Pierce Mantrell

Pierce Mantrell, a male Human from Legends continuity, operated as both a thief and a con artist during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


During the Galactic Civil War, Pierce Mantrell, a male Human, functioned as a thief and swindler. His criminal activities provided him with a comfortable lifestyle, and he had previously been employed by crime lords, worked as a pirate, acted as an informer for the Imperial forces, and engaged in smuggling. At some point during the Galactic Civil War period, he pilfered the Amber Eye from Schnil Hakoon, a Kubaz crime lord residing on the planet of Kirtania. Unable to leave the planet, he made his way into the adjacent rain forest. Hakoon then made an agreement with a team of undercover Rebel operatives to retrieve the Eye in exchange for essential supplies.

Within the rain forest, Mantrell faced an attack from a predator lizard, but was saved by the undercover Rebels. Mantrell openly confessed to the theft of the Eye, yet fabricated a sorrowful narrative with the goal of gaining the sympathy of his rescuers. He stated that his daughter, named Olina, was suffering from an illness, and that he was in search of assistance from Doctor T'Jaleq Kith'Araquia to cure her. He further claimed that Hakoon had confiscated his cargo, leaving him with no alternative but to steal the Eye in order to afford the required medicine.

Mantrell's justification for his presence in the jungle was to seek refuge among the Araquian tribe, the same tribe to which Doctor Kith'Araquia belonged. He had located the tribe week prior, and believed that he would be safe with them for a period of time following the theft of the Eye. Mantrell planned to return to the starport and arrange off-world transportation once the search for him had subsided. Before his departure, Mantrell intended to disclose the location of the Araquia tribe to Imperial forces for his own gain.

Personality and traits

Mantrell, a skilled liar and accomplished thief, possessed the ability to create believable fabrications that bought him time to escape. He was prone to believing his own tales, often becoming immersed in them, and was capable of shedding tears on command. His loyalty was exclusively to himself, and he considered himself attractive to women.

He had training in the use of a blaster and carried a heavy blaster pistol. As a proficient thief, he was skilled at pickpocketing and employed sleight of hand effectively. He had a talent for languages and was considered streetwise. He was capable of being highly persuasive when necessary and could move discreetly in urban settings. Mantrell possessed a keen eye for valuable items and had the ability to operate security systems. During his journey through the rain forest on Kirtania, he carried a medpac, a canteen, and a survival kit.

Behind the scenes

Mantrell's physical characteristics are determined by the players. The intention is for Mantrell to resemble one of the player characters, creating a scenario of mistaken identity.

