Stellan Gios, a human male Jedi Master, flourished within the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era. Before her promotion to [Jedi Knight](/article/jedi_knight], Vernestra Rwoh served as his Jedi Padawan, and he was stationed at the Jedi outpost situated on the planet of Caragon-Viner. Alongside Avar Kriss, Stellan ascended through the Order's hierarchy, their collaborative efforts being perceived as formidable assets during missions for both the Order and the Galactic Republic. Formerly apprenticed to Master Rana Kant, Gios cultivated strong relationships with Kriss and Elzar Mann during their apprenticeship, often acting as the voice of reason for the group.

During the High Republic Era, Stellan Gios, a Force-sensitive human male who was born, was inducted into the Jedi Order in his youth. He eventually became the Padawan under the tutelage of Jedi Master Rana Kant. As a Padawan, he developed deep connections with two fellow apprentices, Avar Kriss and Elzar Mann. Their bond was so profound that many Jedi, including their masters, saw them as inseparable. After completing missions, the trio always sought each other out, eager to share their latest adventures. There was speculation that the three were more than just friends during their time as Padawans. While both Kriss and Mann showed interest in him, Gios did not reciprocate, later admitting he did not feel the same intimacy they shared. Beyond worrying if their relationship would break the Order's rules, Gios secretly grew jealous that they shared a connection he wasn't a part of, but he hid his jealousy and continued their friendship.
Despite growing into a model Jedi, Gios struggled to keep pace with his peers in his younger years. When Gios and Mann underwent their knighthood trials, Gios only succeeded due to Mann's covert assistance. Around this period, Gios was stationed at a Jedi outpost located on the planet of Caragon-Viner. He formed a close relationship with Jedi Knight Indeera Stokes, with whom he embarked on a mission to Theros Major. Gios advanced through the Jedi ranks in tandem with Kriss, and their collaborations were often perceived as significant assets to the Order and the Galactic Republic.

Upon achieving the rank of Master, Gios was assigned to the Hynestian Temple on the Colonies planet of Hynestia, where he was given his own Padawan, the Mirialan Vernestra Rwoh. By 233 BBY, Rwoh arrived at the Hynestian Temple to begin her apprenticeship and witnessed Gios sparring with Kel Dor Jedi Master Lynela Kabe-Oyu using the Force. Gios invited Rwoh to spar with him, and despite her initial hesitation, she eventually agreed. Gios charged at Rwoh, but she used the Force to push him back into a wall, and he praised her performance despite her apology. Consequently, Gios and Kabe-Oyu decided to bring her to a banquet at the Hynestian royal palace.
Gios mentioned to Rwoh that he rarely attended banquets, but made an exception due to the importance of diplomacy for a Jedi, as they had successfully negotiated a treaty between the Hynestians and the Hutts, though they didn't want to brag. Rwoh then noticed that Povo Punch was being served, a drink that Hutts could not consume and would consider a great insult. Gios quickly intervened, knocking over a serving tray carrying the drink before a droid could serve it to the Hutts. He explained that they were about to be poisoned and that the danger had been averted, but the Hutts attacked anyway, leading to a firefight. Gios instructed Kabe-Oyu to escort the royal family to safety, then he made sure Rwoh could use a lightsaber, reminding her that a Jedi only used it to defend life, and assured her that he didn't usually end up fighting Hutts, though there was a first time for everything.
After Kabe-Oyu secured the royals, Rwoh shared her plan to stop the goons with Gios. He agreed, and she vaulted over him, slicing a banner's mounting with her lightsaber to trap the goons under the fabric. Gios then stepped in front of the Hutts before they could escape, reminding Jabba Desilijic Tiure that they had a treaty, which Jabba mocked. Queen Nyla of Hynestia then arrived and confronted the Hutts, cornering them with her guards, though Gios advised her to flee. The Queen commended Rwoh for uncovering the plot, which Gios echoed, praising her performance. Rwoh then inquired why Gios hadn't sensed the Hutts' intentions to break the treaty, to which Gios replied that one could not always rely on the Force and that surprises occasionally occurred. Rwoh expressed her dislike for surprises, prompting Gios to declare that they would work well together before asking her to teach him the vault she had performed earlier.
