Keyan Farlander, also known as "Lucky," was a male Jedi Knight of the Agamarian species. He fought for both the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the New Republic military. Hailing from the small community of Tondatha, Farlander became a member of the Agamar Resistance after the Galactic Empire destroyed his hometown. This attack resulted in the deaths of his mother and father, and left his sister with severe burns. After attending a recruitment event held by Rebel leader Mon Mothma, Farlander chose to enlist in the burgeoning Rebel Alliance. He then became a pilot within the Alliance Starfighter Corps, serving with Red Squadron on the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser named Independence.
Farlander took part in numerous early engagements of the Galactic Civil War, notably the assault on the Death Star I during the Battle of Yavin. He later survived the Imperial assault on Echo Base and fought in the Battle of Endor, which led to the demise of Emperor Palpatine.
His piloting prowess was amplified by his inherent Force sensitivity. However, as his potential grew, he grappled with the temptations of the dark side and experienced increasing isolation. Farlander decided to abstain from using the Force until an encounter with Luke Skywalker provided him with a nascent understanding of his abilities. Subsequently, he underwent training as a Jedi at Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum, balancing his role in the New Jedi Order with his responsibilities as a military commander for the New Republic. By the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War, he had risen to the rank of general and functioned as a senior commander for the Republic, leading forces in several battles, including the Battle of Ebaq and the Recapture of Coruscant.
Keyan Farlander, a Human male, spent his formative years in Tondatha, a small settlement situated on Agamar, an agricultural planet located within the Lahara sector of the Outer Rim Territories. He resided with his mother, father, and sister, Kitha, on the family's struggling mugruebe ranch. Initially, he held no opposition to Imperial governance. As a child, he witnessed Imperial fleet landing craft passing over Tondatha, sparking his aspiration to join the Imperial Navy. However, his perspective shifted dramatically when the Empire, alleging that Tondatha's inhabitants were conspiring against Emperor Palpatine, obliterated the town through an orbital bombardment. At the time of the assault, Farlander was traversing a binka forest in his T-16 skyhopper, returning home from Calna Muun after completing an errand for his father. Upon observing the Imperial assault ship descending upon Tondatha, he pushed his airspeeder to its maximum speed in an attempt to reach home. By the time he arrived, the Imperial attack was underway. Farlander rushed to his residence to find his family, but shortly after entering, it was struck by a blaster bolt, causing the roof to collapse around him. While Farlander survived with minor burns, his parents were killed and his sister sustained severe burns.

Farlander arranged for his sister to live with their aunt Mimya and uncle Trinn on Oorn Tchis, where she could receive medical treatment. Three months following the attack, Farlander relocated to Calna Muun. Over the ensuing months, he began to seek out individuals who harbored resentment towards the Empire, ultimately becoming involved in the Agamar Resistance. In 1 BBY, a mere month after joining the Resistance, Farlander attended a clandestine rally organized by Alliance to Restore the Republic Chief of State Mon Mothma to encourage the Agamar Resistance to integrate into the Alliance.
Inspired by Mon Mothma's address, Farlander made the decision to join the Rebellion as a starfighter pilot. Shortly after the rally concluded, Farlander boarded the shuttle destined for the waiting Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Independence, accompanied by fellow Agamarian recruits 'Ndranth Poussan, Sunnar Jan-lo, and Breth Gart, as well as several members of the ship's crew, including Mon Mothma's aide, Lynia Delline. Farlander had encountered Delline immediately after Mon Mothma's speech, and the two engaged in conversation aboard the shuttle. Delline suggested that he could serve the Alliance in a less hazardous capacity. However, Farlander remained steadfast in his determination to become a pilot, a decision that Delline respected. Upon arriving aboard the Independence, Farlander was escorted to his quarters and introduced to Lieutenant Hamo Blastwell, who would serve as his liaison officer within Red Squadron.
Farlander's training commenced the following day. Under Blastwell's guidance, Farlander dedicated two days to practicing in the pilot proving grounds, an obstacle course designed to familiarize pilots with the fundamental functions of a starfighter. After successfully completing his basic training, Farlander was assigned to Commander Wex "TIE-Die" Dafid for tactical combat training, which involved a series of simulated recreations of historical combat scenarios. During his initial training, Farlander encountered the renowned Rebel pilot Halley Kadorto, who imparted combat advice to the younger pilot.
Farlander was still in the midst of his combat training, having just finished the final A-wing historical training mission, when he was selected for his first mission. After only thirteen days of training, a shortage of pilots compelled the Alliance to utilize the rookie in a mission to retrieve data stored on the Imperial CR90 corvette Talon. Farlander was assigned to fly a T-65 X-wing starfighter as part of Red Squadron, assisting the Nebulon-B frigate Liberator in engaging TIE Fighter escorts, while Y-wings from Gold Squadron would disable the Talon. Storm Unit would then board the ship and retrieve the information. The strike force would then retreat into hyperspace before Imperial reinforcements could arrive.

Red Squadron emerged from hyperspace and initiated engagement with TIE Fighter escorts. However, a request from Storm Unit for an R2 unit prompted Farlander to detach and dock with the Talon. While Storm Unit battled defending stormtroopers, Farlander and his R2 unit made their way to the bridge, where they deactivated any remaining turbolaser batteries and commenced downloading data from the ship's computer. He also relieved the Imperial commanding officer of several disks that he was attempting to destroy, killing the officer in the process, before returning to the Independence.
The recovered information included a copy of the highly classified Imperial document, Technical Specifications: Spacecraft of the Imperium and the Rebel Alliance, which detailed specifications of both Imperial and Rebel spacecraft, providing the Rebels with valuable insight into the enemy's strengths and weaknesses. Farlander's actions earned him a promotion to lieutenant, along with the moniker "Lucky." The mission was subsequently added to the historical missions database for training new pilots, and Rebel historians documented Farlander's actions in a file intended to inspire new recruits. Impressed by Farlander's performance in his inaugural mission and his near-perfect scores in the simulators, General Jan Dodonna requested that he be placed on active duty as soon as possible.
Farlander played a crucial role in the Rebellion's operations in the months that followed. The day after completing his final combat simulation, Farlander was officially assigned to Red Squadron and attended a briefing on the Alliance's strategy to counter a massive Imperial offensive known as Operation Strike Fear. An opportunity to gather more information about the Empire's plans arose when the crew of the Imperial CR90 corvette Bixby expressed their intention to defect to the Alliance. Farlander was assigned as Blastwell's wingmate on a mission to destroy a convoy under escort from the Bixby, while the corvette was secured for the Alliance. Captain Nogdra of the Bixby provided intelligence regarding an Imperial staging point near Dellalt, and Farlander was selected to conduct a reconnaissance flight in a lone R-22 Spearhead, confirming the presence of a substantial Imperial force led by the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Invincible.

