Yoda, whom some regard as the Avatar of Light, was a male being strong in the Force, belonging to a species of unknown origin. He stands as one of the most celebrated, powerful, and legendary Jedi Masters throughout the history of the galaxy. His legendary wisdom, his command over the Force, and his prowess in lightsaber combat were well known. During the final centuries of the Galactic Republic, Yoda was a member of the Jedi High Council, and prior to, during and following the destructive Clone Wars, he served as Grand Master, overseeing the Jedi Order. Subsequent to the First Battle of Geonosis, Yoda added the title of Master of the Order to his existing title of Grand Master. Throughout his many years of service to the galaxy and the Force, Grand Master Yoda played a role in the training of almost all of the Jedi within the Order. Among these were notable figures such as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Oppo Rancisis, all of whom later joined him on the Jedi Council.
With a height of roughly 66 centimeters, Yoda was a male of a species shrouded in mystery, the details of which he kept secret. For many centuries, Yoda was a member of the Jedi Order, eventually earning a position on the Jedi High Council before becoming the Grand Master of the Jedi. He demonstrated exceptional skill with a lightsaber, mastering all forms and stances of lightsaber combat, with the exception of the Vaapad variation of Form VII (though he had mastered the original Form VII variant called Juyo). He was particularly known for his skill in Form IV, often utilizing the form's acrobatic techniques. Many considered him to be a swordmaster and the greatest duelist within the Jedi Order, surpassing even Mace Windu and Count Dooku.
While he was arguably the Order's most skilled warrior and greatest master of the Force, Yoda deeply believed in the importance of educating younger generations and always took opportunities to ensure that his pupils learned from their experiences. At his core, the small Jedi Master was a teacher; in fact, he instructed almost all the Jedi in the Order to some degree during his time as Grand Master.
Despite being arguably the most Force-sensitive member of the Order, Yoda was not without flaws. The Republic's downfall and the decimation of the Jedi Order were partially caused by his failure to recognize that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was actually responsible for starting the Clone Wars, and was in fact the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, or to defeat him in combat. Following the start of Darth Sidious' Great Jedi Purge, the Grand Master was among the few Jedi who survived, and he went into hiding on the swampy world of Dagobah.
Later, before passing away and becoming one with the Force in 4 ABY, the exiled Jedi Master taught Luke Skywalker. Skywalker would then use Yoda's teachings to create a New Jedi Order after defeating the Sith. After his death, Master Yoda maintained his identity within the Force and was remembered by Skywalker's restored Order as one of the most legendary Jedi Masters of all time.

Very little information exists regarding Yoda's early years. His origins lie on a distant world, but its identity remains a mystery. According to one account, Yoda was initially unaware of his own Force-sensitivity. His journey toward becoming a Jedi began when he and a Human friend, who also didn't know he was Force-sensitive, left their home planet on an old, barely functional spacecraft headed for the Core Worlds in search of work. However, before they reached their destination, a large asteroid struck their ship, leaving it severely damaged beyond repair. For several days, they drifted aimlessly in space, their life support systems and rations nearly depleted, and their distress signal unanswered. It seemed as though they were nearing their end when their sensors detected a star system nearby. With just enough power, they managed to reach the system before crash-landing on a strange swampy planet covered in thick fog.
After spending a few days on the planet, they were discovered by a peculiar being: Hysalrian Jedi Master N'Kata Del Gormo, who revealed that they both possessed strong Force abilities. The Jedi Master invited Yoda to become his apprentice, also known as a Padawan. Master Gormo brought them to his home, where he taught them the ways of the Force. Shortly after their training was completed, a Galactic Republic starship picked up their distress signal and rescued the two friends, who had now become Jedi themselves. Leaving the planet, Yoda traveled to Coruscant, where he continued his training at the Jedi Temple as a Jedi Initiate. Over time, he demonstrated his skill as a Jedi and studied under the Jedi Master Fae Coven. Eventually, Yoda passed The Gathering and received assistance from the architect droid Huyang in constructing his first lightsaber.
After completing his Padawan training, Yoda was recognized as a Jedi Knight, granting him the authority to undertake important missions. By the age of 96, he had achieved the rank of Jedi Master. Later on, he was chosen to join the Jedi High Council. By 800 BBY, Yoda began training his first student, marking the beginning of the many Padawans he would mentor throughout his long life.

Later in his life, Yoda became one of the Jedi Masters who oversaw the mobile academy situated on the starship Chu'unthor, which was built around 500 BBY. After the ship crashed on the planet of Dathomir around 230 BBY, Yoda and the other Jedi engaged in combat with the renowned Witches of Dathomir. Reaching a stalemate, he agreed to leave the ship's data tapes behind. Though he provided no means of accessing the tapes, they were entrusted to Rell of the Singing Mountain Clan for safekeeping until a time, foreseen by Yoda, when a Jedi would arrive to save the planet from darkness and the information could be safely shared with the Witches. This event occurred around 8 ABY, when Yoda's last student, Luke Skywalker, made his way to Dathomir, fulfilling his Master's prophecy.
On one occasion, Yoda journeyed to Kushibah in search of a new Padawan. There, among the diminutive Kushiban, the Jedi Master found young Ikrit, who displayed a strong connection to the Force, and took him to be trained as a Jedi. As a Jedi Knight, Ikrit once lost control during a minor dispute and nearly killed a friend with his lightsaber, prompting Yoda to risk his own life to intervene. As a result, Ikrit refrained from using lightsabers for many years afterward.
Around 400 BBY, when Beldorion departed from the Jedi Order, Yoda was recognized as one of the greatest Masters in Jedi history, comparable to figures such as Nomi Sunrider or Thon, both of whom lived over 3,500 years earlier.
By 200 BBY, Yoda and other Jedi Masters of the time noticed a change in the Force, which had become murky and uncertain. After silent meditation on this perplexing mystery, the Jedi High Council, with Yoda as a senior member, unanimously agreed that the power of the dark side was growing. While the Council and other Jedi believed this indicated the rising power of the Sith or other dark-siders, Yoda suggested that the darkening of the Force might indicate the approaching arrival of the Chosen One, who was prophesied to bring balance to the Force. Opposing this theory, some of the younger Jedi disputed Yoda's findings and formed a separate group known as the Potentium. The Council did not approve of their heresy, and Yoda spearheaded the effort to expel them from the Order in 130 BBY.
Approximately one hundred and fifty years before the Clone Wars, Yoda traveled to Ord Cestus and saved the native X'Ting from a catastrophe. In gratitude, they erected a massive statue of him, standing at least 70 meters tall, inside the X'Ting Hall of Heroes. Sometime between 133 BBY and 69 BBY, Master Yoda attempted to foresee the future of Byrch Dyshkava, a Padawan who had mysteriously vanished after a mission. Yoda was unable to provide the Order with any useful information.
In 102 BBY, a baby named Dooku, the heir to the title of Count on the planet of Serenno, was discovered by the Jedi and willingly given to the Order by his parents. When Dooku reached the appropriate age, he became a Padawan under the tutelage of Council member Thame Cerulian. However, even under Cerulian's guidance, Yoda took a special interest in the young Dooku and often served as his advisor and confidant. The Jedi Master was equally quick to point out Dooku's shortcomings when necessary. Yoda played a significant role in Dooku's lightsaber training as a Padawan, and Dooku built upon this foundation to become a skilled duelist with the weapon. In Dooku's later years, only Yoda and senior Council member Mace Windu were considered his equals in lightsaber combat. Later on, Yoda also served as the lightsaber instructor for Cin Drallig, who would eventually become the Battlemaster of the Jedi Temple.

In 33 BBY, the Jedi Council received a transmission that had been sent four standard days prior, informing them of an attack on Mayvitch 7 carried out by the Yinchorri. After Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum learned of this, he requested that Mace Windu dispatch Jedi to negotiate with the Yinchorri. However, the aggressive Yinchorri murdered the two Jedi sent to negotiate and sent their mutilated bodies to Valorum's doorstep on Coruscant as a warning.
Subsequently, the Council formed a Jedi strike team of twelve, including senior Councilor Mace Windu, to go to the Yinchorri system. Reports of the Jedi's encounters with Yinchorri forces that reached Yoda and the Council were confusing and contradictory, and the small Jedi Master sensed impending danger in the Force. Yoda's premonition proved accurate when the Yinchorri launched a raid on the Jedi Temple.
The Yinchorri task force discovered that all the Jedi sleeping quarters were empty. The troops then entered a chamber where they were confronted by several armed Jedi, including Yoda. In the end, nearly all the Yinchorri were killed, and two Jedi lost their lives: Jude Rozess and Tieren Nie-Tan.

Yoda interrogated the last surviving Yinchorri, asking him about the location of the Yinchorri high command. The soldier told the Jedi Master that he did not know, as he was just an ordinary soldier. Yoda then turned to speak with Soon Bayts, a Jedi Knight who brought news from Adi Gallia and Eeth Koth that the high command was not on Yitheeth and that they were heading to Yibikkoror to assist Plo Koon and Micah Giiett.
These distractions gave the Yinchorri in the Temple enough time to seize his weapon and attempt to shoot the Jedi Master. However, Yoda used the Force to hurl him against a wall, killing him. The Jedi then concluded that the Yinchorri were misguided rather than inherently violent and that the attack might have been orchestrated by an unknown party, rather than being the Yinchorri's own initiative.
Following the unsuccessful raid on the Jedi Temple, the Jedi strike team continued to engage the Yinchorri, while Yoda remained on Coruscant. Master Windu eventually reported to Yoda, informing him that the strike team had located the Yinchorri's high command, thanks to Master Yaddle's knowledge of the Jedi holocrons. The Jedi launched an attack on the world, and four navy attack groups authorized by the Senate arrived to provide assistance, bringing the uprising to an end.
In 32 BBY, the Galactic Senate enacted legislation to tax trade routes to outlying systems in an effort to weaken the increasingly powerful Trade Federation, which had gained significant influence, including its own Senate delegation, and easily "persuaded" Republic weapons inspectors to ignore the Federation's arming of its shipment vessels into deadly battleships.

In response, the Federation assembled an invasion force of battle droids, in addition to its growing fleet of warships, and blockaded the small world of Naboo in protest of the Senate's legislation. Queen Amidala of Naboo appealed to the Republic for help, and Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum requested that Yoda and the Council send Jedi to negotiate with the Trade Federation as ambassadors of the Republic.
The Council dispatched Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi to negotiate with the leaders of the Trade Federation. However, upon the Jedi's arrival, the Federation attempted to assassinate them and initiated an invasion of Naboo. The Jedi managed to evade their would-be assassins and rescue Queen Amidala of Naboo.
Upon returning to Coruscant, Qui-Gon Jinn brought a young Anakin Skywalker before the Jedi Council, requesting permission to train him once Obi-Wan Kenobi had completed the trials required to become a Jedi Knight, as Jedi were only allowed to have one apprentice at a time. Yoda, as the teacher of many Council members and its most respected and venerable figure, played a crucial role in the Council's initial decision to reject the request. Yoda believed that the boy was clearly affected by his years as a slave and that he still held too tightly to the memory of his mother to be trained safely. Yoda felt that the boy's future was clouded. However, Qui-Gon continued to insist that Skywalker was the Chosen One, destined to bring balance to the Force.
In addition to this supposed Chosen One, Qui-Gon brought news of the Sith's return. While he and the Queen's entourage were preparing to leave the planet of Tatooine after having their damaged ship repaired, a figure who appeared to be a Sith Lord confronted the Jedi Master in a lightsaber duel.

