Dorn Nareusu, a pirate of the male Human species, existed in the era of the Galactic Civil War. Following the Battle of Yavin, Dorn Nareusu, along with his group known as the Mining Pirates, engaged in the destruction and plundering of multiple transport ships located within the Kashyyyk system. Nareusu flew his own ARC-170 starfighter. The civilian transit within the system was significantly disrupted due to the pirates' actions over a period of weeks. Around 1 ABY, Belga Daeri, who held a position at the Kachirho spaceport, contracted Imperial Bounty Officer Stren Colo to place a death mark on Dorn Nareusu. Due to Nareusu not having a base of operations in the system, a collection of pilots launched an assault on Nareusu's associates situated in the Kashyyyk system, with the intention of drawing him into the conflict. As anticipated, Dorn Nareusu ultimately made his way to the system to participate in the conflict. During the confrontation that followed, he met his demise.