Abandoned Wookiee village

An unoccupied Wookiee settlement was situated on the planet of Kashyyyk, a short distance to the north of Kachirho. By the time the Galactic Civil War occurred, the settlement had been deserted for a considerable duration. However, sometime following the Battle of Yavin, Wookiees suffering from a peculiar novel ailment congregated in the settlement. The disease induced a form of derangement which drove the afflicted Wookiees to assault anyone who neared them. Given that these Wookiees had become hazardous, the Galactic Empire, through bounty officer Stren Colo, posted bounties for the insane Wookiees. Consequently, numerous adventurers descended upon the settlement to eliminate the deranged Wookiees and collect the Imperial rewards. Ultimately, in 1 ABY, a spacefarer employed by a woman named Sera Jossi journeyed to the settlement and killed the Wookiee Wrhisch, one of the first to succumb to the sickness. Wrhisch's liver subsequently enabled a Wookiee bio-engineer, Doctor Cheyerooto, to formulate a remedy.

Behind the scenes

The abandoned Wookiee village made an appearance in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. The village was integrated into the game with the launch of the expansion pack Rage of the Wookiees on May 5, 2005.