After the Senate failed to respond to her pleas for assistance, Queen Amidala called for a vote of no confidence in Supreme Chancellor Valorum's leadership before returning to Naboo, where she successfully led a revolt against the Trade Federation's occupation. During this battle, Qui-Gon's mysterious attacker reappeared and successfully killed him, although Obi-Wan Kenobi defeated the attacker in turn. Yoda and others on the Council realized that the Sith had indeed returned, but it remained unclear whether the attacker Kenobi "killed" was the Sith Master or apprentice.

Following Amidala's call for a vote of no confidence in Valorum's leadership of the Senate, Naboo's own senator, Palpatine, was elected as the new Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. Additionally, against Yoda's wishes, the Council granted Obi-Wan, now a Jedi Knight, permission to train Anakin Skywalker as a Jedi. Yoda voiced his disapproval of the Council's decision but reluctantly conceded when he learned that Obi-Wan was willing to defy the Council's decision if it meant fulfilling Qui-Gon's final wish.
Around 31 BBY, the Human Len Markus seized the Darkstaff, an ancient dark side artifact, from the Cularin asteroid belt, which caused the Cularin system to disappear from the galaxy for a decade. The event caused a surge of dark-side energy that was so powerful that it nearly hospitalized Yoda. However, despite the physical absence of the system, Yoda could sense that its inhabitants were still alive.
Seven years after the events on Naboo, Yoda embarked on a negotiation mission to Mawan alongside Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Yaddle. Their objective was to resolve a devastating civil war among three crime gangs. These gangs, led by Decca the Hutt, Feeana Tala, and Striker, forced the remaining population to seek refuge underground. Unbeknownst to them, the chaotic planet was a trap set for the Jedi by Striker, who was actually Granta Omega, the son of Xanatos. After kidnapping Anakin, he released a deadly chemical weapon that Yaddle intercepted, resulting in her death as she absorbed it through the Force. However, her sacrifice saved the city of Naatan. The weapon was intended by its vengeful creator to kill thousands if he was betrayed by any opposition, and was his insurance for escape offworld, but it failed because of Yaddle's actions. Anakin and Obi-Wan managed to bring peace to Mawan, but Anakin still felt responsible for the death of the Jedi High Council member. Despite the loss of Yaddle, Yoda managed to convince Decca to evacuate her illegal operations by "suggesting" that the Jedi Council might build a Temple on the planet, which was more than enough to make the criminal flee.
Fueled by the Senate's failure to even vote on the Financial Reform Act, many planets, systems, and corporations began to secede from the Republic. Of particular concern to the Jedi, especially Yoda, was the fact that the disillusioned former Jedi Count Dooku, a former student of Yoda, was the leading voice among these Separatists.

The Senate's members, observing the escalating danger, advocated for a Military Creation Act. This legislation aimed to grant Supreme Chancellor Palpatine the authority to establish a Republic army. Senator Padmé Amidala, formerly Queen of Naboo, spearheaded the opposition to this act. Upon her arrival on Coruscant to participate in the vote, an assassination attempt targeted Amidala, though she survived the ordeal.
Deeply troubled, the Jedi Council tasked Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, with ensuring the Senator's safety. Following a subsequent attempt on Amidala's life, Kenobi and Skywalker apprehended the responsible bounty hunter. However, during interrogation, a second bounty hunter fatally poisoned her with a toxic dart.
The Council instructed Kenobi to investigate the second bounty hunter's origins, while Skywalker escorted Amidala to the security of her home planet. Yoda aided Kenobi in uncovering the mystery surrounding the missing planet Kamino, where the toxic dart originated. Yoda suspected that specific files had been deliberately erased from the Jedi Archives for reasons unknown. Disturbingly, only a Jedi possessed the capability to remove those files.
Upon reaching Kamino, Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered the creation of a massive clone army, ostensibly under the orders of the deceased Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. Kenobi informed Masters Mace Windu and Yoda, the Council's senior members, who were unaware of the existence of a clone army. Obi-Wan was convinced that the clone army's template, a bounty hunter named Jango Fett, was the same bounty hunter involved in the attempts against Senator Amidala.
While awaiting Kenobi's report, Yoda entered a meditative state. He perceived the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn's spirit and sensed that something had befallen Anakin Skywalker. He confided in Windu that the young Padawan was experiencing "pain. Terrible pain."
Kenobi tracked Fett to Geonosis but was captured while reporting his discovery that Count Dooku had united powerful corporations into a Confederacy of Independent Systems. This prompted the Senate to grant emergency powers to the Chancellor, enabling him to authorize the Grand Army of the Republic. Simultaneously, Senator Amidala and Anakin Skywalker attempted to rescue Kenobi, only to be captured themselves. In response, Master Windu assembled a team to rescue the captured trio, while Yoda traveled to Kamino to uncover the truth about the clone army and deploy some of those troops to Geonosis.

Windu and the Jedi faced a vast droid army commanded by Count Dooku, with only a few surviving until Yoda, now a General, arrived with a contingent of the new clone army. Yoda took command of the Republic forces before sensing a disturbance in the Force.
After Dooku severely injured Skywalker and Kenobi, Master Yoda confronted him in a hangar. Yoda deflected Dooku's Force abilities, including Force lightning, and realized that Dooku had embraced the dark side, becoming a Sith Lord. A lightsaber duel commenced, with Dooku initially holding his own against his former master. However, as the battle progressed, the Jedi Grand Master displayed incredible speed and agility, overwhelming Dooku. Moreover, Yoda possessed blade skills equal to or surpassing the Makashi master, a feat matched by only one other being in the galaxy. Yoda nearly defeated Dooku, but the Sith Lord used the Force to drop a pillar on Obi-Wan and Anakin. While Yoda focused on preventing the massive structure from crushing the two Jedi, Dooku escaped.
Although the Republic, under Yoda's command, won the First Battle of Geonosis, many Jedi perished. More significantly, the thousand-year peace since the Seventh Battle of Ruusan came to an end. Yoda foresaw that the Clone Wars would be a prolonged and turbulent era for both the Republic and the Jedi Order, profoundly impacting the galaxy. During the Clone Wars, Yoda, alongside numerous other Jedi Masters, was compelled to serve as a general, fighting in various battles for the Republic across numerous worlds.

Shortly after the war's commencement, Yoda succeeded Mace Windu as Master of the Order. Early in the conflict, Yoda engaged in front-line combat at the Battle of Axion, leading clone troopers into battle while riding his kybuck steed. On that contested world, he saved the life of Commander [Brolis], defeating a Hailfire droid in single combat. Around the time of the Battle of Muunilinst, Yoda, aided by Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo, rescued Jedi Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee after the Crystal Caves on Ilum were destroyed by chameleon droids. Yoda sensed Unduli and Offee's danger through the Force and eliminated dozens of chameleon droids during his rescue mission. On Ilum, Yoda discovered that Dooku's treachery was even deeper than he had thought, as the former Jedi Master had ordered the attack on the crystal temple.

Yoda had already lost his former Padawan to the dark side before the war, but during the conflict, he lost another close friend. King Alaric of Thustra planned to secede his homeworld to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, intending to rejoin the Republic once the corruption he had witnessed was eradicated. Yoda traveled to Thustra to reason with Alaric, but his old friend remained resolute, leading to his world's involvement in battle. Unwilling to accept the state of his world, Alaric drew a blaster on Yoda, knowing his friend would be compelled to defend himself. Left with no alternative, Yoda deflected the bolt, striking the King. Yoda mourned his friend's demise, but he was more concerned that he had been forced to draw his blade in battle, fearing he would have to do so again in future conflicts.
The Jedi Grand Master also oversaw many missions from the Jedi Temple, analyzing intelligence reports and collaborating with the Council to determine appropriate actions. He learned from Obi-Wan Kenobi that Dexter Jettster was a trustworthy informant and soon placed his trust in Bail Organa after the senator revealed information about a previously unknown Sith planet called Zigoola. Kenobi and Organa departed to neutralize the planet, while Yoda and Mace Windu meditated and provided support from afar, sensing the mission's completion and requesting Padmé Amidala to retrieve them.
When the Republic was contacted by crime lord Jabba the Hutt regarding his missing son, Rotta, and offered the Republic access to Hutt hyperspace lanes in exchange for rescuing the Huttlet, it became clear that Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were the only available Jedi for the mission. However, they were engaged in an ongoing conflict on Christophsis, and communication was impossible. Therefore, Yoda dispatched a youngling, Ahsoka Tano, to inform them of their new mission and assigned her as Skywalker's Padawan. The trio successfully rescued Jabba's son, granting the Republic access to unknown Hutt hyperspace lanes, an advantage the Confederacy lacked.

Shortly thereafter, Yoda was chosen to lead diplomatic efforts with the Toydarian King Katuunko, as the Republic desired to establish a base in his system to further combat the Confederacy in the Outer Rim Territories. However, the Confederacy intercepted communications between the king and the Republic using the newly constructed Skytop Station. Separatist leader Count Dooku, hoping to undermine the negotiations, sent his apprentice Asajj Ventress to the neutral moon of Rugosa, where the negotiations were scheduled. Upon Master Yoda's warship's arrival at Rugosa, it was immediately attacked by several Separatist cruisers. Undeterred, Yoda escaped the chaos in an escape pod with three clone troopers, landing safely on the moon's surface.
Once on the moon, the Jedi Grand Master contacted Katuunko and, after learning of Ventress's presence, agreed to a wager: if Yoda defeated Ventress's best troops, Toydaria would join the Republic; if Ventress's forces overwhelmed Yoda, the king would ally his system with the Confederacy. Katuunko insisted that Ventress ensure Yoda received a fair fight, to which she agreed. Upon returning to her base, Ventress informed Dooku that her forces were being deployed. However, she did not intend to give Yoda a fair fight and tasked the recently promoted 224 with leading the droid forces, preparing to ambush the Republic's diplomatic squad. Led by 224 in his Armored Assault Tank, the main column of Confederate forces advanced into the jungle. Yoda and his men took a different route to the rendezvous point, as the Jedi Master was sure that their enemies were already on their way. The droids began to move through the coral of the jungle, but the dense foliage hindered the tanks' progress.

