Invasion of Voss

The clash known as the Invasion of Voss, also referred to as the Defense of Voss and the liberation of Voss, represented a significant engagement during the war against Zakuul waged by the forces of Zakuul. After the Eternal Fleet, under the command of Eternal Empress Vaylin, launched an assault on Voss with the intention of locating her mother, Senya Tirall, the Alliance – an organization opposing the Eternal Throne – intervened to defend the planet. Theron Shan and Sana-Rae took the lead in coordinating the Voss commandos within the capital city of Voss-Ka, while the Alliance's fleet engaged the Eternal Fleet in the planet's orbit. The Alliance Commander, accompanied by Lana Beniko and Torian Cadera, who led a squad of Mandalorian warriors, descended to the planet's surface. Amidst the chaos of the burning city, engaging skytroopers in combat, Beniko and the Commander sought to reach the northern city plateau before its complete destruction. Subsequently, they proceeded to the Tower of Prophecy, where they assisted Theron Shan in defending the location against Vaylin's Horizon Guards. Senya Tirall contacted the Alliance from the Shrine of Healing, urgently requesting assistance, as she believed that if Arcann, the former Eternal Emperor, received healing from the Voss Mystics, he would join their cause. The Commander journeyed to the Shrine, met with Senya, and agreed to provide aid. Lana and the Mandalorians were instructed to safeguard the Shrine. Senya then directed the Mystics to utilize her strength in order to heal her son through a Voss healing ritual. The ritual succeeded, but it left Arcann disoriented, causing him to flee. Despite the success, Vaylin, undeterred, commanded the Eternal Fleet to obliterate the planet, disregarding any potential casualties. However, the arrival of the Imperial Navy changed the course of the battle, forcing the Eternal Fleet to retreat. Darth Acina, the Sith Empress, then greeted the Alliance Commander and invited them to Dromund Kaas to explore the possibility of forming an alliance against Vaylin.


Empress Vaylin and her new advisor SCORPIO plan the invasion.

During the Battle of Odessen, Senya Tirall successfully rescued her gravely injured son, Arcann, from the wreckage of his flagship. She managed to transport the former Eternal Emperor aboard his personal shuttle and escaped into hyperspace with the intention of redeeming him. In Arcann's absence, his sister, Vaylin, seized control of the Eternal Throne and, as the new Empress of Zakuul, placed a bounty on her mother's head, initiating a galaxy-wide search that lasted for months. At one point, Senya established contact with a dissident faction of Zakuul Knights who expressed their willingness to assist Senya in healing the former Emperor on Ord Mantell. However, Vaylin discovered the Knights' plan and, after massacring them all, laid in wait for her mother. Upon Senya's arrival, Vaylin launched an attack, leading to a confrontation amidst burning rhydonium. The battle concluded when Vaylin pierced the hyperdrive of a damaged starship with a lightsaber pike, enabling Senya and Arcann to escape. Although Vaylin intended to eliminate her mother, she seized the opportunity to track her back to Arcann, ultimately leading her to Voss. Senya's arrival on Voss was driven by her desire to bring Arcann to the Shrine of Healing, where she hoped to employ the Voss healing ritual to restore both Arcann's physical well-being and his mental state, effectively purging him of the hatred that had consumed him. Voss had previously endured subjugation by the Eternal Empire when a Star Fortress was stationed in orbit around the planet.

The battle

Retaking Voss-Ka

The Eternal Fleet arrives in the Voss system.

Vaylin, driven by her determination to hunt down her family, followed her mother's trail and initiated an assault. At that time, Alliance operatives Theron Shan and Sana-Rae were already present on the planet, engaged in a meeting with an informant who claimed to possess knowledge of Arcann's whereabouts. Their planned meeting was disrupted by the arrival of the Eternal Fleet in the Voss system. Shan promptly alerted the Alliance about the impending attack, enabling the Alliance Commander to mobilize the Alliance fleet in response. The Eternal Empire commenced the deployment of ground forces into the capital city of Voss-Ka, spearheaded by Vaylin's newly formed Horizon Guard and comprising Knights of Zakuul along with numerous skytroopers. From the Eternal Throne, Vaylin issued orders to her forces, instructing them to initiate a search and to set the planet ablaze in their wake. Consequently, the Eternal Fleet commenced firing upon Voss-Ka, resulting in the collapse of buildings and the rapid spread of fires throughout the capital. Theron Shan endeavored to rally Voss commandos for the defense, but their forces were overwhelmed. Shan led a group to seek refuge in the Tower of Prophecy alongside Sana-Rae.

