Nimbus commando

The Nimbus commandos functioned as the elite guards for the Jabiimi Separatist leader, Alto Stratus.

These commandos were specifically assembled to mirror the effectiveness of the Galactic Republic's clone commando squads, which were causing significant damage to Separatist forces.



A select group of twelve individuals acted as the personal protectors of the Commander-in-Chief, while the remaining members were organized into specialized troops focusing on tasks such as infiltration, breaching, sniping, explosives neutralization, rapid reconnaissance, and assassination.

  • Nimbus commandos — under the leadership of a Commander-in-Chief . [1]
  • Nimbus team — Composed of two troops and additional troopers (ranging from 96 to over 100). [1]
  • Troop — Consisting of two platoons (48 troopers). [1]
  • Platoon — Made up of two squads (24 troopers) and led by a Nimbus Lieutenant . [1]
  • Squad — Formed by three fire teams (12 troopers) under the command of a Master Trooper . [1]
  • Fire team — Including four troopers with a Task Unit Commander as a leader . [1]


Only enlisted soldiers from the Jabiim armed forces were eligible to apply for the Nimbus program, although defectors from the Loyalist side with exceptional skills were sometimes accepted. The training process was extremely demanding, but successful candidates were granted the rank of Nimbus Trooper and integrated into one of the two troops that comprised a Nimbus team. Promotions could occur quickly due to the high casualty rates experienced on Jabiim.

  • Nimbus Colonel [1]
  • Nimbus Lieutenant [1]
  • Master Trooper [1]
  • Task Unit Commander [1]
  • Nimbus Trooper [1]



The Nimbus commandos' history extends back three millennia to the colonization of Jabiim. In response to incursions by Trandoshan raiders aiming to plunder Jabiimi ore reserves, the Jabiimi settlers established a ground army and a small space-based navy. Specialized divisions within the Jabiimi Army were then formed to tackle the most challenging missions, and these special forces—including units like the Black Gauntlets, the D.E.E.P., and the Stone Torrent—eventually evolved into a separate branch of the military. These special forces were critical in repelling Lythian pirates and other threats.


Before the Clone Wars, Alto Stratus held the position of commander within the Bronze Nimbus, one of the special forces units of the Jabiimi Military created during the Trandoshan invasion. When he lost faith in the Jabiim Army's courage, he assumed personal command of the Bronze Nimbus, drawing members of the Jabiim Army into his personality-driven following. By the time the Clone Wars began, Alto Stratus, now the leader of the Jabiimi Nationalists, had reorganized the special forces into the Nimbus commandos.

Clone Wars

Leading up to the Battle of Jabiim, Stratus seized control of the Jabiim Congress through a coup. The Nimbus commandos assassinated key members of the Congress, especially those aligned with the Loyalist faction. They also conducted covert operations, such as kidnapping and data theft, to give Stratus the necessary leverage to coerce the remaining councilors into obeying his commands. Stratus then leveraged his influence to align Jabiim with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. To maintain order, Stratus consolidated the regular military, renaming it the Nationalist Army. He also instructed the Nimbus commandos to destroy armories and weaken the Jabiimi Loyalists, enabling the Nationalist Army to engage them on more even terms.

While the Republic forces reorganized at their base, Alto Stratus delivered a stirring speech to galvanize his Nimbus soldiers, filled with strong anti-Republic sentiments. He pointed to the Republic's past indifference during events like the Brainrot Plague, Trandoshan invasion, and Lythian pirate raids. As the Jedi observed Stratus's address via hologram, Captain Orliss Gillmunn briefed the newly arrived Master Sirrus on the situation, including the Nimbus commandos.

During the Battle of Jabiim, these elite soldiers fought against the Republic clone trooper forces. The Nimbus commandos successfully launched a surprise assault on Shelter Base and destroyed an AT-AT. A HoloNet News Core Edition report transmitted from Shelter Base confirmed that Alto Stratus had an unspecified number of Nimbus soldiers under his command.

On the twenty-eighth day, they overwhelmed General [Norcuna]'s forces in the northern hemisphere. By the thirty-fourth day, they ambushed a Republic convoy en route to Cobalt Station, and later defeated the Republic forces at Cobalt Station.


Following the Battle of Jabiim, Colonel Mazzi assumed control of the Nimbus commandos and the Nationalist Army. He allied the unit with the Galactic Empire, assisting Imperial efforts to suppress the remaining Jabiimi Loyalists.

Even after the establishment of the New Republic, the Nimbus commandos remained active. Some left Jabiim to seek employment as mercenaries on planets with similar environments. One such planet was Nal Hutta, where the Hutt clan Gejalli was rumored to have over a dozen Nimbus commandos on retainer.

Weapons and equipment

The repulsorlift skate, their defining piece of equipment, allowed users to hover three meters above the ground or water at speeds reaching ninety-five kilometers per hour. Using these skates, commandos in three-member squads could infiltrate enemy lines and target heavy equipment, destroying it with timed explosives or grenades. The Nimbus commandos often utilized minefields, as the skates' repulsor field allowed wearers to pass over active mines without detonating them.

A Nimbus unit carried a substantial amount of equipment into the field, packed into belts and backpacks. This included explosive charges, ammunition, non-perishable food, waterproofing spray, thermal warming units, and low-altitude communication boosters. The commandos were skilled survivalists and proficient in the use of edged weapons, including swords, daggers, and machetes.

During the Clone Wars, the Nimbus commandos adopted the Separatist commando blaster rifle, a weapon capable of long-range sniping, semi-automatic rapid fire, and launching concussive sonic blasts. The A-series assassin droid, another addition during the Clone Wars, worked alongside the Nimbus commandos, using blasters, flechette launchers, and cutting blades to harm organic targets. Many A-Series units continued to serve the Nimbus commandos well into the New Republic era and beyond.

