Sirta Kum

Sirta Kum, a Ho'Din from the reptilian race, stood out as a sentient species because of the brightly-colored tendrils that adorned their head. Kum, who had training as a pharmacologist, resided for a period of two years with an Araquian tribe located on the planet called Kirtania. Kum, in collaboration with Dr. T'Jaleq Kith'Araquia, made the discovery that the liquid extracted from within Shiarha Roots, when subjected to boiling, possessed the ability to effectively treat the Direllian Plague, a particularly lethal ailment affecting the respiratory system. During the era of the Galactic Empire, Kum gained recognition as a prominent pharmacologist, sharing the acclaim for the Direllian Plague cure with Dr. Kith'Araquia. The scientist's actions fostered a favorable perception of the Ho'Din species within Kith'Araquia's tribe. Consequently, years later, when Araquians from that same tribe encountered Kutu, another Ho'Din individual, they refrained from hostility; however, the Ho'Din's associates did not receive similar treatment.

Behind the scenes

The character of Sirta Kum was developed by Nicky Rea for "The Quality of Mercy," a roleplaying adventure. West End Games published it in February of 1994, appearing as part of Star Wars Adventure Journal 1.