The Alliance fleet prepares to liberate Voss.

The Alliance fleet emerged from hyperspace and arrived in orbit around Voss. Despite the absence of the Gravestone, they successfully engaged the Eternal Fleet. Utilizing a stolen Zakuulan shuttle, the Commander, Lana Beniko, and Torian Cadera, accompanied by a contingent of Mandalorian commandos, managed to bypass the Eternal Fleet blockade and reach the burning city of Voss-Ka. Upon landing in the Republic District, the Alliance and Mandalorian forces engaged Zakuulan Knights and skytroopers in an effort to reclaim the capital. Following the clearance of enemy forces from the Republic District, Theron Shan contacted the Commander and Lana, requesting their assistance in aiding the Alien Enclave, while Theron and his warriors remained behind to maintain their position. Within the Alien Enclave Market, Lana and the Commander launched an assault on a massive PA-717 Planetary Assault Goliath. The droid was protected by XD-M8 Remote Mines, but "Deadeye" Leyta and her strike team provided remote assistance, enabling the Commander and Lana to prevail.

Mandalorian Commandos take charge.

Subsequently, they advanced towards the northern plateau that housed the Imperial District, only to find it completely obliterated by the Eternal Fleet bombardment. Theron then directed them to a location where Voss Commandos facilitated access to a service tunnel, guiding the Commander and Lana to the Voss-Ka Cantina on the opposite side of the city. Vaylin's forces were actively targeting Voss civilians in the Judicial Quarter, but Rokuss and his Gormak soldiers volunteered to rescue them, providing the Commander and Lana with a clear route to the Tower of Prophecy. Theron met them just outside the entrance and ushered everyone inside. Alongside the Voss Commandos, the group successfully repelled an attack by sabotage droids, skytroopers, Zakuul Knights, and Horizon Guard.

Assault on the Shrine of Healing

Empress Vaylin observes the battle from Zakuul.

Following a meeting with Sana-Rae, the group received a distress signal from Senya, who disclosed her presence on Voss and implored the Alliance for assistance. She promised that Arcann would join their cause if he received healing. Despite differing opinions from Theron and Lana regarding Arcann, everyone concurred that reaching the Shrine of Healing before Vaylin was of paramount importance. The Commander instructed Lana to lead the Mandalorian forces towards the Shrine, while Theron utilized his shuttle to transport the Commander and himself to the Old Paths leading to the Shrine. To aid in breaking through the enemy forces obstructing their path, Torian delivered the Storm Rider walker to their location, which the Commander and Theron employed to crush the skytroopers in their way.

The Gravestone engages the Eternal Fleet in orbit.

As they advanced, the Eternal Fleet warships that entered the atmosphere began bombarding the sole road leading to the Shrine. Koth Vortena finally entered the fray aboard the Gravestone and initiated its use against the fleet. With the path relatively secure, the Storm Rider had to contend with an Eternal Empire Walker known as the Talon of Izax that guarded the entrance to the Shrine. Theron and the Commander then disembarked and proceeded inside, bypassing Voss and Gormak soldiers who had united to defend their homeworld against a greater threat, effectively ending the centuries-long conflict between the two species. Inside the Shrine, the Commander and Theron encountered Senya, who was separated from them by a ray shield. She appealed for her son's life, promising that once his mind was freed from hatred, Arcann would join the Alliance's cause.

Senya Tirall fights off the Knights of Zakuul.

