The B2-series super battle droid, also referred to as the B2 super battle droid (SBD), represented an advancement over the B1-Series battle droid, boasting improved weaponry and enhanced armor. Their production commenced following the Invasion of Naboo, which highlighted the necessity for more robust droid units. The Trade Federation, the Techno Union, and subsequently, on a significantly larger scale, the Confederacy of Independent Systems employed B2s. Later, some of these units were reactivated on Mustafar under the command of Gizor Dellso and other members of the Separatist holdouts, while the Galactic Alliance also utilized certain B2 units during the Yuuzhan Vong War.

A key weakness of the standard B1-Series battle droid was its dependence on a signal from a Droid Control Ship; disabling these ships rendered the battle droids ineffective. To address this, the super battle droid was designed with greater autonomy and did not rely on such a signal. Nevertheless, the droid's performance was still optimized when operating with a command signal. Without it, they tended to lose track of enemies once they moved beyond their line of sight. Furthermore, the super battle droid's resilient frame, composed of duranium and phrik, was larger and possessed superior armor compared to that of a B1.
In contrast to its predecessor, the B2 featured a more secure placement of its sensitive processing unit and signal receptor, located deep within the torso, providing increased protection from enemy fire. Dual, fully automatic small blaster cannons were integrated into their right forearms, or even both forearms as observed in the Mission to Rugosa. In some instances, a TriShot weapon system replaced these cannons. The B2-HA series super battle droid's left forearm was substituted with a rocket launcher. While they could employ external weaponry (excluding the rocket launcher configuration), their large hands presented challenges when handling smaller blasters. Instead, they utilized specialized blasters that responded exclusively to signal emitters embedded in their hands. To enhance efficiency, many B1 components were incorporated. Their feet were also equipped with specialized gear for navigating challenging terrains, such as climbing claws. Additionally, their arms were modular, enabling the exchange of blaster cannons for other specialized armaments.
When not utilizing their integrated blaster cannons, their right forearm remained locked in an upright position. Prior to deployment on the moon Ohma-D'un, a group of B2 units underwent modification to include swamp gas sprayers. Other modified units were equipped with mortar launchers, stationary repeating blaster cannons, or built-in flamethrowers instead of blaster cannons, and were mounted on orrays.
As heavy infantry droids, B2s exhibited a greater capacity to withstand damage compared to their more fragile predecessors. Even after sustaining critical damage, they could detach their torsos and continue their attack, albeit with a reduction in combat effectiveness. Despite these attributes, some models appeared to have low heat tolerance, being susceptible to bursting into flames upon exposure.
The majority of B2 droids produced after the Battle of Geonosis possessed the ability to communicate with one another using a simplified version of Galactic Basic Standard.
The B2 was developed from a lesser-used beta prototype. Shortly after the Invasion of Naboo, the Trade Federation engaged in research to develop a new type of battle droid. Commandos from the Royal Naboo Security Forces seized the research facility, uncovering data pertaining to this new battle droid.
During their initial deployment at the Kashyyyk Trade Rebellion in 28 BBY, the new B2 designs proved to be formidable adversaries for the local Wookiee warriors.

Super battle droids were deployed extensively throughout the Clone Wars as soldiers for the Confederacy, alongside their smaller counterparts and the formidable droidekas. The majority of super battle droids were characterized by an unpainted, dull silver finish, possibly to distinguish them from the tan coloration used by the Confederacy for its standard battle droids, or potentially due to variations among manufacturers. Occasionally, they were painted with green markings for camouflage purposes.
Certain Super Battle Droids were utilized as scouts to observe the plains of Geonosis, primarily because of their raw strength and capacity to destroy smaller ground targets. This pleased many Geonosians affiliated with the CIS, leading to the use of B2s as "spire guards."

