Zhen Mirat, characterized by his parchment-white skin, closely cropped white hair, and pink eyes, was an albino. His physique was slender, with delicate fingers, and he favored tailored white pants and jackets as his attire.
Born on the planet Tatooine, he was the offspring of moisture farmers, and his upbringing was marked by loneliness and resentment. His unique physical attributes rendered the intense heat from the planet's binary suns unbearable, frequently confining him indoors and isolating him from his siblings. Initially, he dedicated himself to the study of books, but he later redirected his focus inward, discovering his innate ability to tap into the Force with remarkable ease. Embracing the darker aspects of this power, he derived pleasure from manipulating the wills of those around him.
However, he eventually grew weary of his isolated existence and resolved to explore the galaxy, severing all connections with his family and friends. Leveraging his nascent powers, he secured passage aboard a freighter docked at the Mos Eisley spaceport. Subsequently, he embarked on a period of interstellar travel, observing the lives of others and experimenting with various occupations.
After considerable deliberation, Mirat concluded that the violent and antisocial lifestyle of a pirate was best suited to his inclinations. He assembled a carefully selected team of operatives, including Chanchaz Iryt from Bespin, Huggtar from Ryloth, and the assassin droid known as X, whom he acquired from the black market almost immediately after its availability. To secure a vessel, he resorted to kidnapping the wife and child of Vazan Felix. Following the abduction, he confronted Vazan and demanded his ship, the Tine's Future, as ransom for the safe return of his family. He then renamed the ship The Fatal Vision. Zhen, however, had no intention of releasing Vazan's family, instead using them as a means to coerce Felix into providing assistance.
Despite his refined and enigmatic persona, Zhen was a merciless and sadistic individual prone to outbursts of violence. In combat, he reveled in targeting weaker opponents and subjecting them to torment, particularly if they held positions of authority.
The Empire eventually approached Mirat and his crew, offering them access to restricted technology in exchange for targeting only Rebel and smuggler vessels, as well as the occasional free-trader. Subsequently, a minor Jedi serving the Rebellion was contacted by Vazan in an attempt to secure the freedom of his family. The Jedi swiftly gathered a group of rebels who located and rescued Vazan's family from the cave where they were hidden, deep within the Tatooine deserts. Regrettably, when the group contacted Vazan to inform him of his family's liberation, he disbelieved them because he had requested that the Jedi erase his short-term memory to prevent Mirat from discerning the plan through the Force.
Consequently, the group was compelled to liberate Vazan from Mirat's control as well. Mirat was displeased by this turn of events, and he and his crew engaged the rebels in combat to retain both Vazan and his ship. Upon learning from the rebels that Vazan was being coerced into compliance with Mirat's demands, the Gamorrean Huggtar defected, resulting in the deaths of Mirat and his entire crew.
- " Iron Hands, Captive Hearts " — Polyhedron 68 (Unlicensed)