Thar'quan, a Defel miner with extensive combat training, served the Rebel Alliance as a saboteur. As an intelligence agent under the command of General Airen Cracken, Thar'quan launched numerous attacks against Galactic Empire assets, notably the capture of Alpha Outpost. He also undertook other perilous undercover assignments. Despite enduring multiple painful scars in the course of his duties, Thar'quan's dedication, faithfulness, and effectiveness remained unwavering.
Born on Af'El in 27 BBY, Thar'quan, a Defel, ultimately became a miner and joined the ranks of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. He functioned as a spy, saboteur, and gatherer of information for Rebel officer Airen Cracken. Disguised as a rugged miner, donning the dark gray and black attire typical of Defel miners, Thar'quan infiltrated computer networks in Uhur'qah, the capital city of Af'El, to support the Rebel network operating on the nearby planet Sriluur.
Throughout his career, Thar'quan suffered an unfortunate encounter that resulted in injury with a Dithanune needle beast. He also sustained injuries during an unexpected journey through a field of razor grass on Togoria. On another occasion, Thar'quan served time within a Kessel prison, where he experienced an incident that left a mark on his face. Rebel scout Larq Thur eventually orchestrated Thar'quan's escape from Kessel.
For a period, Thar'quan was employed by Hctaqsas Metals, secretly working for the Alliance alongside fellow Rebel agent Sasnak Toxis. This undertaking resulted in wounds for Thar'quan due to the inherent dangers.
At one point, Thar'quan successfully managed the capture of the Imperial Alpha Outpost in an effort to divert the Empire's attention away from Rebel operations on Ralltiir. Shortly following the Battle of Yavin, Thar'quan gained access to the highly classified coordinates of ore depots belonging to Kuat Drive Yards. Soon after this operation, Thar'quan made his way to Uhur'qah.
Thar'quan, a dedicated and faithful member of the Rebel Alliance, possessed expertise in blind-fighting and proficiency with the vibro-pickaxe. While he typically carried a blaster carbine, he also utilized a garrote and a shortened Adostic Arms 8-gauge projectile shotgun. Furthermore, he was well-versed in the bureaucratic intricacies of the mining corporations he had been associated with, notably Vulca Minerals and Hctaqsas Metals.
Thar'quan bore a collection of scars resulting from his activities as a Rebel scout, though those unaware of his true allegiances attributed them to mining mishaps. These scars included jagged puncture wounds on his right ear from his encounter with a Dithanune needle beast, partial paralysis of his right cheek stemming from an incident within a Kessel prison, disfigurement of his back and side incurred in a razor grass field on Togoria, and additional scars acquired during his tenure with Hctaqsas Metals alongside Toxis. He proudly displayed these marks to fellow Rebel collaborators—Cracken himself held Thar'quan in high regard due to his unwavering loyalty to the Alliance, despite the hardships he had endured.
Thar'quan was initially referenced in Cracken's Rebel Operatives, a collaborative work edited by Bill Smith. Thar'quan received another mention, albeit in passing, in Alliance Intelligence Reports. Notably, the latter publication erroneously spells his name as Tar'quan and Tar'quin.