Yoda and the clones separated, seeking to exploit their surroundings. The clones engaged a squad of B1 battle droids from the south and defeated them, but B2 super battle droids then attacked, forcing the three clones to flee. Meanwhile, Yoda single-handedly defeated an entire squad of droids without using his lightsaber. CC-4477 was struck in the leg by a rocket fired by a B2-HA series super battle droid. Yoda intervened, using the Force to turn around a battle droid and destroy the remaining squad. Droidekas soon appeared, forcing the Republic forces to retreat. Yoda, clinging to CC-4477's back, deflected the lasers at a nearby tall formation of land coral, crushing the droids and allowing the four to escape to a cave to rest. The clones realized they were low on ammunition, but the Jedi Master shared his wisdom to inspire them.
Hearing the droids approaching in the distance, Yoda and the clones left the cave. The Jedi and his men reached a ridge overlooking the advancing droids, which were passing through a narrow pathway. Yoda left the clones on the ridge and confronted three tanks and a large number of droids alone. The Jedi Master destroyed them all, including 224, amusing Katuunko and angering Ventress. However, Ventress did not surrender easily; she violated the terms of the competition by secretly sending droidekas to eliminate the Jedi Master. As Yoda destroyed the last Confederate tank, the droidekas arrived, and the Jedi Master began deflecting their laser attacks. CC-4477 launched the last of the rockets at an overhanging rock above the canyon, causing an avalanche that crushed the droids. Yoda then led the clones to the rendezvous point, remarking on their tardiness.
Katuunko was greatly amused by the droids' defeat. Through a holotransmission, the king informed Dooku that one Jedi was worth not a hundred battle droids, but a thousand, and declared that he would be joining the Republic. The count urged him to reconsider, but the Toydarian king refused to deal with those who broke their promises, as Ventress had violated the competition's terms. Realizing his plan had failed, Dooku ordered Ventress to assassinate the king, believing negotiations would be smoother with his successor. Katuunko's guards attempted to stop the Dark Acolyte, but Ventress merely Force-pushed them aside, rendering them unconscious. As Ventress attacked the king with her paired lightsabers, Yoda intervened, arriving in time to save him.

Yoda used the Force to prevent the Dark Acolyte's death blow. As Ventress's droid escorts were dispatched by the clones, Yoda disarmed Ventress herself. After examining her lightsabers, the Jedi returned them to her, demonstrating their ineffectiveness against his telekinesis and remarking that she had much to learn. Outnumbered, Ventress was advised by Yoda to surrender. To escape, Ventress detonated pre-planted explosives, causing the hillside near the Republic forces to collapse. Yoda was forced to telekinetically stop the rocks from crushing them, allowing Ventress to flee to her ship. Dooku, observing the events through the holoprojector, expressed his regret at not being present before departing.
With the Confederate threat neutralized, Yoda was able to negotiate with Katuunko. The king stated that discussions were unnecessary, as the Jedi had already proven his worth. Katuunko presented his ceremonial sword to Yoda and entrusted him with his planet's protection, pledging Toydaria's support to the Republic and declaring it an honor to fight alongside them.
Following the emergence of a mysterious Separatist super weapon that ambushed and eliminated several Republic fleets, Yoda and the Council dispatched Jedi Master Plo Koon to locate the unknown threat. After discovering the weapon, Master Koon contacted Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi general nearest to him. However, Koon's communication systems were jammed during the transmission, and the Republic lost contact with his fleet. Masters Yoda, Windu, and Kenobi, along with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, agreed that sending a task force to search for survivors of the latest attack would be risky. Nevertheless, Skywalker disobeyed their orders and, through his Padawan Ahsoka Tano's unique Force connection to Master Koon, rescued the stranded Jedi Master and his remaining troops. With Master Koon alive to report on the nature of the Separatist weapon, the Republic learned that the Separatists had acquired giant ion cannons capable of disabling any fleet.

A plan conceived and executed by Skywalker successfully destroyed the Malevolence's primary weapon. Later, during a mission to rescue the captive Senator Amidala of Naboo, the massive warship was rigged to crash into a nearby moon, destroying it and eliminating the threat it posed to the Republic.
Shortly thereafter, Senator Amidala captured the prominent Separatist leader Nute Gunray on Rodia. Consequently, the Council sent Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and Padawan Ahsoka Tano to escort the viceroy to Coruscant, where he would be tried for war crimes. While guarding the viceroy, Master Unduli was instructed to interrogate him, hoping to uncover important Separatist secrets.
However, Unduli's starship was attacked by Separatists and boarded by numerous droids. Although Unduli defeated the droids, she was unprepared for the far greater adversary that had infiltrated the ship: Asajj Ventress. Ventress fought Unduli and Tano, holding them off while her secret ally, the Senate Commando Faro Argyus, betrayed his comrades and rescued Gunray. Upon learning of this, Ventress escaped the Jedi, who were left to explain the catastrophe to Master Yoda.

Yoda was particularly disturbed by Argyus's betrayal, as he believed it revealed that the Republic's enemies were pervasive. Nevertheless, he supported Master Unduli's suggestion that Master Kit Fisto attempt to recapture Gunray, whose escape ship had been tracked, as the Nautolan's fleet was closer to the viceroy's last known location.
However, Fisto's mission largely became a futile pursuit. Instead of recapturing Gunray, the Nautolan was forced to duel General Grievous and witness his former Padawan, Nahdar Vebb, perish at the cyborg's hands. After escaping, Fisto reported to the Council, represented by Mace Windu and Yoda. Yoda lamented that Vebb's death was primarily due to his own arrogance and feared that the war risked the Jedi losing their very essence.
Skywalker and Kenobi later launched a mission to capture the heart of the Confederacy, Count Dooku, but they failed. However, lowly pirates succeeded where Skywalker and Kenobi failed and contacted the Chancellor's office, demanding a reward for the Sith Lord's return. Yoda confirmed that the lightsaber wielded by the pirate organization's leader, Hondo Ohnaka, belonged to his former apprentice.
On Senator Amidala's advice, the Council sent Kenobi and Skywalker to confirm Dooku's capture, which they did. However, Ohnaka captured them as well as Dooku, hoping to extract a larger reward from the Republic. Although Skywalker and Kenobi ultimately escaped with the aid of Republic dignitaries sent to deliver the reward, it cost the life of the respected Senator Kharrus, while Dooku evaded capture.

Later, the Naboo contacted the Council, requesting Masters Windu and Yoda to send two Jedi, specifically Kenobi and Skywalker due to their relations with the native Gungans, to investigate a Separatist bio-lab believed to be located on the planet. While the Jedi discovered the lab and prepared its resident scientist, Dr. Nuvo Vindi, for trial, a deadly virus he had created, the Blue Shadow Virus, was released, infecting Senator Amidala and Ahsoka Tano. They received the rare antidote before the virus could kill them.
Later, when Master Windu led an assault on the planet Ryloth to liberate the Twi'leki population from Separatist occupation, Yoda remained on Coruscant. However, the diminutive Jedi Master served as an advisor to Windu and participated in tactical discussions regarding the capture of the capital city of Lessu. Yoda advised Windu that it was crucial to capture the Separatist leader Wat Tambor, who was responsible for the occupation of Ryloth, to hold him accountable for his war crimes. Ultimately, Windu agreed with Master Yoda and successfully captured the Separatist Council member at the conclusion of the Battle of Ryloth.
Following the First Battle of Felucia, Master Yoda presided over a Jedi Council meeting where it was reported that Padawan Ahsoka Tano had disobeyed orders from her superior Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. As punishment, Ahsoka was assigned to guard the Jedi Archives, removing her from the battlefield.
Later, while discussing the impact of the defeat at Felucia on Republic war efforts with Master Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, Yoda experienced a Force disturbance revealing that intruders planned to infiltrate the Jedi Temple. Kenobi and Skywalker mistakenly assumed that the intruders intended to steal the Jedi Order's transmission codes and focused their efforts on securing them. Yoda later sensed the intruders' arrival and suggested to Kenobi and Skywalker that their enemies might target the Jedi Temple communication center. The Grand Master then met there with Masters Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, and Aayla Secura after placing the Temple on high alert.

As Kenobi and Skywalker pursued the unknown individuals through the Temple's air ducts, Master Yoda came to the conclusion that the intruders were probably receiving assistance from an insider, given how effectively they evaded the two Jedi on their trail. Therefore, the small Jedi Master got in touch with Ahsoka Tano and warned her that he sensed treachery and that someone was in the Archives pretending to be a Jedi. Thankfully, Tano managed to apprehend the pretender, a Clawdite changeling by the name of Cato Parasitti. She had been disguising herself as Master Jocasta Nu and providing her employer, Cad Bane, with data from the Jedi Archives.
Regardless, Bane's strategy proved successful. He managed to keep the Jedi distracted for enough time to infiltrate the Holocron Chamber and pilfer a Jedi holocron, as instructed by the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. However, Parasitti informed the Jedi that Bane's subsequent target was Jedi Master Bolla Ropal. This enabled the Jedi to surmise that Bane was seeking the Kyber memory crystal held by Ropal. When combined with a holocron, it would reveal a roster of all known Force-sensitive children throughout the galaxy.
Skywalker and Tano were dispatched to safeguard Master Ropal, but they arrived too late. Ropal was taken prisoner and perished under duress, refusing to utilize the Force to assist Bane in uniting the holocron and Kyber crystal. Nevertheless, the Jedi thought Bane himself had been killed during the Battle of Devaron, though it was later revealed that he had lived. Before staging his death, Bane managed to persuade Skywalker to unite the holocron and memory crystal. Consequently, the bounty hunter started gathering the Force-sensitive children on behalf of Sidious.
Later on, Yoda guided Windu, Kenobi, and Skywalker in employing the Force to pinpoint which children Bane would target. Yoda sensed that a child on Rodia was in danger, as was another on Naboo. However, when Master Windu asserted that Bane was targeting a child from Glee Anselm, Yoda disclosed that the bounty hunter had already claimed the infant and that the dark side obscured its fate. Kenobi was unable to prevent Bane from abducting the Rodian, but Skywalker and his Padawan apprehended Bane when he ventured to Naboo.
Following this, Masters Kenobi and Windu used Bane to locate the stolen holocron, although the bounty hunter managed to escape during the process. Yet, even without Bane, Skywalker and his Padawan uncovered a clandestine facility on Mustafar where the captured children were being held, and they ultimately rescued them.