Gios was a strict teacher, and Rwoh was always slightly intimidated by him. Eventually, Rwoh, a prodigy, achieved the rank of Jedi Knight at the young age of fifteen, making her the youngest Knight in a generation.
When the Great Hyperspace Disaster occurred, tearing apart the Legacy Run in hyperspace, and the Outer Rim's Hetzal system faced the threat of significant hyperspace debris, Gios received the star system's distress signal and departed in a starship to provide assistance. Kriss, who was coordinating the Jedi and Republic's rescue efforts on Hetzal Prime, sensed his arrival from a distance.

As the Emergences, massive fragments of debris from the Legacy Run traveling at near-lightspeed, began to manifest throughout the Galaxy, Gios journeyed to Ta'klah, which was threatened by an Emergence. He arrived with a squadron of Jedi Vectors, and Gios jumped out of a Vector to shield a child from a piece of debris, using the Force to hold it back. He alerted the people to the hyperspace accident and instructed everyone to seek shelter from the debris. A citizen thanked him, and he introduced himself as Stellan Gios, suggesting they simply call him Stellan. He assured them that they would handle the situation and urged everyone to hurry inside.
Gios later attended the dedication ceremony for the new Starlight Beacon space station. There, he reconnected with Kriss and Mann, and the trio toured the station. During the festivities following the Starlight Beacon's opening, Gios spent time conversing with the Jedi Council. Sometime after the opening, his former master Rana Kant passed away, which devastated Gios and created a vacancy on the Jedi Council. Gios was then promoted to fill that seat. Gios began carrying Kant's lightsaber as a reminder that she was with the Force, and therefore always with him.

During the Solstice Tide festivities around 232 BBY, Gios found himself on Coruscant, wandering through the bustling streets. Despite being expected at the Jedi Temple with his fellow council members to prepare for the Solstice feast in the Grand Refectory, he opted to immerse himself in the holiday cheer. An unexpected collision occurred when an Aleena man inadvertently bumped into Gios, sending his packages scattering. With a gentle application of the Force, Gios guided the items back into the Aleena's possession before they could fall. The Aleena expressed his gratitude before continuing on his way.
As Gios lingered near the festival's carousel, a sense of unease washed over him. After surveying the marketplace, his attention was drawn to a Gotal boy attempting to pilfer credits from a Chagrian waiting at the Spiced eggmilk stand. The boy successfully snatched a handful of credits from the Chagrian, and then, after a quick bump, he relieved a Vuvrian woman of her lucryte bracelet. Noticing that Gios had witnessed his actions, the boy bolted towards the Commercial District. Gios pursued him into a nearby alley, where the boy was attempting to escape to the lower levels via a hatch. Before Gios could apprehend him, a bar patron, eager to share the holiday spirit and the rare snowfall, intervened. Gios subtly used a mind touch on the man, suggesting he enjoy the festivities and leave Gios to his task, emphasizing moderation. Taking advantage of the distraction, the boy descended into the lower levels. Upon reaching the depths, Gios extended his senses through the Force, locating the boy surrounded by members of the Norikus gang. The gang, led by Nittel Karkson (Nit), was harassing the boy, demanding he surrender his stolen goods. Gios approached the group, igniting his lightsaber. Most of the gang scattered, but an Octeroid member opened fire on Gios, who effortlessly deflected the blaster bolts before slicing the twin blasters in two. The Octeroid then fled, leaving Nit and the stolen items behind.
Nit gazed in amazement as Gios recovered the stolen goods. He inquired if Gios intended to arrest him, and after Nit vowed to refrain from stealing, Gios allowed him to leave. Nit returned to his home on level 4000, where his grandmother awaited him in bed. She was suffering from a cold and illness, which had motivated Nit's theft. To Nit's surprise, Gios had followed him home. Witnessing the grandmother's condition, Gios offered her his Jedi robe to provide warmth. Both Nit and his grandmother expressed their gratitude, and Gios thanked Nit for reminding him of his Jedi purpose. Nit invited Gios to stay for dinner, acknowledging it was far from a Solstice feast but expressing their honor in sharing it with him. Gios gladly accepted. Lacking chairs, Gios used the Force to levitate himself. Nit was astonished, and Gios playfully lifted Nit into the air as well. Gios proposed that after dinner, he would escort Nit and his grandmother to the Jedi Temple, where they would receive fresh clothing and lodging. Furthermore, he offered to discuss with Nit the following day how to channel his talents constructively.
