Sasnak Toxis, often shortened to Sas, was a Defel officer who served within the Rebel Alliance, and he was also a personal adversary of the pirate known as Chordak. As the offspring of Colonel Caleb Hctaqsas, Sasnak Toxis engaged in combat against Chordak and slavers on the planet Corulag, and he collaborated with the Defel spy Thar'quan, who was working covertly at Hctaqsas Metals.
He later rose to the rank of Lieutenant Commander within the New Republic Special Forces and successfully survived an assassination attempt orchestrated by the rogue operative Ma'w'shiye. The fugitive miner named Mihalik was recognized as being devoted to Toxis.
Sasnak "Sas" Toxis, who was a Defel, was the son of Colonel Caleb Hctaqsas. Eventually, he enisted with the Alliance to Restore the Republic and became the enemy of the pirate Chordak.
On Corulag, Toxis had a meeting with Rebel lieutenant Alton Lochner and commander Derembus Sitnalta. At that location, they observed Chordak and his associate, the slaver Talas Piran, conducting business with their merchandise. Toxis made the discovery that a number of the slaves were individuals whom he knew well. This encounter escalated into a conflict, only to be interrupted by the arrival of the prefect; the Rebels made their escape (though they were required to use the Force to bring Toxis along), and approximately twenty-four slaves gained their freedom. Sitnalta subsequently created a report about this incident, suggesting that Piran would likely seek to enslave the three Rebels involved in the altercation.
Toxis was also in partnership with the Rebel saboteur Thar'quan, a Defel spy who secretly worked as a miners at Hctaqsas Metals. Thar'quan sustained injuries while serving with Toxis. He would later display the scars he acquired during his time with Toxis with pride.
During the era of the New Republic, Toxis held the position of Lieutenant Commander in the New Republic Special Forces. Ma'w'shiye, a former operative of the Alliance, attempted to assassinate Toxis, along with other officers, including Lochner and Sitnalta. They survived and became three of the leaders of a SpecForces team formed to track down Ma'w'shiye.
Also, during the New Republic era, it was known that Mihalik, the Svivreni miner who was previously an extraction manager for Toxis Metals and a fugitive, was loyal to Toxis.
The initial mention of Sasnak Toxis occurred in the entry dedicated to Thar'quan on datapage 46 of Cracken's Rebel Operatives, which is a roleplaying game book released by West End Games in 1994. Craig Robert Carey and J. Michael Denbo were responsible for writing that specific datapage.
In Cracken's Rebel Operatives, the character is referred to as "Sasnak Toxis (Hctaqsas)," and in Star Wars Adventure Journal #10, his name is misspelled as "Sasnaq Toxis (Hctaqsas)." "Hctaqsas Metals" was the designation of the corporation where Toxis's ally, Thar'quan, was employed in Cracken's Rebel Operatives; however, the source does not clarify whether Toxis was also an employee there.
When Mihalik is discussed, Star Wars Adventure Journal #10 also mentions a company called "Toxis Metals," but it does not specify whether it is connected to Sasnak Toxis.
- Cracken's Rebel Operatives (First mentioned)
- " Wanted by Cracken " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 4
- Alliance Intelligence Reports
- " Wanted by Cracken " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 10