When Supreme Chancellor Palpatine discovered the Zillo Beast on Malastare and gave the order to bring it to Coruscant for research purposes, it wasted no time in escaping and heading straight for the Senate building. This situation necessitated the intervention of Yoda and the Jedi Order. Disregarding Mace Windu's suggestion to use stun rays to shoot the beast down, Yoda and Aayla Secura climbed onto the beast's back, using their lightsabers to distract it and provide Republic forces with the necessary time to rescue the shuttle, which held Palpatine, Anakin Skywalker, and Padmé Amidala, from the creature's grasp. Once all the shuttle's occupants were safe, Yoda assisted Secura and Skywalker in shielding the group from the toxin-bombs that were detonated to eliminate the beast.
Subsequently, Yoda and Mace Windu showed Obi-Wan Kenobi footage of a recent massacre that had occurred on Devaron. In this massacre, Jedi Master Halsey and his Padawan Knox had been brutally murdered by an unknown assassin. The footage left Kenobi perplexed, as he believed he had already killed the Sith Lord Darth Maul. However, Yoda pointed out that the creature belonged to the same species from Dathomir. Yoda assigned Kenobi the task of going to Dathomir to locate and defeat this threat.
Later on, the Jedi Council received a puzzling transmission that was over two millennia old. After reviewing the ancient transmission, the Council dispatched Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano to investigate whether it was a Separatist trap. As a safety measure, they sent a heavily armed fleet to accompany them.
Upon the trio's return, Yoda learned from Kenobi that they had encountered three beings: the Father, the Son, and the Daughter, who mirrored the light and dark sides of the Force.
Jedi Master and council member Even Piell was taken prisoner by Separatist forces after successfully recovering the Nexus Route coordinates, which were vital to the war effort. Consequently, the Jedi Council organized a rescue attempt, placing Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker in charge. Ahsoka Tano also joined the mission, defying orders to remain behind.
However, the rescue attempt was unsuccessful, leading to the team splitting up and later reuniting after their ship was destroyed. Yoda, Mace Windu, Saesee Tiin, and Plo Koon then launched a rescue mission for the team. Koon, Tiin, Adi Gallia, and Kit Fisto successfully extracted them, but Piell tragically lost his life.
With the coordinates now in the possession of both Ahsoka Tano and Piell's Captain Wilhuff Tarkin, Yoda decided to meet with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, as Tano had promised Piell to give the coordinates to the Council, while Tarkin had pledged to give them to the Chancellor.
Ahsoka Tano disappeared during a battle on the planet of Felucia. After some time had passed, a ship piloted by bounty hunters Sugi and Seripas arrived at the Jedi Temple carrying a group of Wookiees and two Jedi younglings. Among them was Tano. Yoda and Mace Windu observed as Tano and Anakin Skywalker exchanged expressions of mutual respect and satisfaction.
Yoda and Mace Windu then established contact with Anakin Skywalker, Gial Ackbar, and Senator Amidala, who were on Dac to ease tensions between the Mon Calamari and the Separatist-aligned Quarren. When Kit Fisto and Ahsoka Tano went to assist their forces on the planet, they soon lost contact after the Republic forces were nearly decimated by Separatist commander Riff Tamson.
In response to this situation, the Jedi convened a special session to discuss their next course of action. Saesee Tiin proposed that they seek out a nearby underwater race with an army to support their allies, and Obi-Wan Kenobi suggested Naboo. Yoda then contacted the Gungan boss, Lyonie, who dispatched Jar Jar Binks to lead the army to Mon Cala.
Yoda then made contact with Governor Roshti of the planet Kiros to caution him against trusting Dooku and the Separatist cause. Roshti replied that it was beyond his control, as the Separatists had already arrived. Yoda assured him that he would send assistance in the form of Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano, along with their forces.
Shortly after they achieved victory in a battle there, the three appeared in holographic form alongside Admiral Wullf Yularen, who reported that he had conducted a scan but found none of the Togruta colonists, who were not even present on the planet.
The criminal mastermind Moralo Eval devised a plan to kidnap Supreme Chancellor Palpatine at the Festival of Light on Naboo, with the assistance of Dooku and a group of bounty hunters. The Jedi attempted to negotiate with Eval for information, but to no avail. Therefore, they formulated their own plan to foil the attack. Obi-Wan Kenobi would fake his own death through assassination and then pose as the killer to infiltrate Dooku's team and provide them with information about the attack.
Once the plan was executed, Yoda attended the mock funeral for Kenobi and later met with Mace Windu as Kenobi underwent his facial transformation. Yoda and Windu received various communications from Kenobi, and later, Kenobi revealed the truth about his "demise" to Anakin Skywalker. With Kenobi's assistance, Dooku fled, the Chancellor was rescued, and Eval, Cad Bane, Twazzi, and Embo were apprehended in Theed.
The Jedi subsequently received a transmission that originated from the Outer Rim world of Raydonia. To the Jedi's horror, the person who sent the communication was the presumed-dead Sith Lord Darth Maul, the same individual who had murdered Qui-Gon Jinn eleven years prior.
Maul threatened that if Kenobi did not confront him, he would destroy the planet, after he killed a group of people in the communication. Kenobi confidently stated that he could defeat Maul as he had done before and departed for Raydonia. Mace Windu voiced his doubts about Kenobi's skill, but Yoda suggested that he might gain an unexpected ally in his quest.
Kenobi returned, and the Jedi learned that Maul had joined forces with his brother, Savage Opress, the same individual who had massacred the forces at Devaron. Numerous teams were dispatched to capture the two Nightbrothers on various worlds, including Pleem's Nexus, Orto Norwe, Paklan, and Moorjhone. Each Jedi met their demise at the hands of the two Sith, with Bruu Jun-Fan, Ko Solok, Grohto, Judd, and Salmara all losing their lives.
Kenobi and Adi Gallia soon tracked the two Sith from their last known location to Florrum, where Master Gallia was killed. Yoda, Windu, Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker met with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to inform him of Maul's return and his future plans, but the Chancellor dismissed it, believing that Kenobi was taking it too personally. Yoda reaffirmed this, but stated that when they resurfaced, the Jedi would act swiftly.
Yoda attended a session of the Jedi Council when rebels Saw Gerrera and Lux Bonteri sent a transmission pleading for assistance in the rebellion against the Separatist droid army led by the corrupt ruler King Sanjay Rash, who had ousted the previous monarch.
The Council stated that they would not intervene in their affairs, as the planet had made its intentions clear at the start of the war, but they promised to send some of their own to train and advise them. Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, and Captain Rex were sent.

Yoda then journeyed to Ilum, where he awaited Ahsoka Tano and a group of initiates who had been deemed ready to construct their own lightsabers in the ancient ritual known as the Gathering. When Tano arrived with the younglings at the temple there, Yoda displayed his own lightsaber and explained to them what they needed to do.
When the younglings entered to find their own crystal, Petro was the first to emerge, but Yoda was quick to point out his flaw of certainty and explained that while he had found a crystal, he had brought back a water crystal. He instructed Petro to return inside. The other younglings, Gungi, Byph, Ganodi, Katooni, and Zatt, each emerged later. The students then proceeded to create their personal lightsabers.

During the height of the war, Barriss Offee, with the assistance of Letta Turmond, bombed the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Yoda then instructed Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano to return from Cato Neimoidia to aid in the investigation, refusing to trust anyone who had been present in the temple during the bombing. Although Yoda's judgment was clouded, he continued to guide the Jedi as the leader of the Council.
Turmond was apprehended by Skywalker and Tano. While imprisoned, she requested to speak with Tano, stating that Tano was the only one she could trust. When Turmond was strangled to death via the Force, and several clones were murdered with a lightsaber, Republic Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin accused Tano of being the mastermind behind the attack. After Tano escaped from prison, desperate to prove her innocence, Tarkin ordered her capture. This led to a manhunt led by Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex, during which Tano lost her shoto-style lightsaber and fled.
After Tano evaded her master and escaped to the Underworld, Yoda instructed Skywalker and Plo Koon to track her down and bring her back to the temple. Tano was quickly captured by Asajj Ventress, who had become a bounty hunter after being betrayed by Dooku. Ventress agreed to assist the young Padawan in exchange for a pardon for her crimes as a Sith. Tano contacted Barriss Offee at the Jedi temple. Offee lured Tano into a trap, claiming that she could find evidence to prove her innocence by going to a warehouse on Level 1315. There, Offee ambushed Ventress, stealing her lightsabers and mask. She attacked Tano, knocking her unconscious in front of crates of nano-droids and effectively framing her for the bombing.
Tano was eventually brought back to the temple, where Yoda reluctantly agreed to expel her from the Jedi Order and have her face a Republic military tribunal before the Senate. Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Plo Koon, and several other members of the Jedi Council were present in the Senate Chambers when Skywalker brought Barriss Offee before the Chancellor, where she confessed to being responsible for the bombings and for framing Tano. In light of this revelation, Yoda and the rest of the Council personally invited Tano to rejoin the Order, but she declined and left. Yoda would later regret the Council's decision and began to question the doctrine of the war.

Prior to the war, Darth Sidious and his apprentice, Darth Tyranus, secretly created the Clone Army with the assistance of an unsuspecting Sifo-Dyas, who had foreseen visions of a conflict. Once this was accomplished, they had organic inhibitor chips implanted in the clones' brains. These chips compelled the clones to carry out any order given by Palpatine, which in this case was to execute the Jedi. With a single command, the clones would enter a trance-like state and carry out whatever orders they received.
During the Battle of Ringo Vinda, Clone Trooper Tup murdered Jedi Master Tiplar when his inhibitor chip was activated prematurely. Sidious ordered Tyranus to apprehend Tup to prevent the Jedi from uncovering the truth. Tup was eventually sent to Kamino after Anakin Skywalker, Captain Rex, and ARC trooper Fives managed to recover Tup from a Separatist Transport.
After escorting Tup to Kamino, Fives and Rex were greeted by Jedi Master Shaak Ti, along with the primary developer of the clones, Kaminoan scientist Nala Se. Rex returned to Ringo Vinda, while Fives remained on Kamino to undergo examination in case he had a similar issue. Disagreements over the tests led to a debate. While Shaak Ti recommended a brain scan, Nala Se suggested terminating the clone and performing an autopsy to isolate the case. Shaak Ti contacted the Jedi Temple, where Yoda, along with Obi-Wan Kenobi, decided that Tup should be brought to the temple to be examined through the Force.
Unbeknownst to the Jedi, the Kaminoans were aware of the inhibitor chips and were collaborating with Count Dooku, who used his Sith name, Tyranus, to prevent the Jedi from making the connection. Dooku ordered that Tup be terminated and that the chip be sent to him for examination.
Angered by Nala Se and Master Ti's treatment of Tup, Fives escaped the medical center and embarked on his own plan. Fives faked his departure from the planet but remained to try and save Tup and uncover the truth. He and the medical droid AZI-3 managed to perform a brain scan on Tup, revealing the existence of the inhibitor chips. Fives had the droid remove the chip from his and Tup's brains. Sadly, the already weakened Tup died shortly after the operation, whispering his last words to Fives. Fives blamed Nala Se for Tup's death. Suspecting the Kaminoans of treachery, and with Master Ti's support, Fives insisted on presenting his evidence and the removed chips directly to Palpatine. Fives was eventually brought to Coruscant at Shaak Ti's request, where he was brought before the Chancellor. As the ship landed, Nala Se drugged Fives, causing him to act erratically.
When Fives attempted to assassinate Palpatine, Yoda and the rest of the Jedi Council ordered Anakin Skywalker to investigate. Fives was ultimately killed, and Yoda was informed that the doctors had found another cause and that a vaccination had been prepared in case of a future incident.
Some time later, the Jedi received a distress signal from a moon near Oba Diah. Plo Koon and Commander Wolffe, who were sent to investigate, discovered the remains of a shuttle and the lightsaber of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, who had been killed around the time of the Battle of Naboo while dealing with a conflict on Felucia. Upon reviewing the temple archives, Jocasta Nu and the Jedi discovered that the information had been sealed by order of the Supreme Chancellor. While sending Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi to Felucia, Yoda went to speak with Chancellor Palpatine. The latter directed Yoda to Finis Valorum, who had been Supreme Chancellor when these events took place. Anakin and Obi-Wan attempted to communicate with the native tribe on Felucia but were unable to understand them. However, they did learn that a second Jedi had appeared with Sifo-Dyas.