Later that year, Gios contacted Jedi Master Estala Maru, the operational head of Starlight Beacon, concerning the unfolding crisis caused by the emergence of the Drengir, ancient, sentient, carnivorous plant creatures. Gios inquired about Maru's concerns and raised the unease within the Jedi Council regarding Marshal Kriss's alliance with the Hutt Clan against the Drengir in the Outer Rim. Maru assured Gios that the alliance was effective in slowing the Drengir's advance, though Gios lamented that their return should have been prevented. He then asked about the condition of Jedi Master Sskeer, who had previously been mind-controlled by the Drengir, but Maru reported that Sskeer remained comatose with little change.
One year after the Great Disaster, Gios, alongside Jedi Master Nib Assek and her Padawan Burryaga Agaburry, was tasked with providing personal security to Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh throughout the Valo Republic Fair, organized by Soh to demonstrate the Republic's unity and recovery. Gios and his fellow Jedi accompanied the Chancellor aboard the starship Coruscant Dawn as she journeyed to Valo. En route, Gios contacted Jedi Knight Indeera Stokes, stationed on Cyclor, overseeing the progress of the Innovator, a massive research vessel slated for display at the Republic Fair. Stokes updated Gios on the ship's progress, and both expressed anticipation for their reunion at the fair. Gios thanked Stokes and concluded the conversation. Subsequently, Gios and Assek performed a ceremonial lightsaber battle for GoNet reporter Rhil Dairo, a personal guest of the Chancellor assigned to provide official news coverage of the fair. Gios and Assek showcased ancient lightsaber forms, explaining to Dairo that such battles were once common during the Sith era but were now reserved for ceremonies and Padawan training. After Gios emerged victorious, the group proceeded to the Chancellor's chambers, where they found her, along with her aide, Norel Quo, and her Vice-Chancellor, Larep Reza, engaged in a conference call regarding the fair's status with Senator Izzet Noor, Senator Vaadu, and Jedi Master Kriss. Upon entering, Gios was invited to provide an update on the Innovator.
Shortly after the call concluded, the Coruscant Dawn received news that forces of the marauding group known as the Nihil, revealed to be behind the Great Disaster, had attacked the shipyards on Cyclor, where the Innovator was located. Reacting swiftly, Gios attempted to contact Stokes and her Padawan, Bell Zettifar, but Nihil communication jammers prevented the transmission. Gios rushed to the Coruscant Dawn's communication deck, where he and his fellow Jedi joined Soh and her staff, observing the battle over Cyclor via a wall holoprojector, with footage provided by the Innovator's construction team, somehow bypassing the Nihil jammers. Eager to reinforce Stokes and Zettifar, Gios contacted Jedi Master Tera Sinube, the marshal of the nearest Jedi Temple Outpost on Derra. After explaining the situation, Sinube assured Gios that he had already dispatched a team piloting Jedi Vectors, led by Jedi Master Porter Engle, to Cyclor. Thanking Sinube, Gios returned to Soh, who was now conversing with Jedi Master and council member, Pra-Tre Veter. Gios began informing both Soh and Veter about Engle's reinforcements when Senator Tia Toon interrupted with a transmission, using the attack as justification for her Defense Force Program. However, Gios and Soh assured Toon that the Republic forces and the Jedi were capable of defending the Republic. Soon after, Engle notified the group that he and his squadron had arrived on Cyclor and restored communications. Despite Zettifar's grave injuries, the Jedi had repelled the Nihil forces.
Following the attack, Elzar Mann, currently stationed on Valo, along with fair coordinator Samera Ra-oon, contacted Gios and provided an update on the Innovator. Despite the damage, the Innovator was still on schedule to launch at the fair. Ra-oon also assured Gios that security would be increased at the fair in response to the Nihil attack on Cyclor. While Mann felt the increases were unnecessary, Gios disagreed, citing the Senate's, the Togruta government's, and the Jedi Council's concerns. The Togruta military had requested additional security for Regasa Elarec Yovet, who was already hesitant to attend the fair. The council had also ordered Engle's squadron to accompany the Innovator. Gios, Mann, and Ra-oon discussed potential Jedi candidates to lead the new security force for Yovet but could not agree on one. Gios requested time to consider the decision, which Ra-oon granted before they concluded the conversation.
