array, enabling remote control of droid drones as extensions of his will. Additionally, he possessed a vocabulator, resulting in an emotionless, mechanical voice.

Designed for exceptional performance in combat and command roles, K1-1R was known for his meticulous planning, carefully evaluating all options before committing to a specific course of action. Driven purely by profit, he exhibited a cold and detached demeanor, pursuing targets with precision, calm, and efficiency. Possessing an unwavering dedication to completing his assigned tasks, those who collaborated with him perceived a sense of satisfaction in his work. He was prepared to employ ruthless tactics and fight to the death, even sacrificing children if it served his objectives. During his mission to capture the Heroes of Cularin, K1-1R was willing to endanger Korlana Toryn, risking the ire of her Republic-aligned father, believing himself beyond the Republic's reach. However, in critical situations, K1-1R's survival subroutines would override his primary programming, triggering self-preservation actions. His strong leadership programming led him to frequently assume command, issuing orders with the expectation of absolute compliance. When these expectations were unmet, K1-1R would experience a brief period of confusion, freezing for a few seconds before regaining composure. Equipped with a heuristic processor and a translator unit, he also possessed 360-degree vision and the ability to perceive infrared light.


K1-1R commanded droid drones remotely via his broadcast array, including over three dozen modified Arakyd G-2RD seeker droids armed with G-20 Glop grenades, and several modified D516 assassin droids. He deployed these droids to track targets and engage opponents when direct involvement was impractical, controlling them from distances up to fifty kilometers. The battle droid carried a variety of weapons, including a blaster carbine, a light repeating blaster, a flamethrower, and a vibro-ax. Despite this arsenal, K1-1R generally preferred stun weapons to capture targets alive, as live captures typically yielded higher bounties. Additionally, K1-1R utilized an encrypted comlink.

Behind the scenes

K1-1R was a creation of Russell Foubert and Sean Yo, debuting in Contract AA23, a 2004 roleplaying adventure within the Living Force campaign. He later received an entry in the 2008 compendium The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. In Contract AA23, players roleplay as the Heroes of Cularin, K1-1R's targets, and their choices influence K1-1R's decisions and actions. For example, during the attack by Shiana Trist and K1-1R's seeker droids in the Nar Shaddaa factory, K1-1R may deploy additional seekers as reinforcements. If, after the agents' capture, K1-1R learns that Contract AA23 is to be canceled, he will attempt to quickly freeze the player characters in carbonite to claim the bounty before it is revoked. It is also possible for K1-1R to successfully freeze Korlana Toryn, but for the carbon-freezing chamber to malfunction, causing a power capacitor to explode, showering K1-1R with ion plasma. Alternatively, the player characters can use the Force to destroy the carbon-freezing machinery and engulf K1-1R in plasma. Furthermore, K1-1R may malfunction during the encounter, ordering his droid drones to attack all organic beings in the facility, including his bounty hunter allies.

While Contract AA23 offered various potential outcomes for K1-1R, his definitive fate within Star Wars Legends continuity was established by The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, which confirmed his destruction at the hands of the Heroes of Cularin. In the roleplaying adventure, he could escape, be captured by the player characters, or be destroyed either by the player characters or by an ion rifle attack from the agents' Caarite ally, Hohn Ryntz. The adventure also allowed players to salvage parts from K1-1R's remains and integrate them into their own droids if he was destroyed.

