Jasso Toryn, a male Human, held the position of senator within the Galactic Republic's legislative body, the Galactic Senate. As the Clone Wars raged—a war between the Republic and the dissenting Confederacy of Independent Systems—Toryn, fearing for his daughter Korlana's well-being, dispatched her to hide on the moon known as Nar Shaddaa. Around 20 BBY, he communicated with his friend, the Jedi Master Lanius Qel-Bertuk, requesting that Korlana be placed under the direct protection of the Jedi Order on the planet of Almas, a request to which Qel-Bertuk consented.
Jasso Toryn, a male Human, lived during the decline of the Galactic Republic in its final years. In his youth, Toryn was a close companion of Lanius Qel-Bertuk, a Force-sensitive Human. Their friendship endured even after Qel'Bertuk's acceptance into the Jedi Order. Toryn eventually became a senator in the Galactic Senate, which was the Republic's governing body that was based out of the Senate Building located on the planet of Coruscant. He later became a father to Korlana Toryn, whom he cherished and provided with a privileged upbringing.
When the Clone Wars began, a conflict between the Republic and the separatist Confederacy of Independent Systems, Toryn was a respected, long-serving Senator known for his unwavering support of the Jedi. However, this also made him enemies among Separatist leaders. Fearing for his daughter's well-being, he arranged for Korlana and his valet droid, E-3PO, to hide on the moon of Nar Shaddaa, far from both Republic and Confederacy influence. As the war progressed, around 20 BBY, Toryn heard rumors of Separatist sympathizers gathering on Coruscant, the Republic's very heart. Concerned that even Nar Shaddaa might not be safe for Korlana, Toryn wrote to Qel-Bertuk, requesting that she be placed under the direct protection of the Jedi on Almas, a world in the Expansion Region where Qel-Bertuk served as the headmaster of a Jedi academy. Qel-Bertuk agreed, and he dispatched the Heroes of Cularin, a famous team of freelance agents from the Cularin system, to retrieve Korlana from Nar Shaddaa and bring her to Almas.
The agents successfully found Korlana and brought her to the academy, and Toryn asked Qel-Bertuk to thank them for him. The Senator also offered to help the agents in the future, using his influence to streamline bureaucratic paperwork if they ever needed to interact with the Republic officially.
As a child, Toryn had aspirations of becoming a Jedi, and he later became known as a strong advocate for the Order within the Senate. He also had deep affection for his daughter, Korlana, and he spoiled and coddled her, which resulted in her developing a rather naive view of the world. With the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Toryn's concern for Korlana's safety intensified, leading him to send her into hiding on Nar Shaddaa. However, his worries persisted, and he was immensely grateful when the Heroes of Cularin escorted her to the Jedi on Almas.
Jasso Toryn received a mention in Contract AA23, a 2004 roleplaying adventure authored by Russell Foubert and Sean Yo, which was part of the Living Force campaign. The player characters in the adventure roleplay as the Heroes of Cularin, and successfully retrieving Korlana Toryn from Nar Shadaaa earns them a "Gratitude of Senator Jasso Toryn" certificate, redeemable for various in-game roleplaying advantages.