Shortly after the attack on Cyclor, Soh, Gios, Assek, Agaburry, and the rest of Soh's entourage arrived on Valo. Upon arrival, they were formally introduced to Samera Ra-oon and the fair's planning committee. Gios, adorned in full Temple attire, including a stole signifying his recent elevation to the High Council, was greeted by Mann, who had accompanied Ra-oon. The two caught up, and Gios sensed a deeper connection between Mann and Ra-oon, who had developed romantic and sexual feelings for each other. Sensing Gios' awareness, Mann steered the conversation back to the fair. Gios and Mann joined Soh and her party as Ra-oon prepared to lead a tour of the fairgrounds. Before the tour commenced, Senator Toon joined the group, seizing the opportunity to promote his Defense Force Program to Soh. After a brief exchange, Vice-Chancellor Reza requested Gios to observe Toon, suspecting the senator was planning something. However, Gios sensed no danger or malice through the Force.
On the fair's opening day, Gios joined Soh and the welcome committee to greet Regasa Yovet upon her arrival from Shili. Yovet was introduced to everyone, including Gios. She acknowledged Gios' raiment, recognizing him as a member of the Jedi Council. They also discussed Jedi Master Jora Malli, a friend of Yovet who had recently perished during the battle of Kur against the Nihil. Following Yovet's arrival, Gios joined her, Soh, and Soh's party as they watched a Jedi Vector airshow performed by Zettifar, Stokes, and Engle. Immediately after, Soh delivered an opening speech, declaring the Valo Republic Fair open.
After the commencement ceremony, Soh and her party proceeded to the Starlight Pavilion to socialize and celebrate. Guided by the Force, Gios sought out Zettifar, who was mingling with other Jedi. Upon greeting Zettifar, Gios sensed that the Padawan's cheerful demeanor was a facade. Sensing something amiss but unsure what, Gios offered him an exhibition tour. Zettifar accepted, and he and his pet Charhound Ember accompanied Gios through the pavilion. During their conversation, Gios detected a deep sadness within Zettifar. As they reached the pavilion's exhibit, Gios inquired about Zettifar's meditation. Taken aback, Zettifar explained that meditation had been difficult since his master Loden Greatstorm's disappearance. Upon hearing this, Gios realized that Zettifar had severed his connection to the Force. Gios reassured him that he understood his feelings and that he would eventually restore his connection. Gios offered his assistance to the Padawan.
Gios and Zettifar's conversation was interrupted when Gios sensed a disturbance in the Force. Realizing the disturbance was related to Mann, Gios hurried to find him, with Zettifar and Ember following. After an unsuccessful search, Gios enlisted Ember's help by providing her with the scent of his leather holster, explaining that both he and Mann used Muttamok oil to clean their holsters. Ember quickly led them to Mann, who was on the roof of a building across from the Lake's Rest saloon in Lonisa City. Using the Force, Gios and Zettifar scaled the building and reached Mann. Mann instructed them to hide as he observed Senator Toon and his bodyguard on the third floor of the saloon, waiting for someone, before two other figures joined them. Using a listening device, Mann allowed his fellow Jedi to listen to Toon's conversations.
Gios watched as Toon met with Ty Yorrick and Mantessa Chekkat, the latter attempting to sell her invention—the Four-seven nullifier—to Toon. However, Toon realized that the device utilized Recainium, an illegal substance, and demanded Chekkat shut it down, but Chekkat insisted on a demonstration. Chekkat asked Yorrick to ignite her lightsaber, which Toon's bodyguard interpreted as a threat, and opened fire on Yorrick. Gios lept from the roof, crashing through the cantina's window to protect Toon. Mann and Zettifar followed, and Gios demanded that Yorrick drop her weapon. Yorrick engaged Gios, Mann, and Zettifar in combat, before Chekkat's invention deactivated their lightsabers, ending the fight. Valo security officers arrived and took Chekkat and Yorrick into custody, but not before Mann confiscated Yorrick's lightsaber. Toon thanked Gios for his protection and affirmed his appreciation for the Jedi Order, despite his advocacy for the Defense Force Program.
