
Doctor Cheyerooto was a male Wookiee who practiced bio-engineering during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


This bio-engineer, known as Doctor Cheyerooto, achieved some recognition while working on Chandrila. Sometime later, however, he went back to Kashyyyk, the homeworld of the Wookiees. He then took up residence in Kachirho and began his work at the medical center located within the great tree.

Mad Wookiees in the abandoned village

Following the Battle of Yavin, Cheyerooto and his Human friend Sera Jossi became alarmed by a peculiar new disease that was affecting several Wookiees. The disease caused a decline in health, leading to a state of madness that drove the afflicted Wookiees to attack anyone who came near them. Therefore, Cheyerooto and Sera Jossi sought to determine what was causing this illness in the Wookiees. In 1 ABY, Sera Jossi gave a spacer the task of killing a Wookiee named Wrhisch and retrieving his liver. Because Wrhisch was among the first to contract the disease and was succumbing to its effects, Doctor Cheyerooto believed that his liver could be instrumental in identifying the disease and developing a cure. The spacer then explored an old abandoned village where the mad Wookiees lived, found the Wookiee Wrhisch, killed him, and obtained his liver. Later, the adventurer gave Wrhisch's liver to Doctor Cheyerooto. As he had hoped, the organ from the sick Wookiee allowed the bio-engineer to begin working on a treatment. Nevertheless, the Wookiee still needed to acquire rrwii roots to complete the cure. Since these roots only grew in the Etyyy region of Kashyyyk, the adventurer first had to gain access to the area from the Rodian hunters who had seized control of the region. Eventually, the spacer gathered the plants and brought them back to Dr. Cheyerooto, which enabled the Wookiee bio-engineer to finish preparing his treatment.

Behind the scenes

The character of Dr. Cheyerooto appeared as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. Dr. Cheyerooto was introduced to the game when the expansion pack Rage of the Wookiees was released on May 5, 2005.

