Stren Colo

Stren Colo, an Imperial officer, was a male Human who was alive during the time of the Galactic Civil War.


Following the Battle of Yavin, his assignment took him to Kachirho, situated on the forest planet Kashyyyk. At the Kachirho Starport, Colo's role was that of an Imperial bounty officer, responsible for both the posting and awarding of bounties.

It was during this period that Tien Wallub, a bartender, got in touch with him to place a bounty on Jessk, a Trandoshan who had been discovered cheating at sabacc. Simultaneously, Belga Daeri, a spaceport official, set a bounty for Dorn Nareusu, a pirate who was responsible for the destruction of numerous transport ships within the Kashyyyk system. Jessk was subsequently shot down, crashing on the planet of Tatooine, and Dorn Nareusu met his end in a space skirmish above Kashyyyk. Stren Colo eventually compensated the bounty hunters for their successful captures, paying out 12,000 credits for the Trandoshan Jessk and 10,000 credits for the Human Dorn Nareusu.

Concurrently, an unusual ailment began to affect several Wookiee individuals in the vicinity of Kachirho. This ailment induced a form of insanity, driving the afflicted Wookiees to aggressively attack anyone who came near them. As these Wookiees became a threat, the Galactic Empire put out bounties for their capture or elimination. Sera Jossi, a woman concerned about the situation, then urged various spacers to pursue the afflicted Wookiees and claim the Imperial rewards. The spacers would bring back the teeth of the mad Wookiees as proof of their deeds, and Stren Colo would pay out 1000 credits for each Wookiee killed.

Behind the scenes

Stren Colo made an appearance as a non-player character in Star Wars Galaxies, the video game from 2003. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment, with LucasArts as the publisher, prior to the game's shutdown on December 15, 2011. Stren Colo was integrated into the game through the Rage of the Wookiees expansion pack, which was released on May 5, 2005.