The droids eventually developed the capacity to express rudimentary emotions, albeit with significant grammatical errors. Their temperament was more aggressive than that of the B1 model, even to the point of attacking allied units to quickly engage enemy targets, as demonstrated during the First Battle of Geonosis. Furthermore, they were significantly more resilient and intelligent, capable of easily withstanding light blaster fire. Modified B2 droids, equipped with fingered hands and additional sensors, were deployed on Ohma-D'un to test a novel bio-agent.
Super battle droids were frequently retrofitted with parts specific to adversarial conditions. However, this practice was introduced late in the war and had minimal impact on the conflict's outcome. One notable model change was the introduction of the grapple droid, featuring heavier armor and a larger frame. This droid was programmed for close-quarters combat, capable of withstanding initial lightsaber strikes and disabling enemies using its electrified claws. Another specialized variant participated in the release of the swamp gas toxin on Ohma-D'un. The D-60 assault droid, another variant, was deployed by CIS forces during the Battle of Cartao. Two jetpack-equipped variants of the droid, the jump droid, and the rocket droid, were also developed. Other variants included super battle droids armed with various weapons, such as the Mortar Super Battle Droid, the Anti-Air Super Battle Droid, and the Repeater super battle droid. A more heavily armed and armored version was the Heavy super battle droid, and orray troopers were B2 droids armed with flamethrowers which rode orrays. These variants were produced at Geonosian troop centers.

During the third battle of Felucia, the Separatists deployed an experimental model of super battle droid. This model was the B2 Assault, which was an upgraded version of the preexisting B2-HA super droid. During the battle the CIS also deployed the B2 soldier, and this model of super battle droid was used to attack a Republic outpost staffed by Graul Company, and these units had green markings.
The Techno Union designed the B2 battle droid, using the existing B1 design as a foundation. Following successful prototype testing, Count Dooku negotiated an agreement with Poggle the Lesser, Archduke of Geonosis, for the mass production of these droids.

Subsequent orders were placed on worlds under the control of Baktoid, resulting in the production of quadrillions of B2s on the assembly lines. Despite their advantages and ease of production, they were not manufactured as extensively as their inferior counterparts, the B1s.
During the Clone Wars, B2s became a vital component of the Separatist Droid Army. They participated in numerous battles throughout the conflict, including the Battle of Geonosis, Battle of Muunilinst, Battle of Coruscant, and Battle of Kashyyyk, among countless others across the galaxy. B2s were also used as targets in shooting practice for clone sharpshooters. A training model was utilized on Kamino for the training of Clone cadets.
Following the execution of the Separatist Council by Darth Sidious's new apprentice, Darth Vader, the B2s were deactivated, along with the remainder of the droid army.
A few years after Order 66, Gizor Dellso reactivated a droid factory on Mustafar. The reactivated production lines included several that produced B2 battle droids, providing Dellso with a sufficient number of B2s for his droid army.
In the aftermath of the Clone Wars, several entrepreneurs discovered warehouses filled with these droids. Many were sold to gangs or prominent crime lords for use as enforcers. Others were utilized by various Separatist holdouts. Similar to some B1 battle droids, B2s also served as guards within the Death Watch bunker on Endor. Borvo the Hutt possessed several super battle droids to protect his vault on Naboo.
During the Yuuzhan Vong's invasion of the galaxy, numerous B2 droids employed by the Galactic Alliance formed a force known as the Orange Panthacs, which beat back an occupying force of Fire Breathers on Mantessa.

The B2 super battle droids made their debut in the 2002 video game Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter, which was released shortly before Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones_.
Animatics created for Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones reveal that the super battle droids were originally intended to wield dual E-5 blaster rifles, rather than having integrated wrist blasters.
In LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars, the rocket super battle droid fires standard rockets instead of pink ones.
In the Star Wars: Battlefront game series, the B2 super battle droids are deployed as standard infantry units, while B1 battle droids appear in several specialized variants, contrasting with the movies where the B1s are more widely used.
Despite the Databank entry for the B2 super battle droid indicating its ability to operate without a master control signal, in the Star Wars: Republic Commando mission "The RAS Prosecutor", any B2 units remaining on board the Prosecutor are deactivated upon the destruction of the Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship.
The video games Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron and Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron include the labels "Super Battledroid Mk II" and "Super Battledroid Mk III" within the personalization editor, although the customization was left to the player's discretion.