Several days after his solo mission, Farlander attended a briefing led by General Dodonna. The general had already been planning to evacuate the Rebel base on Brigia, but recent intelligence indicated that the base was to be the primary target of Operation Strike Fear, compelling the Alliance to act sooner than anticipated. Farlander was tasked with providing cover for the senior staff shuttles during the evacuation, his flight arriving in the system shortly before the Invincible. Despite heavy Rebel losses in the ensuing battle, Farlander played a key role in ensuring that all senior staff shuttles successfully escaped into hyperspace. However, he had little time to rest. Shortly after returning to the Independence, Farlander was dispatched to defend the medical frigate Redemption, which was receiving wounded from the battle. When the Redemption came under attack from the Imperial Nebulon-B frigate Warspite, Farlander assisted in covering the transfer of wounded until all ships were safely away. This mission was also recreated as a training scenario and subsequently utilized by the elite Rogue Squadron.
The following day, Farlander participated in a raid on an Imperial convoy, aimed at disrupting the Empire's resupply efforts in advance of a planned attack on Rudrig. He was joined on the raid by fellow Agamarian Sunnar Jan-lo, who would become a close friend within Red Squadron. Around this time, Ordnance and Supply Command reported a critical shortage of astromech droids for use with the X-wing and Y-wing starfighters. When an A-wing flight reported that the Imperial BFF-1 bulk freighter Ars Opus had broken down near Rudrig with a shipment of the droids, Farlander helped provide cover for a recovery operation. Shortly after the mission, however, the Rebels discovered that the stolen droids had been tampered with—the R2 units hijacked three X-wings, including one flown by Blastwell, and were attempting to deliver them to the Invincible. The Rebels promptly dispatched the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Maximus to retrieve the X-wings, while Farlander assisted in providing cover.

Shortly after rescuing his friend, Farlander and Blastwell were summoned to a private briefing with Commander H. S'man, who informed them of a plan to rescue Sullustan prisoners being transferred from their homeworld to the Imperial capital Coruscant. Alliance High Command planned a discreet raid to rescue the prisoners, hoping to secure the support of the Sullustans against the Empire. Due to Farlander's ability to assess situations and react effectively under pressure, he was selected to fly a lone Y-wing in the mission. The rescue was a success, and negotiations between Sullustan rebels and the Alliance soon commenced. Both Farlander and Blastwell were assigned to fly patrol for a summit meeting between the two resistance groups. When the Invincible attacked the meeting, Farlander helped to fend off Imperial TIEs until the diplomatic ships escaped. However, they soon learned that the Imperial attack had been a diversion while the Empire kidnapped the Sullustan leader, and Farlander was once again called into action during the subsequent rescue.
Farlander was promoted to captain upon his return to the Independence. Following his debriefing, he celebrated his promotion with several of his friends aboard the ship, including Blastwell, Jan-lo, and Lynia Delline, who had recently returned to the ship after an extended trip with Mon Mothma. He soon began to develop romantic feelings for Delline, although her frequent absences from the ship made it difficult for them to spend time together.
Shortly after Farlander's promotion, Sullustan technicians collaborated with General Crix Madine to devise a plan to end Operation Strike Fear by destroying the Invincible. The initial phase of the plan involved capturing members of the design staff from Cygnus Spaceworks, who were required to assist in modifying a shuttle for the operation. Intelligence reports led the Rebels to a Cygnus test facility where the Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wing was undergoing trials, and Farlander and Jan-lo were dispatched to provide cover for the capture operation. Farlander was also involved in the subsequent stage of the operation, the capture of an Imperial explosive device en route to Celanon. The captured explosive was loaded onto a modified shuttle and delivered to the Invincible. The Imperial command ship was destroyed by the resulting explosion, effectively ending Operation Strike Fear. Farlander was later awarded the Corellian Cross for his contribution to ending the operation.

Shortly after the conclusion of Operation Strike Fear, the Alliance began to receive reports that the Empire was developing a new superweapon and initiated a search for information regarding the nature of the threat. Early in the search, a group of captured Rebel pilots escaped from Stars' End prison aboard a freighter bound for Kashyyyk. Farlander piloted an A-wing during a mission to rescue the pilots, accompanied by Lieutenant Cardacs, a recent transfer to Red Squadron and a friend of one of the captured pilots, Captain Samuel Raider. Although the rescue was successful, Cardacs was killed during the mission, and Raider held Farlander responsible, confronting him angrily the following day. However, after the two collaborated on a mission to rescue Wookiee slaves being transported to a major Imperial construction project, Raider apologized to Farlander, and the two began to form a friendship.
During his next mission, an attack on an Imperial weapons convoy near Orron III, Farlander made an error by requesting his wingmen, Tan'tro and Ahsmar, to assist him in destroying a freighter, causing them to abandon their positions against attacking assault gunboats. Both pilots were killed, and Farlander's briefing officer, Commander Lagrane, suspended him from operations pending an official inquiry into the incident. Farlander received support from his wingmates, including Blastwell and Raider, during his suspension, and was eventually reinstated to active duty with a warning and a mandatory return to the flight simulators for refresher training.
His subsequent two missions were flown without wingmen: a raid to capture a freighter carrying Imperial communications satellites, followed by providing cover for a rendezvous between the captured freighter Phoenix and the cruiser Maximus. Around this time, Mon Mothma visited the Independence. Farlander was pleased to see Delline with her, and the two dined together in the ship's executive dining room before Delline's duties once again took her away from the ship. The captured satellites were intended to be used to eavesdrop on Imperial transmissions in the Cron Drift. However, when the freighter Ojai came under attack while transferring the satellites to the corvette Jeffrey, Farlander was once again called into action to defend the rendezvous.
The captured satellites were deployed by the Jeffrey and soon intercepted an Imperial signal containing plans for their new weapon—the Death Star battle station. The plans were to be transferred to the Liberty by Rebel pilot Biggs Darklighter. However, when his X-wing malfunctioned and came under attack from Imperial forces, Farlander led an A-wing flight to protect the recovery of the X-wing and the data it contained. Darklighter later joined Farlander and Raider in the pilots' lounge, where the three shared their experiences.

