The Tower of Prophecy held a position of great importance within Voss-Ka. Voss-Ka was the heavily defended capital city of the Voss, who were native to their homeworld, the planet also named Voss. The Voss people held the gift of prophecy in high esteem, and as such, they established a special order of Force-sensitive seers and healers, known as the Voss Mystics.
It was said that the Voss were passionate about art, having crafted a unique artistic style that had persisted for millennia around the time of 3653 BBY. The Tower of Prophecy's architecture, along with that of Voss-Ka in its entirety, reflected this singular artistic expression.
Inside the Tower, one could find the leaders of the Voss, the Voss Mystics, and their interpreters. As the center of Voss' government and culture, the Tower of Prophecy attracted those who sought wisdom, hoping to receive guidance from the Voss Mystics. Two towering meditation chambers were situated above the main halls of the Tower of Prophecy, exclusively for the Mystics' use. Adjacent to the east side of the Tower was the library, usually filled with interpreters working to decipher the Mystics' visions.
The Tower of Prophecy was initially referenced on the Star Wars: The Old Republic website when the planet Voss was revealed.