Trinn, the uncle of Rebel Alliance starfighter pilot Keyan Farlander, resided on Oorn Tchis in the Lahara sector alongside his wife, Mimya. Following the Imperial attack that devastated Farlander's hometown of Tondatha on Agamar, Farlander entrusted his injured sister, Kitha, to the care of his aunt and uncle.
During the Imperial era, Trinn and his wife, Mimya, made their home on Oorn Tchis, a small and agrarian planet situated within the Lahara sector of the Outer Rim Territories. In the year 0 BBY, the Galactic Empire carried out the destruction of Tondatha, the home city of Trinn's nephew, Keyan Farlander, located on the neighboring agricultural world of Agamar, as a reprisal for alleged acts of sedition committed by its inhabitants. Farlander's mother and father perished in the attack, and his sister, Kitha, sustained severe burns. Unable to provide the necessary medical attention, Farlander arranged for Kitha to live with his aunt and uncle. The couple diligently ensured their niece received round-the-clock care, although initially, she showed little response to treatment. After Farlander became a member of the Rebel Alliance, they corresponded with him aboard the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser named Independence, providing updates on his sister's condition.
Rusel DeMaria conceived the character of Trinn, who was mentioned in the narrative sections of X-Wing: The Official Strategy Guide. This strategy guide accompanied the 1993 LucasArts video game Star Wars: X-Wing, recounting the tale of Keyan Farlander, the game's protagonist. While the character lacks a dedicated entry in 2008's The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, he is referenced within the entries for Mimya and Kitha Farlander. Despite Farlander being identified as Human, X-Wing: The Official Strategy Guide does not specify Trinn's species.