Derembus Sitnalta

Commander Derembus Sitnalta was a Human who served within the ranks of the Rebel Alliance Army.


During the era of the Galactic Republic, Sitnalta, a seasoned soldier, was stationed at Ruac Outpost, where his path crossed with that of Sergeant Clenna.

Once a scout, Sitnalta received training at the renowned Galactic Outdoor School of Survival, participating in the esteemed Twilight Class. During the final assessment, his quick thinking was instrumental in saving the life of his fellow student, Xenon Nnaksta, from an attack by a tripion.

Following this, similar to many of his peers, he became a member of Eclipse Team, a specialized unit within the Rebel Alliance. He operated heavy weapons for the starfighter group known as Midnight Squadron. Despite his advanced age, he declined offers for leadership positions, acting as a respected senior figure and experienced enlisted man. Nevertheless, he accepted a role in the Rebel Alliance Task Force, with the informal title of commander.

Working alongside his former classmate Ma'w'shiye, Sitnalta instructed new Rebel recruits in the operation of powerful blasters.

While associated with Rebel Lieutenant Alton Lochner and Sasnak Toxis, Sitnalta visited Corulag and observed the slavers Chordak and Talas Piran conducting their business. Sasnak recognized one of the slaves as someone he knew, and he had a prior dislike for Chordak. The situation escalated into a conflict, interrupted by the arrival of the prefect. The Rebels escaped, freeing the slaves in the process. As a result, Piran harbored a grudge against the three Rebels, or so Sitnalta believed.

As part of the Task Force, Sitnalta authored reports detailing various threats he was familiar with. These included the slugthrower used by GOSS headmaster Barosa Warren and Warren's associate Clenna. He also wrote about Ploovo Two-For-One's droid HN-TR1, considering it a greater danger than IG-88, and about Talas Piran. Sitnalta was surprised to find, during his research on Piran, that Piran had once been a slave himself.


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