Hohn Ryntz

Hohn Ryntz was a Caarite male who existed in the twilight era of the Galactic Republic.


Ryntz's occupation was that of an internal audit clerk for the Metatheran Cartel. Around 32 BBY, Velin Wir, the Cartel's representative to the Cularin system, instructed him to issue a bounty concerning the heroes of Cularin. Nevertheless, upon Wir's death, he neglected to rescind the bounty.

After the Cularin system's reappearance a little over a decade later, numerous bounty hunters took interest in the contract, which, thanks to accrued interest, now held a value of 500,000 credits. Ryntz felt a sense of obligation towards the heroes because they had stopped the release of a lethal virus on the Caarite homeworld, and he desired to prevent a public relations disaster for the Cartel. Consequently, he endeavored to locate them and provide a warning. He encountered them on the moon of Nar Shaddaa, where he informed them of the bounty and tried to get in touch with the Hutts to cancel the contract.