Valorum informed Yoda that he had sent Sifo-Dyas to negotiate with the Pyke Syndicate to halt a burgeoning drug trade beneath Coruscant. Valorum also disclosed that he had kept this secret, fearing his opponents in the bureaucracy. The talks were postponed after the Council sent Sifo-Dyas to intervene on Felucia. Valorum was unable to identify the second Jedi but did mention that his assistant, Silman, was with Sifo-Dyas when he was shot down.
Eventually, Yoda dispatched Anakin and Obi-Wan to Oba Diah, where they learned that the Pykes had been paid to shoot down the ship carrying Sifo-Dyas but had kept Silman captive as leverage. They also discovered that Dooku was, in fact, the individual known as Tyranus, leading them to realize that Dooku had impersonated Sifo-Dyas to help advance the Clone Wars. Yoda, unsure of how to stop the plot, suggested that the Jedi keep the discovery a secret and continue playing the Sith Lord's game.

While meditating towards the end of the war, Yoda heard the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn, who demonstrated his presence by levitating Yoda. The encounter left Yoda distracted during the subsequent Council gathering, causing concern among the members that the stresses of the war were finally taking a toll on him. While strolling through the Temple gardens, Yoda was greeted by Anakin. Yoda inquired about Anakin's encounter with Qui-Gon's spirit on Mortis, which Anakin had dismissed as a trick, noting the Jedi belief that one could not retain their identity after becoming one with the Force. Yoda responded that he now questioned this dogma.
Yoda confessed what had happened to the Council, much to their disbelief. They agreed to meditate with him to verify his experience. Despite meditating together for an entire day, they were unable to hear anything. Ki-Adi Mundi expressed concern that Yoda had become susceptible to Sith manipulation, so Yoda underwent medical tests that revealed he was still in good health. Jedi Doctor Rig Nema suggested that Yoda undergo a deprivation ritual that would allow him to meditate more strongly and find the source of the voice.
Agreeing to the suggestion, Yoda was suspended in a liquid tank with an oxygen mask to bring him as close as possible to death without actually becoming one with the Force. While unconscious, Qui-Gon's voice requested that Yoda go to Dagobah and tell no one about it. Afterward, Obi-Wan broke open the tank due to his concern over Yoda's failing life signs.
Confined to bedrest and under guard, Yoda convinced Anakin to help him escape by pretending that they were simply going for a walk together. Guided to the Jedi Temple Hangar, Anakin lent Yoda his astromech droid R2-D2 to accompany him to his personal interceptor. Yoda and R2-D2 flew to Dagobah, where Yoda asked the droid to stay with their ship while he found a clearing to meditate.

Qui-Gon's voice reached him. Yoda questioned why he was unable to perceive him. Qui-Gon clarified that his training had not been comprehensive enough for such an ability. The Living Force manifested before Yoda as glowing insects, leading him to a dark side cave, where the Jedi Master saw a vision of a future Sith Lord in a hood, decimating the Jedi Order. Qui-Gon comforted the troubled Yoda, promising to guide him toward a hopeful future, and instructed him to journey to the planet of midi-chlorian origin.
Upon arrival, Yoda entrusted his lightsaber to R2-D2 for protection and descended into the world to encounter the Force Priestesses, who consented to instruct him in achieving immortality. Initially, Yoda faced a physical representation of his inner darkness, overcoming his pride. Subsequently, he experienced a vision of the Jedi Temple massacre, wherein an illusion of Katooni beckoned him into a tranquil courtyard to escape the horror. Witnessing Qui-Gon, Kenobi, Ahsoka, and Dooku together, alive and as Jedi, Yoda discerned the deception, rejecting the temptation and his lingering attachment to those who had perished.

Tasked with finishing his trials on the Sith's original planet, Moraband, Yoda and R2-D2 traveled by ship to the valley where the ancient Sith Lords were interred. Recognizing the peril, Yoda commanded R2-D2 to return to the Jedi Temple and inform the Council if he failed to return after three nights. Phantasms of a serpent, reanimated Sith warriors, and even Darth Bane himself challenged him, but Yoda dismissed them. Entering a temple execution chamber, the Force Priestesses cautioned Yoda that the forthcoming encounter would surpass their control.
Unbeknownst to Yoda, Darth Sidious and Dooku detected his presence on Moraband, convening in a derelict tower within Coruscant's industrial district. Exploiting Dooku and Yoda's connection through the Force, Sidious intended to influence Yoda and break his spirit. Assuming the guise of Sifo-Dyas, Sidious manipulated Yoda into believing he was aboard a Republic gunship with Anakin and members of the 501st, heading to eliminate the Sith on Coruscant. Upon arrival, the clones, led by Captain Rex, charged at Dooku, only to be struck down by Sith lightning. Anakin promptly attacked Dooku while Sidious fled. Passing the fallen clones with sorrow, Yoda watched Anakin execute Dooku with dismay. Nevertheless, he abandoned Anakin and gave chase to Sidious.
Appearing on a catwalk, Yoda and Sidious activated their lightsabers and engaged in a fierce duel, moving them away from the industrial tower. Anakin eventually joined the fight, battling Sidious alongside Yoda. Yoda used a Force push to throw Sidious away, but Anakin seized the opportunity to attack Sidious while he was still grounded. The Dark Lord regained his footing and immediately choked Anakin with the Force before incapacitating him with Force lightning. Sidious then directed his lightning at Yoda, who began deflecting it with his bare hands using tutaminis, closing the distance between them. Despite their struggles, Yoda began to push Sidious backward with the strength of his counterattack before their combined powers caused an explosion that separated them. Sidious fell over the catwalk's edge, while Yoda maintained his balance. Yoda searched for the vanished Sidious, only to see him damaging the catwalk from below with his lightsaber. Yoda jumped after him, but his attention was split between using the Force to save Anakin from falling and blocking Sidious' Sith lightning with his lightsaber. After Sidious taunted him to sacrifice Anakin to focus on defeating him, Yoda lowered his lightsaber to ensure Anakin's safety, only to be struck by lightning. As the catwalk collapsed, Yoda secured Anakin's safety and prevented Sidious from escaping by cutting the catwalk with his lightsaber, pulling Sidious down as well. This incident demonstrated Yoda's selflessness and resolve to Sidious, who ended the illusion, realizing it would take more to defeat the Jedi Master.
Yoda awoke and was greeted by a Priestess, who explained he would continue his training with Qui-Gon's spirit. As she disappeared in a glow of light, Yoda had a vision of the future, including his own death. Yoda returned to the Jedi Temple, where Windu and Kenobi greeted him in the garden. Yoda claimed his journey had been uneventful but questioned if the Jedi had been wrong to wage war on the Republic's behalf. (Despite his fears, he never abandoned opposing the Sith.)

As the war neared its end, Yoda traveled to Vjun after receiving a message from Count Dooku, who claimed he wanted to change sides. Although Yoda knew Dooku was deceitful, he hoped his former student was trying to return to the light.
Yoda secretly went to Vjun with Jedi Masters Maks Leem, Jai Maruk, and their Padawans Whie Malreaux and Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy. However, Asajj Ventress found and captured them, then released new assassin droids. Ventress killed Leem and Maruk and tried to destroy the space station to kill Yoda. Yoda, with help from his media look-alike, destroyed Ventress' ship, allowing them to escape. Yoda met Dooku at Château Malreaux and confronted him about joining the dark side. Dooku tried to convert Yoda, but Yoda rejected his false promises. Yoda tried to persuade Dooku to rejoin the Jedi Order, and his words seemed to affect Dooku. However, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker's arrival strengthened Dooku's resolve, and Yoda was forced to duel him again. Like their duel on Geonosis, Dooku showed lightsaber skills almost as good as Yoda's, even managing to bypass Yoda's defenses with a small blow. Yoda and Dooku both survived, but they left the confrontation with much to think about before a victor was decided.
When fighting erupted on Argul, Yoda went there with other Jedi to help evacuate refugees from the cities. However, there were not enough transports to evacuate all the Argullians, so Yoda left, promising to return with more ships.
Yoda took control of the Sullustan task force and returned to Argul with the fleet, using it to support Republic forces. The task force quickly turned the battle in favor of the Republic, and Yoda landed with the reinforcements in a gunship. He then congratulated the surviving Jedi for their efforts.
In early 19 BBY, Yoda led a Jedi task force to deal with the Dark Jedi crisis on Bpfassh. A group of Bpfasshi Dark Jedi were causing terror and destruction throughout the Bpfassh system and the Sluis sector. The task force stopped the insurrection. Yoda personally fought the last of the Bpfasshi Dark Jedi, who escaped and commandeered Jorj Car'das's smuggling ship, in a duel that lasted a day and a half, before defeating him, or so it seemed. Mortally wounded, the Bpfasshi Jedi reached the swamp planet Dagobah, where he died. At the site of his death, a dark-side nexus formed, becoming the Dark Side Cave.
Despite these journeys, Yoda mostly stayed on Coruscant and coordinated the war effort for the Jedi. However, he traveled to Cato Neimoidia before the Battle of Coruscant to investigate the discovery of Nute Gunray's mechno-chair.
During the Battle of Coruscant, Yoda rode his kybuck into battle again, supporting Captain Fordo with impressive mounted lightsaber combat. He eventually sent the creature back to the Temple and continued fighting on foot with Mace Windu.

Despite their efforts, the Jedi could not prevent General Grievous from capturing Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, though Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi later rescued him and killed Dooku. With his hopes of turning Dooku back to the light gone, Yoda focused on finding the last Sith Lord, even though tensions between the Jedi High Council and the Office of the Supreme Chancellor were high.
In 19 BBY, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine appointed Anakin to the Jedi Council as his representative. The Council hesitated due to Skywalker's temperament but agreed to the request. Yoda again played a role in Anakin's rise in the order by denying him the rank of Jedi Master. During that discussion, the clones reported that the Wookiees were under attack, and Yoda, having been the planet's watchman, decided to go to Kashyyyk to help them.

Yoda was skilled in battle meditation and used it during the Battle of Kashyyyk, helping the Wookiees and clones fight the Separatist army.
While Yoda was on Kashyyyk, Darth Sidious ordered the clones to execute Order 66, which meant killing all Jedi. Yoda sensed his Jedi brethren dying and realized the clone troopers were responsible. He also felt Anakin Skywalker becoming Sidious's new apprentice, Darth Vader. Despite his grief, he defended himself, decapitating Commander Gree and his assistant with a single strike and stopping the rest of his former troops from killing him. With help from the Wookiees Chewbacca and Tarfful, Yoda, like Quinlan Vos, survived and escaped to meet Obi-Wan Kenobi and Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan.
Yoda and Kenobi went to the Jedi Temple to change the signal that was drawing Jedi survivors back to Coruscant into a trap. They disabled the beacon after fighting clone troopers and saw the Temple filled with the bodies of fallen Jedi, including younglings, who had been killed with a lightsaber.

As Kenobi recalibrated the signal, he felt he needed to know who was responsible for the attack. Yoda, knowing the truth about Anakin would hurt Kenobi, cautioned him before he activated the security recordings. They learned of Palpatine's Sith identity and that the Republic was now a Galactic Empire. They agreed that the two Sith Lords had to be destroyed. Yoda would stay on Coruscant to confront the Emperor in the Senate Building, while Kenobi would fight his former apprentice.
As Sidious waited for news from his apprentice, Yoda entered the office. Quickly defeating Sidious' guards by Force-pushing them into the wall, Yoda confronted Sidious, who seemed surprised he had survived and attacked him with Force lightning. Yoda fought back with a Force push that sent Sidious across the room and onto the ground. As Sidious tried to escape, Yoda jumped in front of him and drew his lightsaber. Sidious drew his own lightsaber, and the duel began.