Soon after, the Rebel Alliance received intelligence indicating that the Imperial Star Destroyer Intrepid had sustained damage and was undergoing repairs. Consequently, they initiated a series of operations with the primary objective of destroying the aforementioned Star Destroyer. Farlander played a role in the initial raid, successfully obliterating a freighter transporting a replacement hyperdrive. However, the stresses of combat, coupled with the emotional toll of losing numerous comrades, began to take their toll on Farlander. Furthermore, unbeknownst to him at the time, Farlander possessed Force-sensitive abilities, which began to manifest in his dreams and negatively impacted his ability to concentrate. Following the Intrepid mission, Farlander shared his experiences with Commander Lagrane, who advised him to seek counsel from the ship's medical personnel. While a medical droid expressed concern regarding Farlander's condition, the pilot unknowingly utilized the Force to persuade a doctor to permit him to remain on active duty, prescribing sedatives to promote sleep.
Farlander's return from the medical bay coincided precisely with his next assignment: an assault targeting the Intrepid's escort vessels, with the intention of rendering the Star Destroyer vulnerable. Less than sixty minutes after his return to the Independence, he participated in the culminating assault on the Intrepid, a coordinated attack involving X-wings, Y-wings, and A-wings. Farlander, alongside Jan-lo, swiftly neutralized the Star Destroyer's shields using their X-wings, thereby enabling the Y-wings' proton torpedo barrage to obliterate the vessel—a landmark event marking the first instance of the Rebels destroying a Star Destroyer in a direct frontal assault. Upon returning to the Independence, Farlander visited Jan-lo, who had sustained injuries during the battle, as she underwent bacta treatment.
Despite the Alliance's significant victory with the destruction of the Intrepid, celebrations were short-lived. The Death Star plans were slated for delivery to Bail Organa on Alderaan by his adopted daughter, Senator Leia Organa. Mere days after the Intrepid mission, Farlander provided protective cover for the transfer of the plans to Organa's ship, the Tantive IV, and was once again summoned when the vessel was attacked by the Star Destroyer Immortal. Despite his best efforts, Farlander soon received news that the Tantive IV had been attacked again, and the whereabouts of both Organa and the Death Star plans remained unknown. Nevertheless, he was awarded the Mantooine Medallion in recognition of his role in securing the plans and delivering them to Organa.
In the time shortly following Organa's disappearance in 0 BBY, High Command convened a briefing where General Dodonna unveiled their strategy to impede the Death Star's completion, and Farlander was decorated for his accomplishments in a recent operation. Immediately following the briefing, Farlander was reassigned to a mission to safeguard a weapons transfer involving the recently captured freighter Sidral II and the corvette Frazier. Intelligence suggested that a portion of the military hardware aboard the Sidral II had passed through an Imperial repair facility near Coruscant. The Alliance believed that an assault on this facility would disrupt the infrastructure supporting ships involved in the Death Star project. Farlander piloted a Y-wing in a raid that successfully destroyed the facility. He engaged in further combat during the capture of a Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transport carrying military advisors working on the Death Star, after it was sabotaged by Alliance Special Forces.
Around this period, Farlander took on the role of liaison to Breth Gart, a young Agamarian who had joined the Alliance concurrently with Farlander but had only recently qualified as a pilot. Given their shared Agamarian heritage, the two pilots quickly formed a bond, and Farlander brought Gart along on a temporary assignment to the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Defiance, where they collaborated to defend it against the Star Destroyer Immortal. Following their return to the Independence, Blastwell, recently promoted to commander, approached Farlander regarding a mission to capture members of the Death Star design team. While Blue Squadron engaged the defenses, Farlander's Y-wing disabled the corvette Godar as it attempted to rendezvous with the Immortal, thereby enabling a Rebel shuttle to capture the designers.
Tragically, Gart later perished while flying alongside Farlander in a freak collision with the Imperial frigate Priam during an attack on the Imperial base at Kalla VII. Farlander struggled to cope with Gart's death, and his failure to attend his mission debriefing prompted Commander Lagrane to recommend a psychological evaluation. That night, Farlander's dreams resurfaced, and he heard voices asserting that Gart was weak and that only power could defeat the Empire and bring an end to the war. Concerned about his mental well-being, his superiors considered grounding him until Farlander employed the Force to persuade them to allow him to remain active. Returning to combat, Farlander participated in two raids targeting the Priam: the first to eliminate its escort, and the second to aid in the capture of the frigate itself.

Farlander's initial experiences with the Force were characterized by a lack of training, rendering him susceptible to influences from both the dark and light sides of the Force, and bringing him precariously close to succumbing to the dark side before he ultimately recognized that the Force was more than merely a source of power. He discovered his ability to penetrate the minds of enemy pilots, almost to the point of guiding them directly into his line of fire. Driven by the ambition to create an invincible squadron of Force-guided pilots, he recruited a group of young pilots for instruction, instilling in them a sense of aggression and invulnerability. While the rookie pilots admired him and embraced his teachings, his unconventional conduct began to alienate the more seasoned pilots.
Farlander received orders to oversee the recapture of the Corellian corvettes Ethar I and II. He resolved to demonstrate the validity of his approach by bringing two of his followers, Casal Marskan and Horodi, along with him. Despite the mission's success, both of his wingmen were killed, and, for the first time in his career, Farlander's ship was destroyed, although he successfully ejected.
Upon returning to the Independence, Farlander was confronted by Casal's elder brother, Captain Ernek Marskan of Blue Squadron, who held him responsible for his brother's death. Farlander employed the Force to choke Marskan, but released him before inflicting fatal injury. Farlander was horrified by the realization that he had nearly killed Marskan, but remained convinced that his wingmen had been unworthy of the Force and that others would achieve greater success. He identified several more young pilots willing to listen, although he found himself increasingly ostracized by those whom he had previously considered friends, including Marskan, Raider, and Speedy.
When Blastwell confronted him upon his return from guard duty at a Rebel supply depot, Farlander experienced a sudden disorientation and lost consciousness, hearing a voice warning him to reject the dark side before it consumed him. Upon regaining consciousness moments later, Farlander declined Blastwell's offer to seek medical attention, opting instead to return to his quarters to contemplate the events unfolding within him. He remained in his quarters several hours later when the Independence came under attack from the Immortal while en route to Yavin 4. Farlander scrambled to his X-wing and assisted in the ship's defense. During the battle, Farlander once again felt the pull of the dark side, at one point causing him to lower his shields, rendering him momentarily vulnerable. However, the spirits of the light side prevailed, and he rejected the darker voices, regaining control of his fighter. Following the battle, neither voice returned, and Farlander resolved to abstain from using the Force until he possessed a more comprehensive understanding of its nature.

