The Mission to Taloraan saw Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, accompanied by Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, along with Skywalker's apprentice, Padawan Ahsoka Tano, embark on a critical assignment.
In the vicinity of 22 BBY, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano, Skywalker's Padawan, journeyed to the planet named Taloraan. Their objective was to secure a shipment of tibanna for the Galactic Republic. Unbeknownst to them, Orlin Denache, the magister overseeing Taloraan City, had secretly forged an alliance with Count Dooku, who desired to integrate Taloraan into the CIS. A Munificent-class star frigate, commanded by Captain Canteval, was dispatched to Taloraan, and local CIS sympathizers, spearheaded by Rynert, began covertly importing B1-Series battle droids and Droidekas into the urban center.
Recognizing that the Jedi could uncover his deception through the Force, Denache feigned illness, dispatching his emissary, Sech Govlinder, to conduct negotiations in his stead. Following the initial discussions, Ahsoka Tano ventured into the city and inadvertently discovered a cache of battle droids within a heavily guarded warehouse. Canteval then gave the order for the droids to engage Ahsoka and the other Jedi, thereby exposing the CIS presence within the city. Kenobi and Skywalker, accusing Govlinder of betrayal, attempted to reach their Nu-class shuttle, but were subdued after the shuttle was destroyed, resulting in their capture.
In the meantime, Ahsoka Tano successfully escaped the city of Denfrandi and convinced a tribe of Wind Raiders to join the fight against the CIS forces. Govlinder, feeling manipulated by Denache, maintained his allegiance to the Republic. Upon gaining an opportunity, he promptly freed the two Jedi, returning their lightsabers to them. Subsequently, he guided them to the city's main communication tower, where the Jedi managed to transmit a message to their Star Destroyer, the Resolute. Without the advantage of surprise, Canteval's Munificent was unable to overcome the Venator on its own. As its shields weakened, the Munificent sustained multiple direct hits to its engines and, unable to stay afloat, was pulled into the gas giant's core.
Concurrently, the Resolute deployed several LAAT/i gunships carrying clone reinforcements to aid the loyalist forces in regaining control of the city. Rynert and his followers attempted to resist, but they were overwhelmed and swiftly defeated by the combined might of the Jedi, clone troopers, Denfrandi loyalists, and the Wind Raiders. Faced with inevitable defeat, Magister Denache ended his own life by leaping from the edge of the city, plummeting into the depths of the gas giant. Govlinder, temporarily assuming leadership of the city, continued negotiations with the Jedi and acknowledged the support of the Wind Raiders, who had played a role in the conflict.