The duel moved into the Senate, where they fought in the Chancellor's podium. They initially stalemated each other, but Yoda gained the upper hand, using his size to avoid Sidious's strikes and navigate the podium, while Sidious was restricted by the tight space. Yoda attacked with his lightsaber skills, determined to end the fight. Eventually, Yoda dislodged Sidious's lightsaber and would have killed him, but a bolt of Sith lightning forced him back. Retreating to the Senate pods, Sidious began using the Force to hurl Senate Hoverpods at him, forcing Yoda to dodge them instead of attacking Sidious. The Grand Master of the Jedi Order and the Dark Lord of the Sith were evenly matched.
As the duel continued, Yoda realized the Jedi had already lost the war. The Sith had changed, while the Jedi had only trained to re-fight the last war. He sensed Sidious was growing stronger while he was weakening. Yoda realized he had to end the duel quickly. As Sidious continued his telekinetic assault, Yoda caught one of the Senate podiums and threw it back at Sidious, who jumped out of the way. Yoda engaged Sidious again, but Sidious fired a torrent of Force lightning at Yoda. The attack knocked Yoda's lightsaber from his hand, and Yoda used tutaminis to withstand the lightning. As Sidious increased the power of his lightning, Yoda faltered. He saw a glimpse of the future, realizing he had to stay alive for the galaxy to be free of the Sith.
Yoda found the strength to resist Sidious's might and redirected the lightning back at Sidious, who was pushed back. But as Yoda seemed about to succeed, the combination of their powers caused an explosion, ending the battle. Both Masters grabbed the edge of nearby Senate pods, with Sidious barely managing to right himself. Yoda fell to the floor of the Senate Chamber. Realizing he could not defeat Sidious, Yoda fled through service pipes and met Bail Organa, who took him away in his speeder as Yoda reflected on his failure. They left for the asteroid colony of Polis Massa.

On Polis Massa, Yoda communicated with Qui-Gon Jinn, who agreed to teach him secret Whill techniques he had learned after death. He also reunited with Kenobi, who had defeated but not killed Vader. Kenobi brought a badly injured Amidala, who was treated on Polis Massa. Amidala gave birth to twins, Luke and Leia, but died soon after. Yoda decided the babies were strong in the Force. When returning to the Sundered Heart with Bail Organa and reuniting with Obi-Wan Kenobi, he decided that Luke and Leia should be hidden from Darth Vader and Darth Sidious. Only the Organas, the Lars, Kenobi, and Yoda would know of their location. He also told Obi-Wan that Qui-Gon Jinn had found a way to retain consciousness after death and would teach them this skill. Yoda would become an apprentice again.
During the Great Jedi Purge, Yoda stowed away on an automated Polis Massan barge transporting grain to the ex-Separatist world of Sluis Van. The ship briefly exited hyperspace near Dagobah. Yoda launched his escape pod and landed on the swamp planet. He spent his exile hiding on Dagobah, from the start of the Dark Times to the early Galactic Civil War.

Yoda found and healed Jorj Car'das, who had been wounded by a survivor of the Bpfasshi Dark Jedi insurrection. After Car'das left Dagobah, Yoda made his home near the Dark Side Cave, which, along with the many lifeforms, hid his presence in the Force. Yoda's imprint on the Force was hidden, as was his sanctuary from the Emperor's agents. Dagobah was one of the thirty-seven planets removed from the Jedi Archives, ensuring his anonymity.
At some point, he met the Children, cannibals whose parents had been part of a Republic survey team stranded on the planet. The Children became afraid of him and called him the "Imp."
Shortly after, Qu Rahn, another Jedi who survived Order 66, went to Dagobah and was taught by Yoda. Before the Battle of Hoth, Tash and Zak Arranda also met Yoda. During these years, he developed a taste for rootleaf stew.
When Starkiller, a clone of Darth Vader's secret apprentice, went to Dagobah to meditate, he found the entrance to a cave. Before entering, Starkiller met Yoda, unaware of his identity. Yoda assured him that his path had led him to the cave and that he would find answers inside. After Starkiller exited the cave, Yoda told him to follow his destiny.

Emperor Palpatine, in that era, increased the reward for capturing Yoda by an additional 30,000 galactic credits. Because of numerous fraudulent attempts to claim this reward, the Empire was compelled to revise the stipulations to prevent further deception. Firstly, the bounty was valid exclusively for a living individual. Secondly, the Empire instituted a mandatory death sentence for anyone attempting to fraudulently claim the bounty with a "fake Yoda," making it a non-negotiable condition. To further discourage such actions, the Empire highlighted the fate of bounty hunter Rurrk Ca'rivv, reminding everyone that Imperial authorities could easily distinguish between a venerable Jedi Master and a deceased, surgically altered, and unclothed Jawa, emphasizing the distinctive odor as the primary indicator of fraud. Shortly after this, Yoda was included among the Empire's eight most-wanted criminals, alongside figures such as Alderaanian Princess Leia Organa, former Mon Calamari senator Meena Tills, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, often featured in recruitment materials for both stormtroopers and the Imperial Army.
Around 0 BBY, Jorj Car'das reappeared on Dagobah, aggressively demanding that Yoda restore his failing health. Yoda responded by seizing Car'das' blaster and the beckon call device from his ship, tossing them into the swamp, and then scolding Car'das for squandering his second opportunity. Yoda explained that he could no longer assist him, as he was dedicating himself to preparing for the most crucial training he would ever undertake. Overwhelmed with shame, Car'das felt unable to return to his group and instead fled to Exocron, where Yoda suggested he might find assistance from the Aing-Tii monks. During his time in exile, Alliance historian Major Arhul Hextrophon eventually located Yoda and journeyed to Dagobah to meet him. Yoda initially considered erasing Hextrophon's memories but ultimately decided against it, as inflicting pain and suffering, even through memory loss, contradicted Jedi principles. Instead, Hextrophon was sworn to secrecy about Yoda's existence. He then deleted the records that had led him to Yoda's location, and it is believed that he honored his oath, only documenting his experiences in a private journal.

When Anakin Skywalker's son, Luke Skywalker, arrived on Dagobah, Yoda initially concealed his true identity, presenting himself as a simple being to assess Luke's character, although he did offer to guide Luke to Yoda. He also cautioned Luke about the dangers lurking in Dagobah's swamps, advising him to avoid the water. Upon reaching Yoda's dwelling, Luke expressed his frustration at not having yet encountered Yoda, prompting Yoda to voice his concerns to Obi-Wan Kenobi's spirit about the wisdom of training Luke. After Luke realized the creature was Yoda and committed to training under him, and after Obi-Wan reminded Yoda of his own youthful recklessness and impatience, Yoda reluctantly agreed to instruct Luke in the ways of the Force. However, he expressed reservations, sensing in Luke traits similar to his father and deeming him too old for training.

The seasoned Jedi Master accelerated Luke Skywalker's Jedi education to accommodate the limited timeframe available. On one occasion, Yoda tasked Luke Skywalker with confronting the Dragonsnake King to temper the beast's ferocity, while casually conversing with R2-D2 during the encounter. Yoda later used the Force to safeguard the droid and strike the beast with electricity, revealing this as a strategy to depose the creature, which had grown excessively powerful and disrupted the ecosystem's equilibrium. Yoda imparted new Force techniques to Luke, including short-term memory enhancement, and intensified Luke's telekinetic skills. Nevertheless, before completing his training, Luke opted to depart from Dagobah to face Darth Vader at Cloud City above Bespin and rescue his companions. Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi's spirit attempted to dissuade him, believing Luke unprepared for both Vader and the revelations that awaited him. Skywalker pledged to return to finalize his training. Obi-Wan voiced his apprehension, telling Yoda that Luke represented their last hope. Yoda swiftly reminded Kenobi that hope persisted in "another," specifically Luke's sister, Leia Organa.
Subsequently, Yoda contemplated the events that had transpired. Despite acknowledging the near-extinction of the Jedi Council and his own impending demise due to old age, he maintained his identity as a Jedi Master. Even amidst the Dark Times, he remained confident that the struggle would endure, with droids and aliens, like R2-D2 and Chewbacca, respectively, opposing the Empire. He also observed Leia Organa's resemblance to her mother, Padmé Amidala, noting the enduring impact of parental influence. However, he grew concerned about Luke and Vader, recognizing that such influence could lead to darkness, potentially transforming Luke into an agent of evil, mirroring his father's path. Yet, he also recognized Luke's inherent strength and goodness, suggesting the possibility of both preventing his descent into darkness and redeeming Anakin Skywalker. He then affirmed his belief in the light side and the eventual restoration of the Jedi Knights.

Upon Luke's return a year later, Yoda had become frail and ill, aware that his end was near. He informed Luke that his training was complete, but his final trial would involve confronting Darth Vader. He then confirmed Vader's true identity as his father and admonished him for his rash confrontation with Vader on Cloud City. He also cautioned Luke against underestimating Darth Sidious and urged him to pass on his knowledge, as the Force was strong within Luke's lineage. With his final breaths, Yoda struggled to impart his last words to Luke: "Luke. There is another Skywalker."
Yoda then passed away, his body fading as he merged with the Force. Darth Sidious eventually learned of Yoda's death by probing Luke's thoughts while he was aboard the second Death Star, and he mocked the departed Jedi Master, while Vader displayed no emotion upon hearing the news. During the celebration following the Battle of Endor, Luke gazed upon the specters of Yoda, Obi-Wan, and his redeemed father.

Unquestionably, Yoda stood as one of the most exceptionally gifted Force wielders in the annals of the Jedi Order. Beyond his Force mastery, his most prominent qualities included leadership and exceptional longevity. Living for nearly a millennium, Yoda solidified his position as the most esteemed Jedi Master throughout the Order—a distinction he held exclusively for centuries until the Republic's downfall. As the long-standing Grand Master, Yoda essentially became the iconic "face" of the Jedi. As Etain Tur-Mukan reflected, "Yoda embodied the Jedi Order," making it virtually impossible to criticize him without seeming sacrilegious.
Ironically, in this aspect, Yoda shared more similarities with his Sith counterpart, Darth Sidious, than he realized. Just as Sidious was revered as the indispensable and infallible leader of the Sith, Master Yoda held the same status within the Jedi Order. Consequently, any criticism directed at either Yoda or Sidious was automatically dismissed, and the critics were viewed with suspicion.

In 5 ABY, during Pic and Gorc's mission to abduct Qu Rahn, Pic discovered an antique lightsaber with a silver hilt, which, unbeknownst to all but Rahn, had once belonged to Grand Master Yoda. Pic attached the weapon to his belt and later wielded it against Kyle Katarn. Katarn left Pic's body, along with Gorc's, aboard the Sulon Star. At the time, Kyle was unaware that the diminutive darksider carried a weapon formerly owned by Master Yoda. Subsequently, upon realizing the saber's significance, Luke Skywalker dispatched a team of Jedi to recover it, although their success remains uncertain. The weapon and Pic's body may have remained intact on the ship, or someone else might have claimed them.
Following his death at 900 years old, Yoda preserved his individuality within the Force. As a Force ghost, he observed Leia and the Solo twins after their birth. His teachings formed the foundation for Luke's instruction of the New Jedi Order. Given the rushed nature of Yoda's lessons to Luke, much of the Jedi Order's knowledge was lost until the New Jedi Order began discovering ancient holocrons or, in some instances, libraries like the one on Ossus.
Yoda's spirit materialized on Coruscant during the births of Jacen and Jaina.
Luke was consistently impressed by Yoda's power and wisdom throughout his life, considering Yoda wiser than himself or anyone else he encountered.
Yoda's teachings to Skywalker included the history of The Ones and their encounter with Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars, which aided the Jedi in their pursuit of Abeloth.