Gios, injured by Yorrick, changed into fresh robes and was examined by Jedi Master Torban Buck, a skilled healer. Gios rejoined Soh for the rest of the evening. The next day, Gios and Soh's party were scheduled to tour the fair's botanical gardens in the Tech and Science zone. Despite the joyful atmosphere, Gios sensed a heavy presence in the Force. Stokes also sensed the disturbance and discussed it with Gios. Observing Soh's party, Stokes noted the absence of the chancellor's son, Kitrep Soh, and the Lonisa City Mayor's son, Jom Lariin. Gios confirmed with coordinator Ra-oon that the pair had slipped out unnoticed. Determined to find them before anyone noticed, Gios dispatched Zettifar, who had socialized with the boys the previous evening, to search for them at the Innovator, with Ember. Stokes attempted to reassure Gios that everything would be alright.
When the Nihil launched their attack on Valo, Gios was with Stokes, Jedi archivist OrbaLin, Soh, and her party at the fair's opera house. Stokes departed to find her Vector, and Gios instructed OrbaLin to restore communications at the city's communication tower. After a repulsor platform collapsed, injuring fairgoers, Vice Chancellor Reza left to assist the victims, leaving Soh, her pet targons, Quo, Yovet, and opera singer Madam Trangess Conserra under the protection of Gios and captain of the Togruta guard, Maramis. Gios explained the need to reach the Valo Jedi Temple, though incomplete, its vaults would provide safety for Soh and Yovet. As they headed to the temple, Nihil leader Pan Eyta deployed his war cloud on Lonisa City, a toxic gas that would blind and suffocate anyone without a respirator. Gios ordered the group to huddle together, using the Force to clear the air around them.

The group resumed their journey to the Jedi Temple at a slower pace. Maramis suggested heading to a displayed Rothana experimental walker, which would stand above the toxic gas and expedite their arrival at the temple. Gios agreed and led the group towards the walker. En route, they rescued an injured mother and child, with Soh and Yovet determined to ensure their safety. Reaching the walker, Gios instructed everyone to ascend the stairway. As they climbed, Gios and Maramis sensed an imminent danger, preparing to defend the walker. Soh's targons, Matari and Voru, joined them as the rest of the group hurried up the stairway. Despite his exhaustion from keeping the air clear, Gios resolved to protect Soh. A group of Nihil marauders emerged from the smoke, initiating the attack. Maramis and the targons charged into the smoke, taking an offensive stance. Gios remained at the walker, believing a Jedi should only defend.
While defending the walker, Gios was ambushed by a Trandoshan Nihil member wielding a Vibro-ax and shield. The intense fight resulted in severe injuries for both. Gios, attempting to incapacitate the Trandoshan, used the Force to push him back, slamming him into the walker's stairway. Realizing his mistake, the stairway collapsed, taking Quo with it and gravely injuring him. Soh, not yet on the stairway, barely clung to the ledge. Before Gios could help, Soh's grip failed, leaving her hanging on the verge of falling. Gios struggled to use the Force to keep her aloft, hampered by exhaustion, injuries, and the Trandoshan's renewed attack. The attacker pinned him, knocking his lightsaber away, and began punching him. Remembering Kant's lightsaber, Gios drew it and impaled the Trandoshan. He raced to find Soh, whom he thought had fallen. Fortunately, he had slowed her fall enough for Yovet to grab her, but the regasa struggled to pull her aboard. Gios, with dwindling energy, helped lift Soh to the walker with the Force.
Maramis, Matari, and Voru returned, having fought off the Nihil attackers. While the targons kept watch, Maramis and Gios aided Quo, creating a makeshift split and gurney from the Trandoshan's vibro-ax and shield. With his last energy, Gios used the Force to lift Quo's gurney to the walker. After Soh confirmed Quo's safety, Gios nearly collapsed, caught only by Maramis. As they heard more Nihil attackers approaching, they hurried to right the fallen stairway. Once upright, they raced up to the walker, with Maramis defending them. Reaching safety, Gios used his remaining energy to Force push the stairway to the ground. Soh began operating the walker, moving towards the Jedi Temple.
Gios also collaborated with Bell Zettifar and the Force-sensitive monster hunter Ty Yorrick against the Nihil during the Republic Fair attack.
