Windo Nend, affectionately nicknamed "Warble" by those close to him, was a male Quara Aqualish Padawan who also held the rank of Jedi Commander during the tumultuous era of the Clone Wars. In the year 21 BBY, he found himself stationed on the planet of Jabiim, a world where Republic forces, including the Jedi, clashed fiercely with the Separatist forces led by General Alto Stratus. Having already endured the loss of his master during the ongoing conflict, Nend became a member of a unique group of Jedi students known as the Padawan Pack. The Jedi leadership's strategy was based on the idea that a collective of Padawans could wield a combined power equivalent to that of a smaller number of fully trained Jedi Knights or Masters. As the Jedi ranks dwindled on the planet, Nend and the Padawan Pack became the last bastion of defense against incoming Separatist reinforcements, providing crucial support as the Republic forces desperately attempted to evacuate. On the forty-first day of the grueling battle, Nend met his end when a Separatist Hailfire droid crushed him beneath its massive frame. However, in his final act, he managed to detonate explosives, successfully disabling the droid. Later, his comrade and fellow Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, honored Nend's memory by whispering his name to a memory moth within a Jedi monument located on New Holstice, ensuring that his name would be eternally remembered alongside those of other fallen Jedi.
Windo "Warble" Nend, a Quara Aqualish Jedi Padawan, had experienced the tragic loss of his master during the Clone Wars. Subsequently, Nend was assigned to Shelter Base on the fiercely contested planet of Jabiim. Prior to the Clone Wars, the planet had been a member of the Galactic Republic, but the Republic's inadequate response to local issues had caused significant hardship. Alto Stratus, a prominent Jabiimi leader, openly criticized the Republic and the Jedi, leading Jabiim to secede. However, before Stratus could finalize an agreement with Confederacy of Independent Systems leader Count Dooku, promising the Separatists access to Jabiim's abundant ore resources in exchange for military aid and hardware, the Grand Army of the Republic launched an invasion of the planet. Stratus and his Nimbus commandos, supported by elements of the Separatist Droid Army, engaged in intense combat with the Jedi-led Republic clone forces.
The Jedi leadership on Jabiim organized several Padawans who had lost their masters into a single unit, informally known as the Padawan Pack. The underlying rationale was that the combined skills and abilities of a large group of Padawans would equal the capabilities of a smaller group of Jedi Knights and Masters. However, some individuals, including ARC trooper Alpha-17, believed that this arrangement created more problems than it solved.

Nend was a member of the Padawan Pack on the thirty-second day of the battle, after Anakin Skywalker joined their ranks. Skywalker was a Padawan whose master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, was presumed dead. At this time, the Pack consisted of Nend, Skywalker, and the Padawans Tae Diath, Mak Lotor, Elora Sund, Kass Tod, Vaabesh, Aubrie Wyn, and Zule Xiss. Jedi General Leska, the highest-ranking Jedi on the planet at that point, had assigned the group to guard the resupply lines, as she was reluctant to send more young Jedi to their deaths.
While guarding a supply convoy that included AT-AT and AT-XT walkers en route to the Republic stronghold of Cobalt Station, Nend and Aubrie Wyn, a female Human, remained with the vehicles. Meanwhile, Skywalker led the other Padawans and a group of clones to intercept and eliminate droid forces advancing on the convoy. Later, Nend attempted to engage in conversation with the female Falleen Zule Xiss, but was met with Xiss's frustration regarding their situation. The Gand male Vaabesh helped Nend understand Xiss's background and defensive nature. Xiss, a Padawan who had been passed from master to master, had witnessed the death of her last and most influential mentor in the same battle in which she had suffered a previous injury.
Two days later, the convoy was attacked again. An AT-XT walker unexpectedly triggered a land mine, marking the first known use of mines by the Separatists against the Republic during the Clone Wars. The explosion caught Nend by surprise, knocking him off his feet. The female Zabrak Padawan, Kass Tod, helped Nend to his feet just as the convoy was ambushed by Nimbus commandos, personally led by Stratus. Despite being surrounded by Stratus's forces and a field of Separatist mines, the Padawans were able to utilize their diverse skills to guide the convoy out of the ambush. Nend took the lead, warning the others to be vigilant for mines. Stratus, thwarted in his attempt to halt the convoy and eliminate the Jedi, ordered his forces to regroup for an assault on Cobalt Station itself.
By the thirty-seventh day of the battle, the Padawan Pack had reached Cobalt Station, one of the two remaining Republic strongholds on Jabiim. General Leska had perished earlier that day while conducting operations against Separatist forces along the planet's Razor Coast. That day, the relentless storms that had plagued Jabiim for thirty-seven days, preventing Republic forces from evacuating and Separatist reinforcements from landing, finally ceased. As the weather cleared, Vaabesh spotted an armada of Separatist C-9979 landing craft descending from the sky, carrying a new army at Stratus's disposal. The Padawan Pack, the last of the Jedi remaining on Jabiim, and their forces sought refuge in Cobalt Station, where they would have to wait for another break in the storms for a Republic evacuation to commence. Captain Gillmunn, a Jabiimi loyalist, commanded the remaining Republic and loyalist forces on a mesa located south of the station.