Yoda personified the essence of a Jedi and the embodiment of Jedi ideals, making him exceptionally qualified to lead the Jedi Order. To his students, the diminutive sage could appear both rigorous and grandfatherly, alternating between pushing them to their mental and physical limits and offering warmth. Students often initially disagreed with him but gradually came to appreciate his perspectives. He firmly believed in heeding the insights of the Unifying Force while rejecting the notion that the Force was inherently "grey."
Among his peers on the Jedi High Council, he was known for his fondness for mischief and practical jokes. To all young Jedi, he was the unassuming Yoda, providing enlightened guidance and embodying the Jedi Order's ideals; as a grand master of that venerable body, he was widely regarded as a wise mentor.
Despite his strict and unwavering leadership, Yoda deeply cherished the Jedi Order and the light side. The Jedi Master was profoundly committed to the Force and its teachings. Yoda held Wookiees in high regard. He was prepared to sacrifice an opportunity to defeat and neutralize Dooku by rescuing Anakin and Kenobi when Dooku launched an attack that would have killed them. Yoda also experienced profound sorrow over Anakin Skywalker's fall and Order 66, which decimated the Jedi, even falling to his knees in grief. Furthermore, he readily acknowledged when proven wrong, as demonstrated by his humble apology to Jinn—after Jinn demonstrated the value of his unique wisdom, having acquired the ability to retain identity—for doubting him and recognizing him as a great Jedi.
Despite considerable evidence to the contrary, including notable figures like Ulic Qel-Droma, Oss Wilum, and Revan, Yoda largely adhered to the traditional belief that a Jedi seduced by the dark side was irrevocably condemned to darkness. However, during the Clone Wars, he initially held the view that no Jedi was beyond redemption and forgiveness. Even after Count Dooku betrayed the Republic and the Jedi by committing numerous atrocities as the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, Yoda once attempted to persuade his former student to abandon the dark side and return to the Jedi path, nearly succeeding in redeeming Dooku. Even as Quinlan Vos delved deeper into the dark side, Yoda maintained faith that the troubled young Jedi Master would find his way back to the light, and, unlike Dooku, Vos validated Yoda's belief in redemption.
Nevertheless, Yoda's failure to redeem Dooku, coupled with his inability to prevent the rise of the Galactic Empire, left the Grand Master more disillusioned than ever. In addition to the Republic's fall, the Jedi Order was brought to the brink of annihilation by the fallen Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, whose descent into darkness transformed him into the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Before his death, he cautioned Vader's son, Luke Skywalker, that "once a person succumbs to the dark side, their destiny will forever be governed by darkness."
Yoda spoke a distinctive form of Basic, typically placing verbs (especially auxiliaries) after the object and subject, following an object-subject-verb structure. For example, "When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not."(Listen (help·info)) This speech pattern was generally considered convoluted, and while some members of his species (e.g., Yaddle) shared this tendency to rearrange sentences, not all did (e.g., Vandar Tokare). As Ben Skywalker suggested, he purposefully spoke in this manner to ensure that people listened attentively to his words.
In his later years, Yoda walked with a cane, although he could discard it and move with agility while using the Force. One of his canes was a gift from the Wookiees. His rare gimer cane contained nutrients that could sustain him if chewed. He also used a hoverchair to navigate the Temple quickly and efficiently.
Another item unique to Master Yoda was a blissl, a pan flute-like instrument, which he wore around his neck while on Dagobah. During the Clone Wars, he often used a kybuck, a gift from a Woolwarricca princess from Kashyyyk. Yoda also possessed a unique crest that adorned his quarters.
Yoda's origins were shrouded in secrecy, and he never revealed his homeworld to anyone.
Widely regarded as the greatest Jedi Master of his era, Yoda was among the most accomplished lightsaber duelists and Force users in galactic history. Yoda's abilities astonished even the Dark Jedi Beldorion, who ranked him among three elite Jedi Masters, alongside Thon and Nomi Sunrider, who lived millennia before him. Beldorion considered the trio truly exceptional due to their prodigious talent in the Force, particularly in channeling pure light-side energies. Among all Force users in the galaxy, only Darth Sidious, potentially the most powerful Sith Lord ever, rivaled Yoda's Force mastery and lightsaber prowess.

Beyond his profound connection to the Force, Yoda possessed remarkable skill in lightsaber combat, ranking among history's greatest duelists. He was widely acknowledged as perhaps the most accomplished Jedi duelist and Swordmaster of his time, despite training as a Jedi Consular. He was known as the only Jedi capable of defeating both Mace Windu and Count Dooku. Although he rarely engaged in direct combat, Yoda's impeccable swordsmanship remained as sharp as ever. During his duel with Dooku, who had become Darth Tyranus and further honed his skills, Yoda maintained the upper hand for most of the fight and would have defeated him had Tyranus not fled. Dooku's exceptional swordsmanship, developed under Yoda's tutelage, allowed him to surpass most Jedi, save Windu and Yoda. Inconceivably, during their final encounter, the diminutive Jedi managed to land a minor blow on the master of Ataru, a feat considered virtually impossible. Further testament to Yoda's dueling prowess was his ability to fight Darth Sidious on equal terms, even disarming the Dark Lord, a feat replicated only by Luke Skywalker (empowered by his family's might and meditation) and Mace Windu. Sidious was bewildered by Yoda's speed and skill. Yoda disarmed Darth Sidious, who only survived by unleashing a massive Force lightning blast that Yoda had to block, and then by shooting Yoda's lightsaber from his hand when the Grandmaster was momentarily too slow while maneuvering around the Senate chamber. Overall, Yoda's lightsaber combat mastery marked him as the greatest duelist of his era. Sidious himself, after dueling Yoda, expressed his belief that the Grand Master would have "destroyed" Darth Vader had the young Sith faced him instead of Kenobi on Mustafar.
Yoda underwent extensive training in all seven lightsaber combat forms, achieving full mastery and knowledge of each, including their stances and techniques. Recognized as the Temple's best lightsaber instructor, his comprehensive mastery allowed him to determine the most suitable form for each student and teach them how to use their specialized form effectively. His preferred style was Form IV, which he particularly specialized in, as it compensated for his limited reach and stature. Known as the Order's greatest master of Ataru, his technique was said to consist of the pure basics of Ataru taken to their highest possible levels. Despite his advanced age and short stature, Yoda remained an exceptionally formidable duelist, displaying amazing speed and dexterity, leaping through the air and twirling as he battered at an opponent's defenses. Much of his lightsaber combat style relied on jumps and acrobatics, augmented by his mastery of Force valor. Despite the fact that Yoda's primary combat specialization was Ataru, his skill in the form was such that he was capable of effectively overcoming it's weaknesses with ease and demonstrated an extreme level of skill with regard to deflecting blaster bolts and could easily handle many opponents at once, evidenced by his easy victory over many clone troopers when he returned to the Jedi Temple during Order 66. In addition, Yoda at times applied his mastery of the other forms into his dueling style. He was known for having proficiently applied elements of Shii-Cho bladework and his outstanding deflection ability implied a superb level of skill in either Shien or Soresu.
However, in his later years, Yoda lost a great deal of his mobility, demonstrating a pronounced limp and depending on a cane to aid him in his everyday movements. This loss of mobility was due to the fact that, in his old age, Yoda suffered from debilitating arthritis. When possible, Yoda preferred to use a hoverchair rather than walk at all. His mastery of Force valor allowed him to overcome these physical infirmities, but due to the extremely taxing nature of the ability, he was only able to utilize it for a short time before tiring. Even when he trained Luke Skywalker, however, Yoda retained enough skill to effortlessly defeating his pupil with only a stick, in spite of Skywalker being armed with a lightsaber and employing a saber throw against him--and only lost when he allowed Skywalker to seize his stick.
Master Yoda carried a green-bladed shoto, which, unlike most other lightsabers, possessed an ignition button that also acted as a clip. Yoda was one of the few Force-users, Jedi and Sith alike, who kept his trademark homespun robe on during combat, possibly because it was small enough not to hinder his movements.
Yoda was able to cave his way through a host of Spelunker probe droids, often moving faster than they could react or fire.
Yoda fought his way to safety through a squad of clones during Order 66.

Yoda, a Jedi Grand Master of immense experience spanning centuries, possessed unparalleled power and skill in the Force. He stood as one of history's most potent Force users, rivaling even Darth Sidious. Among the Jedi of his era, Yoda reigned supreme as the greatest and strongest master of the Force, even surpassing Anakin Skywalker, who held greater potential but lacked Yoda's extensive experience. Luke Skywalker believed Yoda's abilities dwarfed those of Darth Vader and considered Yoda far more powerful than himself in 9 ABY. His connection to the Force was described as "as light as the stars." Furthermore, his midi-chlorian count was second only to Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One. Such was his mastery that he effortlessly defended against and dominated other powerful Force users, nonchalantly repelling Dooku's Force attacks despite Dooku's dark side enhancements. Yoda's prowess in Force combat allowed him to effortlessly subdue highly skilled and armed opponents, as demonstrated with Asajj Ventress. He remains the only individual to have directly challenged Darth Sidious in Force combat, resulting in a stalemate, though he could not defeat him. His power and skill remained formidable even as age diminished his mobility. Even the Sith Lords Darth Tyranus and Darth Sidious acknowledged his exceptional Force abilities. Darth Tyranus believed that if Yoda were to fall to the dark side, his power would eclipse even Sidious's. Luke Skywalker stated that Yoda's powers were far beyond his own and Darth Vader's.
Master Yoda exhibited exceptional skill in mental disciplines. He could employ mind tricks powerful enough to manipulate strong-willed individuals like Captain Typho, and he could delve into the minds of others to accurately decipher their thoughts. His telepathic abilities also allowed him to alter the memories of his targets.
Yoda demonstrated remarkable skill in telekinesis as well. He once effortlessly lifted and carried an X-wing using telekinesis. During the Battle of Coruscant, he telekinetically caused two C-9979 landing craft to collide on separate occasions. In their duel on Geonosis, Yoda easily deflected every telekinetic attack from Darth Tyranus, a former Temple telekinesis instructor. Yoda surprised Darth Sidious with a Force-push, sending him flying. He later stopped a Senate Hoverpod hurled at him from above by Sidious, then used the Force to throw it back, a feat made more impressive by the pod's upward trajectory against gravity. He effortlessly toyed with the powerful Asajj Ventress, known for defeating Kit Fisto and holding her own against Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker, using only telekinesis: sending her flying, stopping her strikes, and disarming her with a simple gesture. A master of Force Push and Force Wave, Yoda used these abilities with Mace Windu to obliterate dozens of battle droids during the Battle of Coruscant. He also lifted a vast number of Separatist battle droids into the air, causing them to collide with incoming Separatist attack ships, neutralizing both forces simultaneously. Yoda also demonstrated proficiency in the saber throw upon his return to the Jedi Temple during the Great Jedi Purge.
Yoda also displayed an exceptional mastery of the defensive technique Tutaminis, effortlessly absorbing and redirecting Darth Tyranus's Force lightning during their duel. Despite being nearly overwhelmed, Yoda absorbed Sidious's lightning, forming a blue orb of energy between them and redirecting it back at Sidious, causing him to stagger before the combined Force powers blasted them apart. Yoda also used Force Valor to enhance his physical attributes, and even in exile, he resisted aging long enough to train Luke. With great effort, Yoda could suppress his enemies' attempts to draw on the Force. Despite his power and skill, Yoda disliked combat and disdained the idea of achieving "greatness" through martial prowess.

