The Quality of Mercy

"The Quality of Mercy" is a gaming module for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, featured in Star Wars Adventure Journal 1 and released in February of 1994. This adventure is tailored for a group of four to six players and unfolds during the Galactic Civil War era, specifically between the pivotal events of the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Endor.


In the period separating the Battle of Yavin from the Battle of Endor, an Alliance to Restore the Republic outpost located on the second moon of Tiragga was devastated by an outbreak of the Direllian Plague. To combat this, a Rebel team journeyed to the planet of Kirtania with the aim of locating T'Jaleq Kith'Araquia, an Araquian physician renowned for being among the first to identify and treat the disease.

The mission took a turn for the worse when the group learned that the Galactic Empire had recently established a foothold on Kirtania and placed a bounty on Dr. Kith'Araquia, who had consequently sought refuge in Kirtania's rainforest. The Rebels were then mistakenly identified as Pierce Mantrell, a notorious thief, and found themselves pursued by bounty hunters working for Schnil Hakoon, a Kubaz crime boss. Eventually, Hakoon realized the case of mistaken identity and offered the Rebels supplies in exchange for tracking down the real Mantrell, who had disappeared into the rainforest. The Rebels then ventured into the rainforest in search of both Dr. Kith'Araquia and Mantrell, accompanied by Kutu, a Ho'Din also seeking the doctor.

While in the rainforest, the Rebels uncovered Imperial deforestation operations intended to clear space for an Imperial supply depot, as well as acts of sabotage carried out by the native Araquia in defense of their homeland. The Rebels rescued Mantrell from an attack by the local wildlife, only for the thief to try and deceive them with a fabricated story about a sick daughter who could only be cured by Dr. Kith'Araquia.

Ultimately, the Rebels located the Araquia saboteurs and Dr. Kith'Araquia, arriving just in time to assist them in a bold assault against the Imperials aimed at forcing them to abandon their operations in the rainforest. Unfortunately, the attack failed, resulting in the destruction of the Araquia camp by the Imperials. However, the Araquia managed to escape with the vital Shiarha Roots needed to create a cure for the Direllian Plague. With the cure secured, the Rebels were able to successfully treat the outbreak on the second moon of Tiragga.

