
title: Huggtar

Huggtar, a Gamorrean boar, served as Zhen Mirat's secondary "muscle," outranked only by Chanchaz Iryt.


Growing up on Gamorr within a traditional family structure meant that by the age of eight standard years, he had already participated in three separate clan conflicts. Eventually, his family entered into an agreement, selling him to Tysys Ryx, a Twi'lek who managed the "blood arena" fighting circuit. It was in this environment that Huggtar discovered his inherent aptitude for combat. However, the Gamorrean also acquired basic first aid skills during his time on the circuit, discovering a preference for healing over causing harm to others.

Zhen Mirat eventually purchased his contract after observing his performance in the fighting pits on Ryloth. Mirat recognized the Gamorrean's inherent strength and combat prowess, understanding that he could utilize the porcine alien in his "operations." He was known as Mirat's other "muscle," being employed either when Chanchaz Iryt was unavailable, or alongside him.

Unlike Iryt, Huggtar found no pleasure in inflicting pain. He engaged in combat solely due to a lack of alternative options. Despite being relatively unknown, during his time with The Fatal Visionaries he wanted to learn a skill; specifically one related to medicine. When a group of Rebels arrived to rescue Vazan Felix's wife and child, they capitalized on this knowledge, offering him a position within the Rebellion. Subsequently, Huggtar betrayed Mirat, and following the liberation of the hostages, it is believed that he transitioned into a medic within the Rebel Alliance.

Huggtar's physical dimensions were fairly typical for his species, although he was remarkably clean, an uncommon trait among Gamorreans. This distinction often went unnoticed by members of other species, however. While he achieved some recognition in the gladiatorial circuit, he possessed no particularly remarkable qualities, simply being another Gamorrean in the service of a ruthless criminal. He consistently wore the standard battle attire of his species, with one notable exception. He wore an armored chestplate that bore a striking resemblance to that of a scout trooper's armor.


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