Alton Lochner

Alton Lochner, originally named Tiris Warren, was a Rebel Alliance Intelligence operative with dreadlocks who served within Eclipse Team.


Born to Morellian scout Barosa Warren and an unidentified mother, Tiris Warren had a strained relationship with his father. This was especially true after Tiris defied Barosa's wishes by enlisting in the Rebel Alliance. In his anger towards Barosa, Tiris even legally changed his name.

Tiris Warren's siblings included Danlea Lochner (who also altered her surname for the same reason), Roland Warren, and Tole Warren. Each sibling was half-Morellian, likely with different mothers.

Tiris Warren, now known as Alton Lochner, rose to the rank of Lieutenant within Rebel Alliance Intelligence. He became a respected member of the [Task Force on Alliance Security] and a key figure in the renowned Eclipse Team. As Cloak Leader, he commanded the vessel Abubaka II. His successful operations and rescues of fellow Rebels earned him respect from both military and intelligence personnel.

It is possible that Barosa Warren's status as a threat to Alliance Intelligence was influenced by Lochner's presence within the organization. However, the connection between Lochner and Warren remained largely unknown.

Alton Lochner also faced a personal vendetta from the skilled assassin Callandri. Driven by unknown motives, Callandri had long desired Lochner's death. Her initial attempt on the life of the Rebel lieutenant occurred at the Brawl and Grill in Trader's Quarter on Ord Mantell. She stormed into the bar, opening fire. Although his drinking companions, including the Wookiee Tirranna and Adazian Liebke, saved Lochner's life, he was hospitalized for several weeks. Vanden Willard documented this event in a report.

Seeking revenge against Lochner and Tirranna, Callandri and her cousin and accomplice, Zayl Braith, launched another attack on them at Triewahl Docking Station, but their allies once again intervened.

Subsequently, Callandri established the Granse Confederacy with several associates, notably Kiran Tatch, who harbored a personal animosity towards Lochner for reasons that remained unclear. While many within the Alliance command suspected that Callandri formed the Confederacy with the primary goal of assassinating Lochner, this could never be definitively proven. Nevertheless, the other members of the Granse Confederacy were aware of Callandri's intentions towards Lochner.

Lochner, an associate of Rebel commander Derembus Sitnalta and Sasnak Toxis, visited Corulag and witnessed slavers Chordak and [Talas Piran](/article/talas_piran] engaged in their trade. Sasnak recognized one of the slaves and held a long-standing dislike for Chordak. The situation escalated into a conflict, prompting the arrival of the prefect. The Rebels fled, freeing the slaves. Sitnalta believed that this incident fueled Piran's resentment towards the three Rebels.

A year later, Lochner joined a group of other Alliance officers, including Lieutenant Commander Anson Blazer, on Ord Mantell for a period of leave. They were identified by Niclara Varnillian, the chief gunnery officer of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Pulsar. Varnillian received assistance from Imperial soldiers, leading to a firefight. The crossfire resulted in the deaths of over thirty-six innocent civilians and several Imperials. Varnillian managed to capture two Rebel prisoners for the Pulsar, while the remaining Rebels escaped.


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