Torban Buck urged Gios to take a bacta bath for his injuries, but Gios opted for less effective rejuv washes. With Chancellor Soh in a coma, Gios joined a holocall with the Jedi Council to discuss the day's events. Mann interrupted to inform Gios that Soh was awake and wanted to see him. Journalist Rhil Dairo was present, and Gios thanked her for the distress signal, impressed by her humility. Gios approached Soh and discussed the events, with Soh taking responsibility for the tragedy. Gios attempted to dissuade her feelings. Soh promised Gios that the Jedi Order would have the full resources of the Republic to find and destroy the Nihil. Gios thanked Soh but explained that Jedi are not warriors. Soh agreed but emphasized that Jedi were symbols, especially Gios, as the galaxy had seen his compassion in a recording of him holding her. She wanted Gios to be the face of the Jedi order who would defeat the Nihil. Gios did not reject her offer, but harbored doubts, feeling there were better choices and disliking the spotlight.
Gios's conversation with Soh was interrupted by a transmission from Regasa Yovet on Shilli, seeking an alliance with the Republic, citing the attack on the fair as proof of strength in unity. After the transmission, Soh requested privacy with Kitrep. Gios and Mann left and discussed Gios' lack of response to Soh's request before heading to intelligence to analyze a data package from Yovet.
During his analysis, Gios realized the Nihil had infiltrated Republic communications. Gios and Mann discussed the intelligence and Soh's offer, before Mann confessed to using the dark side during the attack and needing help. Gios assured Mann of his support, reminding him he was not alone, and proposed a trip to Jedha to visit its Kyber Mirrors to help him recover.
Jedi Archivist OrbaLin presented Gios and Mann with data analysis indicating a potential Nihil attack on either Hetzal Prime or the Cyclor Shipyards. Gios devised a plan to lure the Nihil into a trap, using Senator Toon to stage a transmission on a compromised line to Cyclor, falsely claiming the Jedi would not defend the planet. Dairo confirmed the transmission but was unsure if the Nihil had intercepted it.
Yorrick and Mantessa Chekkat's daughter Klerin notified Gios and Mann that the Nihil had stolen plans for the Four-seven nullifier, prompting a new plan. They discovered Nihil member Quin Amarant on Valo, escorted by security to a transport. Gios and the others intervened, with Gios feigning betrayal and allowing Amarant to escape in the transport. Stokes and Zettifar secretly stowed away, with Zettifar carrying Rana Kant's lightsaber, given by Gios. Amarant headed to the Nihil base on Grizal, unaware of the tracker and stowaways.
While Mann and Yorrick prepared to follow Amarant, Gios joined forces at Cyclor to prepare for the Nihil attack. Pan Eyta, taking the bait, attacked Cyclor, only to be met by Republic and Jedi forces, including Gios in a Vector. Eyta's forces were quickly defeated, but Eyta escaped. As the battle concluded, Gios prepared those gathered at Cyclor to reinforce Mann once the location of the Nihil base was confirmed.

Upon confirmation that Grizal was the location of the Nihil's base, Gios assembled Jedi comrades to accompany him there. Aboard the Coruscant Dawn, which was en route back to Coruscant, Gios informed Soh of their impending engagement. Once Gios and the rest of the Vector squadron emerged from hyperspace above Grizal, Gios commanded the squadron to prevent as many enemy ships as possible from escaping, to provide support to Jedi on the ground, and to join them if needed. The confrontation between the Jedi, the Republic, and the Nihil escalated into a major battle, with Gios providing aerial support. As the conflict drew to a close, Gios landed, concerned upon witnessing Mann's Vector crash on the planet's surface. Yorrick was already extracting Mann from the wreckage when Gios arrived at the scene. Finding no pulse, Gios initiated chest compressions, ultimately reviving Mann. While Gios remained with Mann and Yorrick, Stokes contacted Gios via comlink, requesting his presence. Upon arriving, Gios discovered Zettifar curled up on the ground, fiercely protected by Ember. Nearby, he observed the petrified form of Loden Greatstorm, Zettifar's former master, whom they had presumed deceased. Gios reached out to touch Greatstorm's face, but the petrified body disintegrated into dust, leaving Gios more terrified than he had ever been since his childhood. Gios, accompanied by Stokes and Zettifar, then departed from the scene.
The recording of Gios amidst the ruins of Valo, captured by Rhil Dairo, became an iconic representation of the event, elevating him to the status of a galactic hero and celebrity.