Shortly after arriving at Yavin 4, Farlander was among a group of pilots reassigned to Yavin Base to contribute to the impending battle against the Death Star. It was there that he encountered Luke Skywalker. The two engaged in conversation, and Farlander introduced Skywalker to the fundamentals of flying an X-wing. Skywalker, in turn, shared some of the teachings that Obi-Wan Kenobi had imparted to him regarding the Force. Although Farlander still felt unprepared to wield it, he was relieved to meet someone who understood his experiences and expressed hope that he would one day master the Force and become a Jedi.
While the Rebels awaited the arrival of the Death Star, they formulated plans for actions against its support fleet. Farlander participated in preliminary missions aimed at disrupting communications and defenses surrounding the thermal exhaust port. For the primary assault on the Death Star, Farlander was temporarily reassigned to Gold Squadron and piloted a Y-wing in the battle, utilizing the call sign Gold Seven. His role was to provide tactical support and to repel enemy fighters while others executed the trench run.
Despite suffering heavy losses, the Battle of Yavin culminated in a Rebel victory, with Skywalker delivering the shots that destroyed the battlestation. Farlander was among the few pilots to survive the attack—and the sole member of Gold Squadron—and was promoted to commander following the battle before attending a medal ceremony honoring Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca. Farlander's ability to savor the victory was limited compared to many at Yavin Base, as Hamo Blastwell, his closest confidant and the only pilot who had remained loyal to him recently, had reportedly been killed during the battle, and he still faced an uphill battle to regain the trust of the other pilots. One of his friends, Lynia Delline, continued to believe in him and promised to spend more time with him in the coming months.
Despite the destruction of the Death Star, the Alliance's celebrations were short-lived, as the location of Yavin Base had been compromised, necessitating an immediate evacuation. Farlander provided cover for the evacuation of corvette group Crescent as they initiated their jump to hyperspace, employing his A-wing to hold off starfighters from the frigate Red Wind. He was soon dispatched again to safeguard a transit point for additional fleeing Rebel ships, contributing to the rescue of numerous Alliance personnel. He would encounter the Red Wind again during a subsequent mission to escort a convoy transporting equipment for a new Rebel base while the Alliance searched for a suitable location. The Alliance ultimately devised a retaliatory strike against the frigate, in which Farlander participated.
The Rebels suffered a significant setback when the Maximus's task force came under attack, prompting the evacuation of the cruiser. Farlander led a pair of X-wings dispatched to assist the cruiser's A-wings in covering the evacuation, thereby ensuring the survival of the ship's crew. He later joined Rebel fighters in defending the frigate Anvil as it underwent resupply by the corvette Lauhu. While the Anvil survived an assault from the Imperial frigate Firelance, it sustained extensive damage, forcing the crew to abandon ship shortly thereafter. Farlander was once again summoned to assist in the evacuation.
Despite Farlander's efforts during the evacuation of Yavin, the Alliance lost several ships carrying food supplies, resulting in critically low stocks. It was imperative that the Rebels protect their remaining supplies, so Farlander was dispatched to guard the damaged grain freighter Op Mus while the transport Jaamn conducted repairs. In a subsequent mission, Farlander guarded the freighter Trips as it recovered a container of grain that had been jettisoned by a Rebel ship in the Lesser Plooriod Cluster while evading an Imperial attack. Having secured their remaining supplies, the Rebels initiated a search for new sources and dispatched Farlander in a Y-wing to identify and disable an Imperial convoy ship carrying food for capture by the transport Raider.

A potential resolution to the food shortage emerged when Imperial Overlord Ghorin of the Greater Plooriod Cluster professed sympathy for the Rebellion and initiated negotiations to supply them with grain. An initial shipment was arranged, and Farlander was dispatched to clear a mine field in the area preceding the delivery and to conduct a diversionary raid on a listening station near Saheelindeel to divert Imperial forces. He later provided cover for the transfer of the grain. However, tests on the delivery revealed that Ghorin had betrayed the Alliance by supplying them with poisoned grain. Seeking an alternative source, Farlander was dispatched to assist in a raid on an Imperial storage facility. With a grain supply secured, Alliance High Command formulated a plan to exact revenge on Ghorin. Farlander played a pivotal role in operation, assisting in the capture of some of Ghorin's Y-wings and employing them in raids on a supply storage area in the Hollan D1 sector and an Imperial convoy en route to the Geedon system. Finally, Farlander assisted in an assault on a convoy delivering grain from Ghorin to an Imperial base. By swapping the grain aboard the convoy craft for the tainted grain acquired from Ghorin, the Rebels created the impression that the overlord had betrayed the Empire. Farlander later confirmed the plan's success with a reconnaissance flight to verify that a poisoned grain delivery arrived at the frigate Elite. The tainted grain delivery convinced the Emperor that Ghorin was a traitor, and he was subsequently executed by Darth Vader.
When Alliance Intelligence discovered that the Empire was conducting tests on the new TIE Avenger at a clandestine base, Farlander led a raid on the facility, destroying the static defenses and enabling the freighter Ashanti to capture one of the fighters. Following a subsequent mission to defend a Leafar convoy that came under attack from Imperial forces, the Leafar provided information indicating that the TIE Avenger's new shield technology was being adapted for larger vessels, with a Corellian corvette reportedly next in line to receive the technology. The Rebels devised a plan to capture the test ship by employing assault gunboats to infiltrate the area, and Farlander participated in a raid to capture three of the starfighters. In a subsequent mission, the captured gunboats escorted Farlander's Y-wing into the Imperial test facility, under the guise that he was a defecting Rebel pilot. Farlander located and disabled the prototype, the corvette Blade 5, and then assisted Storm Unit in capturing the ship. In his next mission, he helped guard the Blade 5, now renamed the Ram's Head, as it rendezvoused with the corvette Libra in preparation for a major operation codenamed Operation Ram's Head. The Ram's Head was later employed to ram the bridges of several Star Destroyers at Imperial Drydock IV. His contributions during the period spanning the evacuation of Yavin to the protection of the Ram's Head earned Farlander the Shield of Yavin.

At some point after the Battle of Yavin, and his induction into the Rebel Alliance, Farlander engaged in a skirmish with at least one Imperial pilot. Despite being defeated in the encounter, Farlander managed to escape alive in his crippled T-65 X-wing starfighter. Farlander also participated in battles between Rebel and Imperial forces in the Naboo, Tatoo, Corellian, Dantooine, and Karthakk systems during the Galactic Civil War. These engagements involved an Imperial Lancer-class frigate facing off against a Rebel Nebulon-B escort frigate, with numerous starfighters providing support for the defense or offense of the system.
Following a brief leave of absence after Operation Ram's Head, Farlander resumed his duties to assist in the final phases of the B-wing starfighter project, a new bomber conceived by Admiral Gial Ackbar with the assistance of Slayn & Korpil, a Verpine starfighter manufacturer operating within the Roche asteroids. Collaborating with pilots from Red and Gold Squadrons, Farlander provided security for a makeshift assembly area dedicated to the new starfighter. After repelling an initial Imperial raid on the facility, the Rebels were compelled to evacuate. The attack was observed by a Habassan vessel, and the Habassa agreed to aid in the evacuation by dispatching the corvette Habatok 2. Farlander was assigned as part of a four-ship X-wing group to cover the evacuation, successfully thwarting an assault by the Star Destroyer Relentless until the assembly area's crew and all B-wings escaped to hyperspace. The Rebels promptly began deploying the new B-wings to the Alliance Fleet, and Farlander collaborated with Luke Skywalker to ensure the operational readiness of the new fighters, commencing by replacing the aging Y-wings of Blue Squadron aboard the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Maria, and subsequently assisting in their safe delivery to the cruiser Cathleen.

