Talas Piran

title: Talas Piran

Talas Piran was a Locan male from the world of Loce, who began his life as a slave. Later in his life, he ascended to the position of leader within the Mytaranor Slaving Council. Hailing from Loce, his distinguishing features included light purplish-blue skin and arms marked with black mottling.


In his youth, Piran was abducted by slavers, forcibly removed from Loce. Subsequently, he was sold to a prominent resource company backed by the Empire and dispatched to Hintivan II, a world characterized by its frigid climate and dense forests. For a considerable duration, he toiled in the planet's northern regions, felling trees with a vibro-ax. This labor transformed him into a man of considerable size and strength.

Eventually, Piran managed to accumulate enough wealth to purchase his freedom. He then made the decision to offer his expertise and understanding of slavery networks to the highest bidder. This led to his involvement with the Mytaranor Slaving Council. During this period, he wielded his old vibro-ax as a personal weapon and wore a snowtrooper chest plate he had "acquired" on Hintivan. Additionally, he adopted a preference for short, black hair.

Piran rapidly gained prominence among the slavers, becoming the assistant to the chief slavemaster. Demonstrating greater efficiency than his superior, he eventually succeeded him in the role. He dedicated himself to providing corporations with enslaved labor, including Wookiees, Mon Calamaris, and Bothans.

In this capacity, Piran journeyed to Corulag to conduct business with the Rodian Chordak, intending to purchase approximately two dozen slaves. He was observed by Rebel Alliance officers Derembus Sitnalta, Alton Lochner, and Sasnak Toxis. Sasnak recognized one of the slaves as an acquaintance and harbored animosity towards Chordak. The encounter escalated into a conflict, which was interrupted by the arrival of the prefect. The Rebels fled, and the slaves were liberated. As a result, Piran held a grudge against the three Rebels, or so Sitnalta believed.

During a business venture to Kessel, some years before 2 ABY, Talas Piran came into possession of the Mandalorian Dungeon Ship Vanquisher. The Vanquisher swiftly transitioned into the mobile headquarters of the Mytaranor Slaving Council, accommodating the majority of its operations, including prisoners and guards, at any given time.

Within a forgotten compartment of the Vanquisher, Piran discovered a stash of TholCorp Neuronic whips. He generously distributed these new implements of control to his slave handlers.

Piran, along with another high-ranking Council member, Tir'uh, formed an alliance with a Krish smuggler named Karalan, who had experienced failure. Karalan successfully gained their trust, leading to his recruitment as part of the Vanquisher security team.

Piran also apprehended C'ar L'andara, a Twi'lek dancing girl who was a fugitive, just hours after she managed to escape. However, he determined that L'andara possessed potential value and, instead of returning her to her owner, decided to retain her services. In short order, L'andara ascended to a prominent position within the Myatanor Slaving Council.

Around 1 ABY or 2 ABY, Piran is believed to have abducted Fru Kalg, a member of the Rebel Alliance, from the Mon Calamari shipyards.

Some months after Kalg's capture, Airen Cracken, a General in the Rebel Alliance, compiled a comprehensive report on Piran, incorporating Derembus Sitnalta's insights, including Sitnalta's astonishment at Piran's transformation from slave to slaver. Neither of them could maintain an unbiased perspective on Piran.


  • Alliance Intelligence Reports (First mentioned)

Notes and references
