The Allied Tion sector, a region situated within the Outer Rim Territories, can be found there. This sector represented one of the three sectors that comprised the Tion Cluster, together with the Tion Hegemony and the Cronese Mandate.
Around 25,000 BBY, the territory that would become the Allied Tion was a component of the Honorable Union of Desevro and Tion and the Jaminere Marches. These were among the numerous fiefdoms that arose from the remnants of the empire ruled by Xim the Despot. The majority of the Allied Tion's planets were colonized either during the Expansionist Era or in the early years of the Galactic Republic. Historically, the area that evolved into the Allied Tion served as a buffer zone separating the Tion Hegemony from the worlds of the Kingdom of Cron, with planets such as Lianna, Barseg, Cadinth, and Jaminere vying for dominance.
The Galactic Republic saw the Tion Cluster join its ranks circa 23,900 BBY. In the Republic's twilight years, the Cluster became polarized between the Tion Hegemony and the Kingdom of Cron. Both of these powers subsequently aligned themselves with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Clone Wars saw several engagements fought here as the Separatists and the Republic contested control of the sector.
During the Galactic Civil War, the Tion Hegemony faced consequences for its support of the Confederacy. The Galactic Empire strategically divided its territory into new sectors to mitigate the threat of renewed Separatism. The Allied Tion sector was created as a result, although it lacked a strong sense of historical identity. This region gained recognition for its manufacturing and commercial activities. The Imperial Navy, including the Warlord, maintained active patrols in the Allied Tion due to the high volume of trade traffic along the Cadinth Run. Furthermore, its strategic location on the primary hyperlanes connecting the Core Worlds with the Corporate Sector made it a vital supply base for the Empire.
Following the Battle of Endor, the sector, along with the entire Cluster, became part of Zsinj's Empire. They remained under the control of Zsinj until his death in 8 ABY, at which point they declared independence from both the New Republic and the Galactic Empire, even during the Thrawn campaign.
After the demise of Grand Admiral Thrawn, the sector fell under the governance of Moff Gronn.

Jaminere held the position of the sector's capital. However, Lianna, the home world of Santhe/Sienar Technologies, was the most famous planet found in the Allied Tion. Cadinth and Lorrad were among the other notable planets within the Allied Tion.
The Allied Tion was traversed by the Perlemian Trade Route across three different star systems. This positioned the sector as a crucial trading center and a vital link connecting the Core Worlds and the Corporate Sector, while also making it a strategically important area. The primary intra-sector route within the Allied Tion was the Cadinth Run, although only a small amount of its traffic extended beyond Jaminere to Dravione and the Desevran Trace.
The Allied Tion rose to prominence as the Cluster's most economically active sector during the era of the Old Republic. Under the Empire's rule, it served as a center for both manufacturing and trade. It is estimated that around 15% of the galaxy's passenger liners originated from this sector, likely under the banner of Santhe Passenger and Freight. The Santhe/Sienar corporate family, headquartered on Lianna, held a dominant position within the Allied Tion.