In the week following the Attack on Valo, Gios paid visits to all of the Jedi temples within the sector of the planet Banchii to assess their condition. He engaged in conversation with Jedi Master Arkoff and Jedi Lily Tora-Asi regarding the latter's victory over a unique Drengir subspecies on the planet during the Attack on Valo. Gios informed her that they had recently encountered the Drengir before, and that they were unlike anything the Jedi had faced before. He revealed that the Nihil had employed the Drengir in their assault on the Republic fair, prompting Tora-Asi to express her condolences. Gios reassured her that the Republic would rebuild and that they were pursuing the Nihil relentlessly. He explained that he had arrived as swiftly as possible upon Arkoff's request, fearing the worst due to Banchii's limited resources. When Tora-Asi began to apologize, Gios affirmed her exceptional status as a Jedi Knight, recognizing her as the reason the temple still stood. He informed her that the Jedi took down a being known as the Great Progenitor, which had been controlling the Drengir, and that the rest of the Drengir had fallen once it was defeated. He also mentioned that after Valo, the Jedi had taken the fight to the Nihil, refusing to allow them to disrupt galactic peace. He assured her that Banchii was well-protected with her presence before revealing that the Jedi Council had summoned Arkoff to assist Gios. Tora-Asi pledged to maintain the order there, and noticed Arkoff's strictness with her and that it seemed to work for her even though she was still learning as they always were.
Gios informed Arkoff that they would depart the following day, but he first wanted to ensure that a doctor performed an autopsy on the Drengir victims on Banchii, as those victims had been turned to wood even though the Drengir viewed all life as food, emphasizing his desire to leave nothing to chance after Valo. He stressed the importance of maintaining vigilance among all Jedi, regardless of their location within the galaxy, including remote outposts. Arkoff playfully criticized Gios for his optimism, to which Gios responded with a jest, expressing surprise at Arkoff's own strictness.
Before their departure, Gios had a final conversation with Tora-Asi. He emphasized the importance of fostering a connection between the Jedi and the people of Banchii, as people tend to fear what they do not understand. He also reminded her that challenges and experiences are essential for growth and that all Jedi were perpetually learning, including himself.
In the subsequent weeks, Gios eventually made his way back to Coruscant. From there, he contacted his former Padawan, Vernestra Rwoh, stationed on Starlight Beacon, via comm droid. Upon establishing a connection, Gios apologized for underestimating the time it would take to reach Starlight. Rwoh immediately noticed that Gios had grown his beard out more, which Gios confirmed, explaining that he had been so busy he hadn't had a chance. Rwoh said that he looked good unkempt, and that he reminded her of the human hero from the adventure holo Frontier's Peril. Gios then admitted that he grown it out to look more dignified for the council, before shifting the conversation to ask her how she was after the events of the attack on Valo, apologizing to her for not connecting since the counterassault. She said that she was as well as she could be and that she had been worried. He agreed that Valo had changed everything, which he said was the reason why he was recalling her and her Padawan to Coruscant as her heroism had made her more distinguished and thus had been asked for by name by a Republic senator to help with in an issue in the Berenge sector. Gios acknowledged that there was nothing much there, and said he would explain when she arrived. Rwoh reminded him to run it past Master Kriss, which he assured her he was going to do immediately. Gios told her that it was an incredible opportunity for her and that it was amazing how distinguished she'd become at such a young age, before saying goodbye and ending the transmission.
Gios did contact Kriss, but the communication erupted into an argument as Kriss believed that him recalling Rwoh to Coruscant was poor timing because they needed as many Jedi as they could muster to be part of the counterstrike against the Nihil. Rwoh then entered Kriss's office where she was communicating with him and heard the argument, which Rwoh thought was unlike both of them. Gios heard Rwoh's voice and told Kriss that it was the perfect opportunity to work things out themselves, telling Kriss that he expected to meet Rwoh on Coruscant before signing off. After Kriss explained what they had been discussing, Rwoh asked Kriss for advice on whether or not she should show Gios that she had modified her lightsaber to become a lightwhip, with Kriss validating her caution by admitting that Gios was a stickler for the rules. She said that Gios had always taught her that lightsabers were meant to be used as defensive tools in the protection of life, but didn't know if the light-whip satisfied that. Kriss told her to tell him and the main temple when she was ready, but warned her not to wait too long. When Rwoh was initially denied a ship to Coruscant due to crashing ships previously, Master Cohmac Vitus asked her who her master was, and when she said it was Gios he expressed that it made sense, as Gios was a great Jedi but not a great pilot.