Following simulator training on the B-wing, Farlander had the chance to utilize the new bomber in combat for the first time during an attack on a TIE staging area near Yunkor IX. He was subsequently selected as one of four handpicked pilots for a mission to destroy an Imperial weapons research facility that was attempting to replicate the Ram's Head's shield technology. Given the base's light defenses, the Rebels decided to evaluate the tactical effectiveness of their four primary starfighters. Farlander piloted a B-wing in the mission, partnering with an A-wing, while a second pair consisted of an X-wing and a Y-wing.
The Habassa had limited prior engagement with the Empire and were initially skeptical of Rebel claims. Nevertheless, the Alliance hoped to persuade them to join the Rebellion. When Alliance Intelligence learned that a number of Habassan prisoners were being transported by the Empire for use as slave laborers, the Rebels recognized this as an opportunity to demonstrate the threat posed by the Empire to the Habassan leaders and planned a rescue operation. Farlander participated in a raid on the Imperial convoy transporting the prisoners as it awaited the frigate Mayhem near Cificap VIII, and later took part in a mission to rescue a Habassan convoy from Imperial attack. The Alliance's intervention convinced the Habassan leaders to join the Alliance, and a formal declaration was arranged aboard the Independence. The Habassa were impressed by Red Squadron's performance in previous operations and requested that the squadron provide cover for the meeting. Farlander was among the selected pilots and flew an A-wing to rendezvous with the Habassan transport Bardictol, escorting it to the Independence before assisting in repelling an Imperial attack by the frigates Riptide and Havok. Following their accession to the Alliance, the Habassa delivered foodstuffs to Rebel forces, and Farlander assisted in overseeing the transfer. Later, when a Habassan convoy came under attack in the Pii system, Farlander was once again dispatched to assist, his group of four B-wings saving the convoy from a superior number of assault gunboats.
The Alliance soon discovered that the Relentless was coordinating the Empire's efforts to locate the Alliance Fleet. To aid in its efforts, the Empire was deploying probes throughout the sector from a cargo transfer area near Bofa II. The Rebels devised a plan to disguise their movements by capturing Imperial probes and modifying them to submit false reports. Farlander participated in the operation, piloting a B-wing to escort Storm Unit during the capture of the probe-carrying freighter Libom. To ensure the effectiveness of the modified probes, the Rebels also needed to neutralize the squadrons of corvettes and assault gunboats patrolling nearby systems. To this end, Farlander flew one of three B-wings involved in assaults on recon bases in the Farfeld and Feenicks systems. Despite several skirmishes with the Relentless's task force, the Alliance remained uncertain of its size and composition. To ascertain this, Farlander participated in a raid on the Imperial frigate Mayhem with the objective of capturing personnel possessing knowledge of the Imperial forces. Interrogation of the captured officers revealed that Rebel attacks had reduced the task force's frigates to a single ship—the Juvaini. Farlander's A-wing provided escort for Blue Squadron's B-wings as they spearheaded an assault that destroyed the frigate.

The Habassa provided the Rebel Alliance with crucial intelligence regarding several planets and moons suitable for the construction of a new primary base of operations. However, before they could even think about establishing such a base, the Rebels had to evade the relentless pursuit of the Imperial forces. Consequently, they initiated a series of strategic operations designed to culminate in the destruction of the formidable Relentless. The initial phase involved the elimination of a new generation of Imperial probes undergoing essential calibration trials. Subsequently, Farlander played a pivotal role in an assault on a convoy tasked with delivering replacement starfighters to the Relentless, intentionally weakening the vessel's defenses. Ultimately, Farlander piloted a B-wing starfighter in a direct assault against the Relentless itself. Leading the charge, Farlander and his wingman were entrusted with the critical task of neutralizing the Star Destroyer's vital shield generators before the main assault force of Blue Squadron arrived on the scene. This daring mission proved to be a resounding success, significantly impairing the Empire's ability to effectively monitor and track Rebel movements.
Based on the Habassan data, the Rebels chose to set up Echo Base on the isolated, icy planet of Hoth. To guarantee a secure journey to their new sanctuary, the Rebels executed coordinated strikes targeting all remaining Imperial probes within the sector. During one of these engagements, Farlander piloted a lone B-wing against a specific probe. While the majority of the Alliance Fleet successfully reached Hoth without any major incidents, Farlander was once again called upon to rescue the cruisers Cathleen, Yali, and Maria from an Imperial ambush, contributing to the destruction of an Imperial strike force comprised of several frigates. In recognition of his valiant efforts, Farlander was honored with the prestigious Talons of Hoth award. In 3 ABY, Imperial troops under the command of the infamous Darth Vader successfully located the Rebel base situated on Hoth. The Imperials then launched a full-scale offensive, but Farlander's inherent Force-sensitivity aided him in surviving the subsequent chaotic evacuation.
In 4 ABY, Alliance intelligence discovered that the Empire was actively constructing a second Death Star in orbit around the forest moon of Endor, with Emperor Palpatine himself overseeing the final construction phases. Farlander attended a strategic briefing aboard the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Home One, where Mon Mothma, Admiral Ackbar, and General Madine presented a comprehensive plan to assault the battle station before it could become fully operational. During the Battle of Endor, Farlander piloted a B-wing under the designated call sign Blue Nine, engaging enemy fighters while Wedge Antilles and Lando Calrissian successfully destroyed the battle station.

