Ko Solok

A Gran Jedi Master named Ko Solok dedicated his service to both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Around 20 BBY, Solok was chosen to participate in a Jedi task force with the mission of tracking down the Sith Lord brothers Darth Maul and Savage Opress. The team followed their targets to the ice world of Orto Norwe, where the Jedi engaged the Sith duo in combat, but they were unsuccessful in capturing them, and they lost Master Grohto in the process. Subsequently, Solok journeyed with Masters Bruu Jun-Fan and Plo Koon to the planet Pleem's Nexus, where they once more confronted the Sith. During the resulting fight, Maul killed both Solok and Jun-Fan, after which the Sith pair managed to escape.


Ko Solok was part of a Jedi strike team sent to Orto Norwe.

Ko Solok, a Force-sensitive Gran, underwent training in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order during the final decades of the Galactic Republic. By approximately 20 BBY, during the Clone Wars—a conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems—Solok had risen to the rank of Jedi Master. When the Dathomirian Zabrak Sith Lord Darth Maul reappeared during the war, Master Plo Koon chose Solok to be a member of a Jedi task force tasked with hunting down Maul and his Sith brother, Savage Opress. In addition to Koon and Solok, the team included Masters Grohto, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Bruu Jun-Fan, as well as Jun-Fan's Padawan, Tatsu, and a contingent of clone troopers under the command of Clone Captain Mojo.

Based on information from various informants in the Coruscant underworld suggesting the Sith's presence there, the team initially traveled to the ice world of Orto Norwe aboard a Consular-class cruiser. Solok and the others then descended to the planet's surface in a T-6 shuttle, where they discovered the aftermath of the Sith's presence: the brothers' deserted Turtle Tanker freighter and a cantina filled with corpses. Identifying the deceased as members of the Scourge criminal syndicate, Koon instructed Solok and Grohto to lead a search of the surrounding area of the settlement, Yellowblade's Landing. The Jedi and clone troopers proceeded to a cave that housed the local Scourge base, where they suspected Maul was hiding, based on Jun-Fan's psychometric analysis of a blaster recovered from the cantina massacre.

Darth Maul kills Ko Solok.

Upon reaching the base, Kenobi assigned Solok, Grohto, and Tatsu to guard a chamber near the entrance to prevent the Sith brothers from escaping. While Kenobi and the others ventured deeper into the base, where they located Maul and Opress, they were attacked by wampas that the Sith had unleashed from cages within the base. Maul, taking advantage of the distraction caused by the wampas, attacked Solok and his two companions. The Zabrak breached the chamber by leaping through a window and kicking Solok, subsequently killing Grohto and injuring both Tatsu and Kenobi. By incapacitating the Jedi, the Sith brothers were able to escape aboard one of the Scourge's ships with a hostage, whom they had discovered incarcerated within the base. Koon and Jun-Fan analyzed a piece of jewelry dropped by the hostage and determined that the Sith's destination was the planet Pleem's Nexus, the hostage's home world.

Leaving the injured behind, Solok, Jun-Fan, and Koon journeyed to Pleem's Nexus. There, they discovered Maul and Opress attempting to load their vessel with a substantial quantity of gold—which, unbeknownst to the Jedi, the brothers intended to use to finance a criminal enterprise. The Jedi immediately engaged Maul and Opress in combat, and during the resulting confrontation, Solok met his end when Maul hurled his lightsaber through the Jedi's chest. Jun-Fan and several clone troopers also perished, while Koon was incapacitated, allowing Maul and Opress to flee the planet.

Personality and traits

Solok possessed red eyes and pink skin. He was a Jedi skilled enough to achieve the rank of Jedi Master, however, he was defeated in combat on two separate occasions by the Sith Darth Maul, and he died during the second encounter.


Solok wielded a green-bladed lightsaber in combat. On Orto Norwe, the Gran wore green cold-weather attire, and on Pleem's Nexus, he wore green Jedi robes.

Behind the scenes

Ko Solok made his debut in The Clone Wars: The Sith Hunters, a comic-book penned by Henry Gilroy and Steven Melching, illustrated by Vicenç Villagrasa, and released on August 15, 2012.

