T'Jaleq Kith'Araquia

T'Jaleq Kith'Araquia, an Araquia from the planet of Kirtania – the homeworld of his species – functioned as a doctor and collaborated with Sirta Kum, a Ho'Din.


T'Jaleq Kith'Araquia, an Araquia male and a native of Kirtania, was a well-known doctor and expert in pharmacology. He and the Ho'Din, Sirta Kum, successfully developed a cure for the Direllian Plague using the Shiarha Root, a plant indigenous to Kirtania's rain forest. During the Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Empire initiated a deforestation campaign on Kirtania. Doctor Kith'Araquia initially tried to halt this destruction through logical arguments, followed by legal means. When both approaches failed, the Empire branded him a Rebel sympathizer. Warned of his impending arrest, Kith'Araquia and his tribe fled into the rain forest, where they launched a guerrilla war against the Imperial forces that were stripping the area of its resources.

Kith'Araquia served as both the tribe's witch doctor and its military strategist, leading assaults on the Imperial work camp located within the rain forest. These attacks aimed to disable equipment and disrupt log transports, but he made sure that no Imperial soldiers or workers were killed. During this conflict, a group of Rebel agents were apprehended in the rain forest along with a Ho'Din named Kutu, and a Human named Pierce Mantrell. Through interrogation, Kith'Araquia discovered that the Rebels sought his help in curing a Direllian Plague outbreak at their base. Kith'Araquia immediately offered his assistance, but the tribe had already planned a major offensive against the Imperial work camp, which took precedence. He requested the Rebels' assistance in this attack, and they agreed to participate.

The assault resulted in the destruction of all Imperial equipment at the work site. On the way back to the Araquia camp, they discovered that the Imperials had ignited the forest in an attempt to eliminate the Araquia. The doctor instructed his fellow Araquians to gather as many Shiarha Roots as possible while retreating, and he successfully led his people to safety. The Rebels expressed their gratitude, and the doctor requested that they evacuate the Araquia non-combatants from the planet, a request to which they agreed. Kith'Araquia chose to stay on Kirtania and continue his resistance against the Empire.

Personality and traits

T'Jaleq Kith'Araquia was a dedicated and empathetic person, deeply committed to his work as a doctor and pharmacologist. As a proponent of natural medicine and responsible ecological practices, his goal was to eliminate disease throughout the galaxy. Intelligent and learned, Kith'Araquia had a dark sense of humor that played on the discomfort others felt towards his spider-like appearance. Like all Araquia, he was a pacifist, but he did question whether his species' commitment to peace would be sufficient to resist the Empire.

Kith'Araquia possessed the ability to create and launch sticky webs as part of his natural biology, and he was skilled at gliding on these structures. He had extensive knowledge of alien species, their languages, and their cultures, and he was capable of surviving in a jungle environment. His medical training provided him with comprehensive skills in first aid and medicine, with specialized expertise in diseases and pharmacology.