Following the Emperor's demise at Endor, the Rebel Alliance transitioned into the New Republic, reclaiming substantial territory previously under Imperial control. Luke Skywalker ascended to the rank of Jedi Master and initiated the establishment of a New Jedi Order. Recognizing Farlander's exceptional abilities, Skywalker assessed his Force potential. The assessment yielded positive results, and despite his prior negative experiences with the Force, Farlander accepted Skywalker's invitation to return to Yavin 4 for training at the Jedi Praxeum. After years of dedicated training, he achieved the rank of Jedi Knight and continued to support Skywalker in training new recruits, frequently serving as a Jedi piloting instructor.
In 25 ABY, the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong launched an invasion targeting the New Republic. The conflict quickly turned against the New Republic, with the Yuuzhan Vong securing a series of victories that culminated in the capture of the New Republic's capital world, Coruscant, in 27 ABY. During the war, Farlander served in the New Republic Defense Force and was stationed aboard the Bothan Assault Cruiser Ralroost, which served as the flagship of Bothan Admiral Traest Kre'fey, following the fall of Coruscant.
By the beginning of 28 ABY, Farlander had attained the rank of general and commanded the MC80B Star Cruiser Mon Adapyne, operating under Kre'fey's direct command. Following the death of New Republic Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya during Coruscant's fall, Admiral Kre'fey was summoned back to Bothawui for the official mourning period, leaving Farlander in charge without explicit directives from his superiors. When Farlander received intelligence from New Republic Intelligence indicating that the flagship of Yuuzhan Vong Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane would be traversing the Obroa system, the general made the decision to implement a plan conceived by Jedi Knight Jaina Solo in an attempt to destroy Shimrra's vessel and bring the war to an end.
Farlander led a task force consisting of two MC80B Star Cruisers, four Corellian gunships, three Republic-class cruisers, a Lancer-class frigate, and several squadrons of starfighters, positioned just four light-hours from Obroa-skai, awaiting a signal from Major Solo, who was commanding the captured Yuuzhan Vong frigate Trickster, to confirm the arrival of Shimrra's fleet. A Hapan fleet under the command of Queen Mother Tenel Ka was poised to enter the battle either when victory was assured or when reinforcements were required to cover a retreat.
The Trickster was the first to enter the Obroa system, disguised as a damaged Yuuzhan Vong vessel. Upon receiving Solo's signal, Farlander's fleet executed a short hyperspace jump to Obroa-skai, appearing behind the Trickster as if in pursuit. The Yuuzhan Vong vessels moved to engage the newcomers and protect their damaged ship, allowing Solo to maneuver closer to the enemy flagship. A crucial element of the battle plan involved the use of yammosk jammers, which could disrupt the yammosks used by the Yuuzhan Vong to coordinate their forces. With the jammer activated, Farlander attempted to break through the enemy lines, but the Yuuzhan Vong countered his maneuvers. Just when it seemed the jammer was ineffective, Solo realized that the enemy was using two yammosks, one aboard the flagship and another on Obroa-skai. Quickly deploying a second jammer, the New Republic forces began to gain control of the battle, while the Trickster completed its positioning. On Farlander's command, Solo opened fire on the Yuuzhan Vong flagship. As the defenders turned to attack the Trickster, Farlander called in the Hapan fleet. Caught between the New Republic and Hapan forces, the remaining Yuuzhan Vong forces were swiftly destroyed.
Only after the battle's conclusion did Farlander learn from New Republic Intelligence that the Yuuzhan Vong fleet had actually been under the command of Supreme Commander Komm Karsh. After addressing damage and casualties, Farlander relocated his forces to Kashyyyk, enabling them to respond to threats against both the Hapes Consortium and the Mid Rim. Upon Kre'fey's return from Bothawui, he debriefed Farlander and Solo aboard the Ralroost. The admiral expressed his admiration for their initiative and the victory, recommending them both for commendations. While stationed at Kashyyyk, Farlander participated in the planning of the raid on Ylesia, although he did not participate in the battle itself.
Later that year, retired New Republic Supreme Commander Admiral Ackbar devised a plan to lure the Yuuzhan Vong Warmaster, Tsavong Lah, into a carefully constructed trap. The Yuuzhan Vong were led to believe that Chief of State Cal Omas had sought refuge at Ebaq 9 in the Deep Core, under the protection of several Jedi Knights. As anticipated, the Yuuzhan Vong viewed this as an opportunity to eliminate both the Chief of State and his Jedi protectors; Lah assembled a fleet comprising five battle groups and prepared for a major offensive. While Kre'fey led the majority of his forces in a series of diversionary raids against the enemy, Farlander was placed in command of a squadron of forty capital ships and dispatched directly to Ebaq 9 to initiate preparations.