Vaylin then contacted the group via a skytrooper holocomm, taunting her family and ordering the Eternal Fleet to bombard the Shrine in an attempt to eliminate them all, resulting in the complete destruction of the Shrine's upper levels. Senya requested the Commander to hold off Zakuulan forces so that the Voss healing ritual could be completed. After they agreed, she rushed to her son. Lana and her team of Mandalorians prevented Zakuulan forces from infiltrating the Shrine, while the Commander and Theron collapsed the tunnel behind them to prevent those already inside from reaching Senya's position. Senya herself engaged and single-handedly defeated a host of Zakuulan Knights. However, as it became evident that their position was on the verge of being overwhelmed, Senya instructed the Voss Mystics to harness her strength to heal her son.

Senya uses Mystic knowledge to heal Arcann.

The Mystics complied, transferring her strength to Arcann, healing his injuries and restoring his fractured spirit, although this act left Senya comatose. Arcann awoke in a state of confusion and, upon witnessing his mother's lifeless body, fled the Shrine back to his shuttle, believing her to be dead. Having held off Zakuulan forces for as long as they could, Lana and the Mandalorians regrouped at Senya's location, where Lana and the Commander rushed to intercept Arcann before he could reach his shuttle. However, they were too late to prevent Arcann's departure, as he managed to get the shuttle airborne despite the absence of his cybernetic arm. The Commander ordered Koth to disable the shuttle, but the Gravestone was under heavy fire and unable to provide assistance, leading to Arcann's escape into hyperspace.

The arrival of the Imperial fleet turns the tide of battle.

At this juncture, Vaylin had issued orders to the Eternal Fleet to obliterate her entire family, regardless of casualties on Voss. Just as all seemed lost, the arrival of the Imperial Fleet, led by Sith Empress Darth Acina herself, turned the tide of the battle. Having grown weary of submitting to the Eternal Empire, Acina openly joined the Alliance in their revolt against Zakuul, thereby nullifying the Zakuul–Imperial treaty. Harrower-class dreadnoughts opened fire on the Eternal Fleet warships, destroying several of them and prompting the GEMINI captains, who had been granted free will by SCORPIO, to flee in self-preservation.


For Vaylin, Voss was a failure to eliminate her family.

Following the expulsion of the Eternal Fleet from Voss by her ships, Empress Acina contacted the Alliance Commander and formally extended an offer of alliance against the Eternal Throne. The Commander agreed to consider Acina's offer and departed directly for Dromund Kaas in the company of Theron Shan and Lana Beniko. Meanwhile, Vaylin was enraged by the GEMINI droids' retreat from battle against her explicit orders and threatened to dismantle them, prompting SCORPIO to encourage the Empress to maintain focus on the broader strategic objectives. Senya Tirall was transferred to the Alliance base on Odessen, where Doctor Juvard Illip Oggurobb stabilized her condition and initiated the search for potential treatments for her coma. Ultimately, despite saving Voss from the full destructive force of the Eternal Throne, the battle resulted in significant losses, with widespread devastation across the planet and the deaths of thousands of Voss and Gormak individuals.

Behind the scenes

Several facets of the battle vary based on the player's decisions. Rokuss and his Gormak soldiers only rescue civilians if the player completed the mission to destroy the Voss Star Fortress before starting Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapter I: Wrath and Ruin; otherwise, the optional task falls to the player. Likewise, even though "Deadeye" Leyta does not physically appear, her involvement in the battle is referenced in a special ability that is accessible only if the player had previously destroyed the Tatooine Star Fortress. If the player's Dark Side choices led Koth Vortena to abandon the Alliance and steal the Gravestone, he will participate in the battle independently to protect civilians and will disregard the player's calls for assistance at every turn.

Her plea denied, Senya ends up fighting the Alliance and is killed.

The most significant divergence arises from the player's decision to either assist Senya Tirall in healing Arcann or decline to provide assistance. If the player opts for the Dark Side option, they will instruct Lana Beniko and the Mandalorians to attack Senya instead of holding off Zakuulan forces. Senya will initially hold her ground against the Mandalorians before engaging Lana in a duel, which is interrupted by the player's arrival. Arcann escapes without receiving healing, and Senya, blaming Valkorion for her failure, engages the player in combat and is mortally wounded before succumbing to her injuries. Following this choice, Arcann will attack the player in retaliation for his mother's death during Chapter VI: The Dragon's Maw and will also be killed, never achieving redemption.

