Battle of Cadinth

The Battle of Cadinth took place in 6 ABY, pitting the forces of the New Republic against those of the Galactic Empire. A Republic force, having journeyed back from the edges of the galaxy, made the decision to resupply at the planet Cadinth, found within the Allied Tion sector of the Outer Rim Territories. As the shuttles began transporting materials to the orbiting cruisers, pirates launched an assault on the Republic's landing zones. These initial attacks were beaten back, but soon after, the Galactic Empire launched a significant attack, primarily utilizing attack droids and walkers. The Empire's offensive targeted Republic Observation Post W-16, causing considerable damage before the Republic could mount a defense.


In the year 6 ABY, a New Republic task force, returning from the galactic frontier, and moving through Makem Te along the Perlemian Trade Route and into the Tion Cluster, paused at the starport world of Cadinth, situated in the Allied Tion sector within the Outer Rim Territories, with the intention of replenishing their provisions. These supplies were transported via shuttle from a designated landing area to the Republic cruisers in orbit. Pirate attacks, originating from the western side, targeted the landing zone, but Observation Post W-16 successfully defended against them. To deter future pirate raids, the Republic had positioned a turret, Defender starfighters, and SRV-1 Scout and Retrieval Vehicles there.

Mirroring the pirates' earlier strategy, the Galactic Empire initiated their own attack on the landing zone, focusing on the western approach. Their assault force consisted of All Terrain Armored Transports, AP-1-C attack droids, AP-2 attack droids, AP-3 attack droids, and Sniper airspeeders. As the Imperial forces neared Observation Post W-16, Lieutenant Brin Stiels of the New Republic spotted their Sniper airspeeders. Unfamiliar with the airspeeders, Stiels contacted the Republic Core Base to request confirmation of their identity and intentions. However, his transmission was interrupted when the Imperials opened fire on his turret, easily breaching its armor.

Stiels quickly determined that the attackers were not pirates. The Imperial droids moved into firing range and began targeting the Republic vehicles. The Republic pilots reacted swiftly, scrambling towards their parked Defender starfighters. As they approached their ships, the Sniper airspeeders closed in, launching concussion missiles at the parked fighters. The pilots managed to reach their ships just in time, evading the incoming missiles. They engaged the airspeeders, but the Imperial craft proved to be too nimble. As the Imperial droids continued their relentless attack, Stiels attempted to re-establish contact with the Republic Core Base. He collapsed after successfully making contact, succumbing to the heavy smoke in the area. At that moment, the All Terrain Armored Transports began targeting his turret.

Following the conflict, New Republic analysts were able to definitively identify the Sniper airspeeders, as the soldiers present during the battle were unable to recognize the vehicles.

Behind the scenes

The Battle of Cadinth was first depicted in the short story of the same name, published as a role-playing scenario within Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 2. Bill Smith authored the story, while Chris Moeller provided the illustrations. The narrative incorporated numerous droid models and vehicle prototypes initially designed for Kenner's The Epic Continues, a proposed 1986 expansion of the Star Wars toy line and associated narrative. This short story integrated these previously non-canon elements into the established continuity.

The story concluded without revealing the victor of the battle. Subsequently, the battle was referenced in Cadinth's entry within The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, released in 2008, and The Essential Atlas, published in 2009.