Upon emerging from hyperspace, Lah ordered the Yun-Yammka group to engage Farlander's force directly, with the Yun-Txiin and Yun-Q'aah groups moving to flank the New Republic ships, while the remaining two groups remained in reserve. Despite being significantly outnumbered, Farlander initially appeared to proceed cautiously, but as he approached Yun-Yammka, he ordered a formation change from an extended line to a compact, pointed blade, unleashing a concentrated barrage of fire upon Yun-Yammka's extended line. This tactic proved effective, leaving eight of the largest Yuuzhan Vong ships disabled or destroyed. Farlander then maneuvered his squadron to breach the enemy battle group again before the flanking battle groups could effectively converge upon him.
The Yuuzhan Vong adjusted their tactics in response to Farlander's maneuver, and the New Republic forces seemed on the verge of being overwhelmed by superior numbers when Admiral Kre'fey's forces entered the system. Ackbar's plan was to compel Lah to commit his forces before springing the full trap. Consequently, Kre'fey's fleet gave the impression of escorting a supply convoy, which promptly returned to hyperspace. The arrival of these new forces prompted Lah to alter his strategy, ordering Yun-Txiin to disengage from Farlander's squadron and engage Kre'fey, along with one of his reserve groups. Utilizing a swift Solo Slingshot maneuver, Farlander was able to disengage his forces and approach Yun-Txiin from behind, effectively trapping them between the two Republic squadrons and inflicting significant damage upon the enemy.
To prevent Farlander and Kre'fey from being overwhelmed, they were soon reinforced by a Smugglers' Alliance fleet under the command of Han Solo. Lah, assuming that the small, heterogeneous fleet had been summoned by a distress call, dispatched the Yun-Q'aah group to engage. Meanwhile, a small Republic force strategically positioned mines along the Yuuzhan Vong's anticipated escape vector, establishing an interdiction field to pull them out of hyperspace and into the minefield when they attempted to flee. Once this was accomplished, Kre'fey summoned the main New Republic Fleet, under the command of General Garm Bel Iblis. Recognizing that the battle was lost, Lah ordered the majority of his fleet to retreat, while leading his own battle group in a desperate final attack on Ebaq 9 itself, hoping to eliminate as many Jedi as possible.
Farlander, along with the other commanding officers, directed their forces towards Ebaq 9 in pursuit, obliterating the remnants of Yun-Yuuzhan. The ten thousand Yuuzhan Vong troops who had landed on the moon, including Tsavong Lah, were killed due to the combined efforts of the Jedi Vergere and Jaina Solo, while many of the fleeing Yuuzhan Vong ships were destroyed by the Republic minefield. The battle proved to be a significant victory for the New Republic and a turning point in the war.
Following the victory at Ebaq 9, Chief of State Omas restructured the New Republic into the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. Collaborating with its allies, including the Imperial Remnant and the Chiss Ascendancy, the Galactic Alliance achieved a series of victories that led Farlander and many other senior commanders to believe that the war would transition into a straightforward mopping-up operation. However, the Yuuzhan Vong developed countermeasures to the Alliance's tactics, prolonging the war for another year.
In 29 ABY, Alliance intelligence discovered that the Yuuzhan Vong were planning a massive assault on its provisional capital of Mon Calamari, and Farlander was among the high-ranking officers summoned to a meeting on Admiral Kre'fey's flagship. The Alliance commanders decided to exploit the situation by committing only half of their fleet to the defense of Mon Calamari, while deploying the remainder to a staging area near Contruum to prepare for a counter-offensive aimed at retaking the former Republic capital, Coruscant. Farlander was assigned to this latter group. When Warmaster Nas Choka engaged Alliance forces near Mon Calamari, the Alliance commanders were surprised by the sudden withdrawal of a portion of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet along a trajectory leading back to Coruscant. Concerned about being caught between Coruscant's defenses and the returning flotilla, Farlander, along with Generals Airen Cracken and Eldo Davip, contacted Admiral Kre'fey, who was leading the defense of Mon Calamari. Kre'fey instructed them to delay the attack until they could ascertain the enemy's intentions.
The Yuuzhan Vong ultimately withdrew from Mon Calamari, and the Alliance regrouped at Contruum. From there, Farlander was dispatched to Corulag in an attempt to liberate the planet and secure a strategically important world near Coruscant. Upon arrival, the Mon Adapyne and its starfighters engaged the Yuuzhan Vong defenders, supported by General Tycho Celchu aboard the Elegos A'Kla. The Yuuzhan Vong ships assumed defensive positions around their yammosk, and the two generals effectively contained the enemy by the time General Bel Iblis arrived with the Harbinger, trapping the Yuuzhan Vong in a crossfire between the Galactic Alliance ships. Once the battle concluded, Farlander, Celchu, and General Wedge Antilles were instructed to proceed directly to Muscave in the Coruscant system to rendezvous with the Galactic Alliance Second Fleet.
In response to the arrival of the living world Zonama Sekot in the Coruscant system, the Yuuzhan Vong amassed a substantial fleet in the area. The Second Fleet positioned itself between Coruscant and Zonama Sekot, drawing Nas Choka's fleet away from Coruscant and enabling the Alliance to land forces on the former capital. The fighting near Muscave quickly devolved into a chaotic melee, resulting in heavy casualties on both sides, but the Second Fleet held its ground until Admiral Kre'fey arrived with forty ships from the First Fleet to provide relief.
Despite the Second Fleet's efforts, Yuuzhan Vong forces managed to reach Zonama Sekot and engage the Jedi, Hapan, and Smugglers' Alliance ships defending the world. As the fighting near Zonama Sekot intensified, three Yuuzhan Vong battle groups relocated from Muscave to reinforce their forces. Recognizing the threat, Farlander and Antilles decided to withdraw elements of the Second Fleet from Muscave in pursuit, acting without the authorization of either Kre'fey or Supreme Commander Sien Sovv.
As the battle raged throughout the system, Luke Skywalker led a mission to the surface of Coruscant, confronting and killing Supreme Overlord Shimrra. As news of Shimmra's death spread, Nas Choka realized that the battle was lost, and the Yuuzhan Vong surrendered, bringing the war to an end. In the aftermath of the battle, Farlander and Bel Iblis were appointed as Coruscant's occupation commanders by Admiral Sovv, and Farlander was among the senior Alliance figures who attended the formal surrender of Nas Choka aboard the Ralroost. Continuing his dual service to the Galactic Alliance and the Jedi, Farlander attended a conclave of the Jedi convened by Luke Skywalker on Zonama Sekot a few weeks after the liberation of Coruscant to discuss the future of their order.
In his youth, Farlander was a typical resident of a peaceful Outer Rim world. He had little interest in galactic politics and considered himself a loyal subject of the Empire. This perspective shifted dramatically with the death of his parents at the hands of the Empire. Driven by a desire for revenge, he joined the Agamar Resistance and subsequently the Rebel Alliance.
His innate piloting skills allowed him to quickly become involved in combat, but as he witnessed the loss of more and more friends to the war, he lost his youthful enthusiasm and matured rapidly. Throughout this process, he relied on his friendships, fostering strong relationships with his wingmates and engaging in practical jokes, particularly after Puck Naeco joined the squadron. When he faced suspension following the deaths of Tan'tro and Ahsmar, the support of Hamo Blastwell and Sam Raider helped him persevere.
However, the cumulative loss of so many friends eventually took its toll. The death of Breth Gart left Farlander feeling isolated and uncertain. This ultimately led him toward the dark side, as his desire to prevent further deaths fueled a desire to inflict harm upon the Empire. He believed that those who were not capable of fighting were unworthy. He overcame his internal conflict with Blastwell's assistance, but many of his friendships were damaged.
By the time the Yuuzhan Vong War began, Farlander had evolved into a skilled military strategist, serving as a leading commander for the New Republic during the conflict. At the Battle of Ebaq, where his primary objective was to keep the Yuuzhan Vong occupied until the rest of the fleet arrived to spring the trap, he not only achieved this but also managed to destroy several Yuuzhan Vong ships in the process. He also demonstrated the ability to improvise and act independently, as evidenced by his decision to pursue Supreme Commander Shimrra's forces at Obroa-skai and the Second Fleet's unauthorized withdrawal from Muscave to reinforce Zonama Sekot, bypassing his and General Antilles's superiors.
While committed to his duties to the Republic, Farlander remained mindful of his responsibility to those serving under him, demonstrating concern for his subordinates and a willingness to bend the rules on occasion, such as granting Jagged Fel permission to visit the off-limits Zonama Sekot to see Jaina Solo after the Liberation of Coruscant.

Farlander's Force-sensitivity initially manifested subconsciously during his sleep. He described a dream in which he was inside a large, luminous sphere, hearing two opposing voices and struggling to discern which one to heed. As these dreams began to disrupt his sleep and impair his concentration, Commander Lagrane suggested he seek medical attention. During a consultation with a doctor, Farlander experienced the Force for the first time, using it to persuade the doctor that he was perfectly healthy.
Following Breth Gart's death, Farlander found that one of the voices in his dream offered solace, assuring him that he could take control of his life and use his power to help others. This led him down a path toward the dark side.