At that critical juncture, the Padawans faced a difficult decision. They could remain at Cobalt Station, holding off Stratus's army of over 10,000 Nimbus commandos and battle droids, thus buying time for the Republic forces to evacuate. Alternatively, they could flee to the mesa and hope to be evacuated before the enemy forces arrived. Skywalker and Mak Lotor, a male Human, argued that holding off the Separatist units was the mission's last hope. Consequently, all of the Padawans, including Nend, decided to stay at Cobalt Station. In preparation for the impending battle, Nend strapped grenades to his person, adding to the arsenal of his lightsaber.
On the forty-first day of the battle, Nend found himself directly confronting the Separatist army. As he fought, he repeated affirmations to himself, drawing upon the tenants of the Jedi Code. After being knocked backward by enemy fire, Nend noticed a Hailfire droid advancing toward him. Before the droid could crush the Aqualish, resulting in his death, Nend managed to trigger one of the explosives attached to his chest. The resulting explosion vaporized him and disabled the droid.

The Battle of Jabiim continued for two more days. The members of the Padawan Pack perished one by one while defending Cobalt Station. Aubrie Wyn managed to kill General Stratus before succumbing to her own injuries. Anakin Skywalker was the sole survivor, escaping to the mesa evacuation point on a swoop. Upon arriving, simultaneously with the Republic ships, Skywalker was forced to make a difficult choice regarding which forces would be evacuated. He reluctantly chose his clone forces over the Jabiimi loyalists, earning the resentment of Gillmunn and his men, but ensuring that the clones could continue fighting on other battlefields. With no remaining Republic presence, the battle for Jabiim was ultimately lost. However, Windo Nend and the Padawan Pack had succeeded in preventing a complete rout and saving countless lives.
Days later, on the Republic world of New Holstice, Skywalker placed memory moths containing the names of all his fallen comrades from the Padawan Pack, including Windo "Warble" Nend, within a monument erected by the planet's inhabitants to honor all Jedi who had died in service to the Republic. There, Nend's name would be perpetually whispered by the moth's wings, ensuring his memory would endure for eternity.
Nend, being a Quara Aqualish, possessed greenish skin. He was known for his talkative nature, often attempting to engage in conversation with his comrades, which sometimes irritated the distraught and jaded Zule Xiss. However, upon learning about Xiss's background, Nend displayed sympathy and compassion. As he prepared for and participated in battle, Nend found solace in the Jedi Code and its interpretations, reciting them as did his colleague, Vaabesh. He wielded a blue-bladed lightsaber in combat. During the final stand at Cobalt Station, he augmented his firepower by strapping eight grenades to himself. Nend fought valiantly until the very end, sacrificing himself to disable a powerful enemy that posed a threat to his friends.
Windo Nend's appearances are all within the Last Stand on Jabiim story arc of the Star Wars: Republic comic books, authored by Haden Blackman and illustrated by Brian Ching. While the Padawan Pack was initially mentioned in Republic 55, Nend himself did not appear with the unit until the next issue. He met his demise in the subsequent issue, and received a brief mention at the Jedi monument in Republic 58.