
A male Wookiee called Wrhisch resided on the planet Kashyyyk during the era of the Galactic Civil War. A peculiar illness once drove him and his Wookiee followers to insanity, until a spacer ended his suffering.


Following the Battle of Yavin, a novel and unsettling disease began to affect Wookiees located near Kachirho. This sickness induced a state of declining health, leading to madness that compelled the afflicted Wookiees to lash out at anyone who came near. Wrhisch was among the first to succumb to this ailment, and it is probable that he incited other Wookiees in the vicinity to also become violent. These deranged Wookiees congregated in an old abandoned village located a short distance to the north of Kachirho, and Wrhisch rose to become their leader.

Wrhisch and other mad Wookiees in the abandoned village

In the year 1 ABY, the Galactic Empire started to offer bounties for the capture or elimination of the crazed Wookiee, who had become too dangerous to ignore. Simultaneously, the Wookiee bio-engineer Cheyerooto and a Human woman named Sera Jossi were dedicated to uncovering the cause of the disease. Jossi, believing that some sacrifices might be necessary for the greater good, commissioned a spacer to kill Wrhisch and retrieve his liver. Wrhisch, being one of the first to be infected, was believed by Doctor Cheyerooto to hold the key to identifying the disease and developing a cure within his liver. Given that Wrhisch was already nearing death due to the disease's effects, the spacer agreed to undertake the mission. The spacer then ventured into the village inhabited by the crazed Wookiees, located Wrhisch, and engaged him in combat, ultimately killing the black-and-white Wookiee.


Following Wrhisch's demise, the spacer provided his liver to Doctor Cheyerooto. As anticipated, the organ obtained from the diseased Wookiee enabled the bio-engineer to commence the development of a treatment for the other affected Wookiees.

Behind the scenes

Wrhisch appeared as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. This game was created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, before its servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. Wrhisch was incorporated into the game through the Rage of the Wookiees expansion pack, released on May 5, 2005.

