Chanchaz Iryt was a male member of a sentient species. He served as the primary lieutenant to Zhen Mirat and helped establish The Fatal Visionaries.
Iryt possessed the characteristic short build and stocky frame common to his species, a result of the intense gravity on their home planet, Kaump III. He also exhibited the short limbs and flattened facial features typical of his people. He favored attire that emphasized his physical power and aggressive nature, opting for studded and spiked leather garments.
Born on Kaump III, Iryt dedicated his early years to mastering the intricacies of repulsorlift technology. Furthermore, he spent his nights honing his skills in street fighting and intimidation within Kaump's roughest districts. He quickly realized that his destiny extended beyond engine repair and petty theft from intoxicated individuals. He orchestrated a series of highly profitable robberies within the affluent areas of the city, earning him considerable notoriety. Eventually, Iryt departed Kaump III aboard a luxurious passenger liner headed for Bespin.
It was in Bespin's Cloud City that Iryt encountered Zhen Mirat, a fellow underworld figure who appreciated his violent and unrestrained lifestyle. Iryt, in turn, admired Mirat's unwavering ambition and ruthlessness. Together, they established a criminal syndicate known as The Fatal Visionaries, with the two of them at its core.
He adhered to his personal doctrine of "hedonism by force," believing that pleasure was unattainable without actively seizing it. In battle, he was a destructive force, reveling in widespread carnage which he would inflict with his Gaderffii, acquired through unknown means.
- " Iron Hands, Captive Hearts " — Polyhedron 68 (Unlicensed)