Master Yoda possessed remarkable foresight, rivaling even Darth Sidious. His Force senses were incredibly strong, allowing him to quickly sense and identify the deaths of nearly all Jedi and to sense Anakin Skywalker's fall to the dark side from Kashyyyk. Trained by Qui-Gon Jinn, Yoda retained his identity after becoming one with the Force. He foresaw Luke's need to know about Mortis, an event occurring over forty years later. He pondered the dark and light sides with unparalleled clarity, surpassing even Mace Windu. He was the most skilled user of Force empathy among the Jedi, exceeding Depa Billaba's renowned abilities. He sensed intense feelings from others, even across planets, such as Anakin's pain from his mother's death and Jinn's spirit on Tatooine while Yoda meditated on Coruscant. He easily sensed the tension between Kenobi and Anakin during their pursuit of Dooku, identifying Padmé's fall from an LAAT gunship as the cause. Yoda could see things far off and had watched Luke through the Force for a long time. He supposedly possessed a Force technique to guide humanity toward morality. Yoda could enhance his memory and taught this to Luke. He could also sometimes see through the eyes of other Jedi. Yoda could stun foes, alter the environment to block attacks, suppress others' Force powers, and enable non-Force sensitives to use it to a limited extent, as when he healed Jorj Car'das.
Yoda was proficient in Battle Meditation, influencing battles by boosting the morale of allies and dampening the spirits of opponents, commanding armies like sabers. Yoda could enter a trance state, briefly enhancing his Force abilities upon emerging. He could summon Emerald Lightning, such as in his fight with Darth Sidious, and seed it into a dark mirror of himself. Additionally, Yoda used Force harmony to defend against Dark powers and shatter existing ones, an ability amplified when combined with other Jedi. Luke believed Yoda used the Force in 3 ABY to disable his ship's sensors and guide it to its destination. He could inspire hope and eliminate doubt with a single touch, as he did to saturate Palleus Chuff. Yoda was skilled in using the Force to preserve life, employing healing powers and sustaining himself through willpower until he trained Luke, admitting he was at his limit before passing into the Force. Upon his death, Yoda's body vanished as he became a Force ghost.
Despite his advanced skills, Yoda could only lift five of the seven Muntuur stones in meditation after his seven hundredth year. He was aware of several Sith spells, though he did not use them, and understood Dark Side powers to kill with a touch or control victims, but he never used them. Yoda considered removing a man's memory of himself with the dark side but decided against it, instead following the Force's guidance and sparing the historian.

Unlike most Jedi of his time, Master Yoda knew how to create Jedi holocrons. The diminutive Jedi Master created at least one holocron, through which he discussed various aspects of the Jedi Code. This particular holocron was rescued by Jax Pavan during Vader's attack on the Jedi Temple.
Yoda was recognized as the wisest and most intelligent Jedi of his era. He possessed exceptional strategic abilities, significantly contributing to Jedi strategy, and was a diplomat on par with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu. Consequently, many of his missions during the Clone Wars were diplomatic, preventing numerous battles, though some, such as those to Vjun and Rugosa, ultimately resulted in conflict. Yoda demonstrated his strategic acumen by choosing Dagobah as his place of exile, utilizing the strong dark-side presence around the cave to obscure his presence from Sidious and Vader. Yoda also devised a plan to evade CIS fire during an ambush, ordering all escape pods to be launched to confuse the droids. Despite offering help to others, he avoided confrontation with the Empire during his exile.
Yoda was a capable leader, succeeding Mace Windu as Master of the Order and leading many Clone Wars attacks to victory. He also had enough strength to carry a box with a gigantic chaingun, this weapon he used to destroy a droid army in order to save a planet. He was confident that he could destroy the droid attack on the Wookiees. Sometime during his exile, he was able to craft a new lightsaber.
While Yoda typically delegated piloting duties, he proved surprisingly skilled when necessary, as evidenced by his solo journey to Dagobah: he flawlessly piloted a starfighter without incident. He could enhance his piloting with the Force, safely reaching the planet of the Force Priestesses despite Artoo's malfunctions within a nebula.
Yoda was perceptive with his physical senses as well as the Force, catching Luke Skywalker cheating during exercises. By his own admission, his food often tasted foul. However, Skywalker enjoyed the old master's stews.

Yoda's voice was provided by Muppeteer Frank Oz in the Star Wars films. In the original trilogy and The Phantom Menace, he was realized as a puppet (controlled by Oz). Yoda's appearance was originally designed by British makeup artist Stuart Freeborn, who based Yoda's face partly on his own and partly on Albert Einstein's. In The Phantom Menace the actor Warwick Davis played Yoda for scenes where the character was required to walk. Rendered with computer animation in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, Yoda appeared in ways not previously possible, including his participation in elaborate fight scenes. However, Yoda's first appearance as a completely CG-rendered image was in The Phantom Menace, at the close of the film where he talks with Obi-Wan about his and Anakin's futures.
For the radio dramatizations of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, he was voiced by veteran character actor John Lithgow. Tom Kane provided Yoda's voice for both the Clone Wars animated series and The Clone Wars 3D series, as well as many video-game incarnations: Star Wars: Episode I Jedi Power Battles, Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, Star Wars: Super Bombad Racing, Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike, Star Wars: Battlefront, Star Wars: Battlefront II, Star Wars: Republic Commando and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
Along with a few substitute voice actors in the original trilogy, but from the second one onwards, Yoda is dubbed in Japanese by the late Ichirō Nagai. By this proxy along with his and Darth Vader's appearance in Soulcalibur IV, Nagai also provided Yoda's voice in the Japanese version of the game.
The depiction of the number of Yoda's toes is inconsistent between different films, alternately numbering three, four and five toes. Leland Chee, keeper of the Holocron continuity database, has stated that Yoda canonically has four toes—three in the front and one in the back. For more, see the article on Yoda's species.

Yoda's popularity is such that the comedy musician "Weird Al" Yankovic parodied the song "Lola" with a version called "Yoda," included on the album Dare to Be Stupid (1985). More recently, the Great Luke Ski parodied the song "YMCA" by the Village People with a version called "Y.O.D.A." included on the albums Fanboys 'n Da Hood (1996) and Carpe Dementia (1999).
Producer/director Mel Brooks lampooned Yoda in his 1987 movie Spaceballs. Brooks portrayed a diminutive character named Yogurt, who specialized in manipulating a magical energy known as the Schwartz. Yoda also made a cameo in It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie, voiced by Eric Jacobson. Jacobson took over many of Frank Oz's Muppet roles.
Yoda also appears in a hip-hop Yoda music video that can be accessed via the Revenge of the Sith DVD when you go to the Options menu, highlight the THX logo, press 11, wait for the pause, press 3, wait for the pause, and finally press 8.
To get the animation team back in shape for their work on Episode III, Rob Coleman and his team replaced the footage of the Episode I Yoda puppet with their Episode III digital model as a test to see how far they could push his usual performance boundaries. This footage was released on the DVD, where it can be seen as part of "The Chosen One" featurette on Disc 2 of Revenge of the Sith. The footage has since appeared in the Blu-ray release of The Phantom Menace, replacing the puppet Yoda.
Original concept art showed Yoda as blue instead of the green that he ended up being, and he is depicted as blue in The Empire Strikes Back novelization (published before the film of The Empire Strikes Back) . In Marvel's Star Wars (1977) 42, Yoda also seems to be tinier than in his normal appearance.

In some foreign dubs of the films, Yoda's bizarre manner of speaking has not been translated.
In Before the Storm, Luke Skywalker tells Han Solo that when he first met Yoda, he was a hermit on Dagobah for a hundred years or more. The prequel trilogy's storyline, created several years later, shows that Yoda was on Dagobah for no more than 22 years when Luke first met him.
Heir to the Empire and Vision of the Future describe how Yoda followed a Dark Jedi from Bpfassh to Dagobah and killed him on the planet. After the Revenge of the Sith novelization (which hints that Yoda had never been on Dagobah before his exile) was published, it has been suggested the battle occurred shortly after the exile. In Star Wars Insider 98 Leland Chee wrote that the location of the battle is no longer considered part of continuity, but that it is possible that a mortally wounded Dark Jedi died on the planet after having fought Yoda elsewhere. However, this has not been confirmed.
Yoda received an updated character model to look more accurate to his Revenge of the Sith appearance for The Clone Wars: Season Five.
In the ride Star Tours: The Adventures Continue, Yoda was one of the characters helping the StarSpeeder 1000 pilot safely deliver a Rebel spy to the Rebel Alliance. However, as he was not known to have interacted with the Rebel Alliance during this time, it is unknown whether this is canon.
In November 2013, a deleted scene for Return of the Jedi was found on the laserdisc edition of the film. The scene, taking place on Yoda's deathbed and presumably occurring when Luke learns Vader was indeed his father, had him revealing that Obi-Wan Kenobi would have told Luke about his paternal relation to Vader had Yoda let him, making clear that Yoda was largely the reason Kenobi hid the truth from Luke.

Yoda's signature in The Jedi Path differs from that of the 1980 Yoda postcard made by Frank Oz.

Official non-canon Star Wars works generally still portrayed Yoda as a wise and skilled Jedi Master, but often played up his more humorous traits.
In Jeffrey Brown's Jedi Academy books, Yoda is a top instructor at the Jedi academy on Coruscant, but not the academy's principal. Approximately 700 years old, he provides students with important training on the deeper aspects of the Force, but sometimes says things that are humorous or downright strange. He almost always talks backwards and laughs a lot. Roan Novachez, a student recruited to the academy at a relatively late age, was surprised by Yoda's appearance and nature and initially suspected that Yoda was teaching instead of being a full-time Jedi Knight because he was going kind of senile. Later in the series, Yoda became the personal Jedi Master to the Zabrak Padawan Cyrus.
In William Shakespeare's The Empire Striketh Back: Star Wars Part the Fifth and William Shakespeare's The Jedi Doth Return: Star Wars Part the Sixth, Yoda is the only character to speak entirely in haiku.
LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles features Yoda and focuses on events seen in the prequel era.
After Anakin fell under the influence of the Son from Mortis, they both returned to the regular plane of the universe. Both Yoda and Palpatine sensed their arrival upon Coruscant. Because of this both Yoda and Palpatine called a temporary truce to stop Anakin, but Anakin proved too powerful for either of them and defeated them with relative ease. He then became even more powerful in the process, and proceeded to create a Force hurricane in the Senate building.