The central base of operations for the Mandalorian Death Watch during the Galactic Civil War was the Death Watch Bunker.
To remain practically undetectable within the galaxy, the Death Watch constructed a bunker on the forest moon of Endor. Operating in great secrecy, Death Watch members such as Wraiths, Ghosts, and Bloodguards entered into agreements with Black Sun, acting as hired assassins in return for the crime syndicate's assistance in furthering the Death Watch's objectives.
By the time of 1 ABY, the Death Watch had largely faded from public awareness, being primarily remembered as an old Mandalorian splinter group whose armor designs served as inspiration for the Emperor's Royal Guard uniforms. However, while in the service of Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine, the renowned bounty hunter Boba Fett uncovered evidence indicating that the Death Watch was not merely a legend but was actively operating from a concealed location. Still bound by his contract with Jabba, Fett commissioned a team of spacers to investigate the matter on his behalf.
Concurrently, the leader of the Death Watch, an unidentified Death Watch Overlord, attracted the attention of Imperial Commander D'krn, who was stationed in Bestine, the capital city of Tatooine. Seeking to utilize the Overlord as the prime clone for a new generation of enhanced stormtroopers, D'krn also engaged a group of spacers loyal to the Galactic Empire to locate the Mandalorian. These spacers eliminated the Overlord and his guards, securing a blood sample to deliver to D'krn.
Shortly thereafter, Jabba Desilijic Tiure, the Hutt crime lord, became aware of the Death Watch bunker's existence. Moreover, the Hutt discovered Black Sun's intentions to broaden their sphere of influence. Consequently, Jabba compensated Stanic Wavingstar, an informant embedded within Black Sun, to monitor their activities. Furthermore, Bossk, a Trandoshan bounty hunter and one of Jabba's subordinates, enlisted a spacer to launch an attack on Black Sun forces at the Death Watch bunker, aiming to assess Black Sun's capabilities.
Defensive measures were considered extremely important within the bunker. The Death Watch allied with Black Sun to ensure secrecy and provide extra protection. The organic guard forces were reinforced by modified B1, B2, and Blastromech battle droids patrolling the corridors. Japer Witter, a Foreman, managed the mines deep beneath the bunker, overseeing numerous miners, scientists, and technicians. The mines were also inhabited by wild mine rats that would attack anyone who trespassed.
The bunker was structured into three distinct zones: Section A, Section B, and the alum mines. Access to each zone was tightly controlled, with the only passkeys held by the Overlord's three lieutenants: Rageon Vart, Klin Nif, and Fenri Dalso. Each section's security terminals were fitted with alarm systems that would activate upon any unauthorized access attempt, alerting the Death Watch and Black Sun guards. The mines also housed several workshops, making the bunker a rare location in the galaxy equipped to manufacture the renowned Mandalorian armor. In return for their security services, Black Sun exploited the Mandalorians' superior armor-smithing skills to develop the Crusader Mark III armor within the facility.
The Death Watch Bunker was featured as a location in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by Sony Online Entertainment and released by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011. The Death Watch Bunker was introduced to the game through an update on May 25, 2004. Within the game, players were required to navigate the dangerous depths of the bunker in order to craft their own set of Mandalorian armor.