Despite his lack of formal training in the Force, Farlander quickly developed the ability to influence the minds of others, although he sometimes struggled to control it. His behavior prompted Lagrane to order a psychiatric evaluation by one of the ship's medical droids, which nearly resulted in him being grounded. Only Farlander's use of the mind trick on Commanders Lagrane and S'man convinced them to allow him to remain active. Farlander even discovered that he could almost control the minds of enemy pilots, forcing them into his sights.
Farlander also developed other abilities, using Force choke on Ernek Marskan and Force Push on Sam Raider, before renouncing the dark side and deciding not to pursue his abilities further. He eventually accepted formal training at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum, ultimately becoming a Jedi Knight and instructor.

Keyan Farlander's genesis was in the 1993 LucasArts video game Star Wars: X-Wing, with his inaugural mission serving as a training exercise. The narrative of Farlander's recruitment into the Rebel Alliance, coupled with the events surrounding his initial mission, was chronicled in The Farlander Papers. This novella, penned by Rusel DeMaria, was bundled with early, limited-edition copies of the game. DeMaria further fleshed out Farlander's backstory, establishing him as the game's protagonist in X-Wing: The Official Strategy Guide, which also debuted that year. Brief glimpses of Farlander are present in cutscenes triggered by the player's ship's destruction. If Farlander successfully ejects, he is either rescued, receiving bacta treatment, or captured and subjected to torture by Darth Vader. Conversely, should the auto-ejection system malfunction, a cutscene depicting Farlander's funeral is displayed. The after-action reports found in X-Wing: The Official Strategy Guide, which detail the unfolding of each mission, confirm that these scenarios are non-canonical. Farlander makes an on-screen appearance in a cutscene within the B-Wing expansion pack for X-Wing (1994), albeit with only the back of his head visible and the voice actor uncredited. A discrepancy exists regarding the character's rank between the B-Wing cutscene and the narrative presented in X-Wing: The Official Strategy Guide. While Luke Skywalker addresses Farlander as a lieutenant in the B-Wing cutscene, X-Wing: The Official Strategy Guide indicates that Farlander was promoted to commander post-Battle of Yavin, predating the events of B-Wing.
Despite mentions of Farlander in reference materials like The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons and an entry in Star Wars Encyclopedia, both published in 1998, the character remained absent until the New Jedi Order novel series, which commenced in 2000. Farlander was referenced in Michael A. Stackpole's The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught and subsequently appeared in Walter Jon Williams's The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way and James Luceno's The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force, in addition to the short story The New Jedi Order: Ylesia, also by Walter John Williams. Daniel Wallace's 2001 Star Wars Insider 57 article, "Who's Who in the New Jedi Order," clarified that Farlander had attained Jedi status by the time of the New Jedi Order series, having been initially identified as Force-sensitive in The Farlander Papers. However, Walter Jon Williams, upon incorporating him into Destiny's Way, was unaware of Farlander's Jedi status, resulting in a characterization that reflected his ignorance of the Jedi meld. In the downloadable e-book edition of Ylesia, Farlander is addressed as "general," a rank he also holds in both Destiny's Way and The Unifying Force. When Ylesia was re-released as a bonus alongside Dark Nest I: The Joiner King, his rank was altered to "commodore."
Farlander was subsequently retconned into Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. A New Hope culminates with the Battle of Yavin, where Luke Skywalker destroys the Death Star. In X-Wing, the Battle of Yavin is divided into three missions: the initial two are preparatory missions occurring during the analysis of the Death Star plans, and the third is the trench run. While X-Wing seemingly portrays the player/Farlander as the Death Star's destroyer, X-Wing: The Official Strategy Guide clarified that Farlander was assigned to a Y-wing and flew with Gold Squadron, while the player assumes Skywalker's role in the final mission. In the aftermath of the Battle of Yavin in A New Hope, a lone Y-wing is observed escaping the Death Star's destruction. The "Star Wars Q&A" section within Star Wars Insider 63 (2002) identified Farlander as the pilot of this Y-wing, a detail echoed in the Questions & Answers section on This was later reiterated in the "Ask Lobot" feature in Star Wars Insider 125 in 2011. In April 2014, Lucasfilm declared that existing Expanded Universe content would no longer be considered part of Star Wars canon, with all future material forming a new continuity. Within this new canon, the Y-wing pilot's identity was reassigned to Evaan Verlaine.

Furthermore, the character underwent a retcon into Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi when his name was attributed to a previously unnamed B-wing pilot present at the briefing preceding the Battle of Endor. This retcon was unveiled in the "Ask Lobot" segment of Star Wars Insider 125, with Leland Chee subsequently pinpointing the specific B-wing pilot on Facebook. Following the decision to designate the B-wing pilot as Farlander, a Farlander action figure was incorporated into a 2008 "Evolutions" three-pack of Rebel pilots as part of Hasbro's Star Wars: The Legacy Collection. Both the figure and the box art depict him as a B-wing pilot during the Battle of Endor. Later, a minifigure representing a B-wing pilot flying in the Battle of Endor within a 2013 LEGO set was identified as Farlander in a display at the 2014 San Diego Comic-Con.
A depiction of Keyan Farlander by Keith Carter was featured in the 1995 Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 3 trading cards, released by Topps in 1995. A notable inconsistency exists between his appearance in the trading card image and subsequent depictions in The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons and Who's Who in the New Jedi Order, a point addressed by Lucasfilm's Leland Chee on his blog in 2007. Farlander's entry in the 2008 reference book The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia erroneously identifies his ship during the Second Battle of Obroa-skai as the Adapyne instead of the Mon Adapyne as it is correctly stated in Destiny's Way.

Keyan Farlander was integrated into the 2003 MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided as a non-player character (NPC) through Game Update 20. Imperial players undertaking Tier 7 Duty Missions from designated space stations had a chance encounter with an elite Rebel pilot, potentially Keyan Farlander, during the mission's final encounter. Defeating Farlander did not result in his destruction; instead, players received a message confirming their victory over the pilot. Subsequently, players obtained a collection icon, contributing towards a badge awarded upon defeating all ten elite Rebel pilots. However, these elite Rebel pilots could also be found participating in various space battles across the Naboo, Tatooine, Corellian, Dantooine, and Karthakk systems. Given Farlander's exclusive presence in the space component of Star Wars Galaxies, initially introduced with the Jump to Lightspeed expansion pack, he was typically observed within his T-65 X-wing starfighter. Nevertheless, a comm display could appear during battles, showcasing Farlander's face. Furthermore, the collection icon depicted Farlander's physical appearance. While players had the option to abstain from any battles or collections associated with Farlander, this overview assumes complete game completion.