Sera Jossi was a female Human who made her home on the planet of Kashyyyk during the time of the Galactic Civil War.
Following the Battle of Yavin, Sera Jossi maintained a presence in the city of Kachirho, specifically operating an office there. However, she rarely ventured into the city, preferring to have her sustenance brought to her by the Wookiee named Rroow.

During this period, Jossi and her friend, the Wookiee bio-engineer Cheyerooto, shared concerns regarding a peculiar new ailment affecting a number of Wookiees. This sickness manifested as a decline in health, leading to a state of madness that drove the afflicted Wookiees to violently attack anyone who came near them. As these Wookiees became a threat, the Galactic Empire put out bounties for them, facilitated by bounty officer Stren Colo. Jossi, believing some sacrifices might be needed for the greater good, encouraged various spacers to hunt these crazed Wookiees and claim the Imperial rewards. Meanwhile, she dedicated herself to uncovering the cause of the disease plaguing the Wookiees. In 1 ABY, she commissioned a spacer to eliminate the Wookiee known as Wrhisch and retrieve his liver. Because Wrhisch was among the first to succumb to the illness and was nearing death due to its effects, Doctor Cheyerooto believed that his liver could hold the key to identifying the disease and developing a cure. Guided by Sera Jossi's instructions, the spacer ventured into an old abandoned village inhabited by the mad Wookiees, located Wrhisch, killed him, and obtained his liver. The adventurer then delivered Wrhisch's liver to Doctor Cheyerooto. As hoped, the organ from the infected Wookiee enabled the bio-engineer to begin the process of creating a treatment. Eventually, Dr. Cheyerooto requested the spacer to acquire rrwii roots in order to complete the cure.
Sera Jossi existed as a non-player character within the 2003 video game titled Star Wars Galaxies, which was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. The game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and brought to the public by LucasArts, before its servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. Sera Jossi's inclusion in the game came with the launch of the expansion pack Rage of the Wookiees on May 5, 2005.