Gios convened with Jedi investigator Emerick Caphtor in his office within the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, an office formerly occupied by Gios's master, Rana Kant. Gios then unconsciously began singing an old nursery rhyme, which Caphtor questioned, though Gios responded that he had no idea what he had been singing or what song it was. Caphtor reminded him that their old Jedi nursemaid Ruusstha Vidyarvrikt had sung it to them when they were younglings and wouldn't go to sleep to try and scare them into behaving, which Gios remembered.
He then shifted the conversation to ask about Caphtor's analysis of the dust that Master Greatstorm had crumbled into, with Caphtor revealing that nothing about it was identifiable as Greatstorm and there were no Midi-chlorians. Gios insisted he knew what I saw and that Stokes and Zettifar had seen it too, but Caphtor explained that there was very little evidence to go off of and the witnesses had conflicting stories and couldn't make sense of what had happened. But Gios pressed on, telling him that he had never seen or felt anything like what had happened in his entire life, revealing that he was still having nightmares about it, and emphasizing that it killed one Jedi and send two others to the shock ward. He recalled that one minute they had the Nihil on the run, and then Master Mann nosedived out of the sky, Zettifar was in shock, and Master Greatstorm was just gone. Gios told Caphtor that he was the best investigator in the Jedi order, and that even if he was unconvinced and wanted to investigate Valo instead, he needed to investigate if the Nihil had a weapon that could destroy Jedi so that they could stop it.
Gios then provided a location for investigation, explaining that Vernestra Rwoh and Master Kantam Sy had discovered a small Nihil base on Vrant Tarnum just before the attack on Valo that was spoken about by Nihil prisoners with great reverence. He also told the investigator that a team of Galactic Republic troopers were already at the barracks ready to go. Gios called Caphtor via holo just before they were going to leave, and Caphtor told him that the troopers were gearing up and that they would be en route soon. Gios then told him that he realized why he had been singing the old nursery rhyme: he knew the song ended with the word dust, though he did not remember the rest of it.
Rwoh entered Gios's office for their meeting just as his meeting with Caphtor ended, Gios telling him to keep him notified about what he uncovers and to keep the larger mission in mind despite any difficult Republic liaison. Gios introduced Rwoh to Caphtor, who told her that Gios had spoke a great deal about her accomplishments. After Caphtor left, the two sat on meditation pads opposite each other and Gios asked her about the delay in her arrival. She explained that they had gone to help against Nihil on Tiikae, which Gios realized meant she had traveled with Master Cohmac Vitus. She attributed it to a lack of ships, but Gios knew that it was because she kept wrecking them and told her that Kriss had told him that she was as bad a pilot as he once was, but assured her that she would eventually get better and that she should have patience as one of the most difficult parts about becoming a Knight early was certain things taking longer to master than others. Rwoh asked him about a story about him flying a vector for the first time that Master Vitus had suggested she ask about, but he said they should discuss it another time.
They then discussed the difficulty of getting any mobilization against the Nihil underway due to Coruscant politics, with Gios telling Rwoh that he had called her there to be a piece of the council's piecemeal response against the Nihil. He told her that she and her Padawan Imri Cantaros would accompany a member of the Graf family to the Berenge sector to investigate reported Nihil experimental tech, and see whether or not it was a hyperspace anomaly. Rwoh didn't believe a Jedi was necessary, but Gios told her he thought she would be a good fit because of her affinity for hyperspace, and asked her if she had been working on the ability, but she insisted it was just a fluke. He explained that he had never known anyone else with the ability to navigate in hyperspace using only the Force and told her that it could lead to a rare ability, adding that some believed the Jedi were the first to use hyperspace using only the Force. Rwoh shot that down and mocked the mission, but Gios insisted that she treat it as a serious assignment and go to Senator Ghirra Starros's office immediately after to begin it.
She agreed and started to leave, but Gios sensed that she had something else to tell him. She showed him a mysterious cube that she had recovered from a Nihil attacker on Tiikae. While he examined it, Rwoh noticed that Gios seemed both burdened by his mantle and noticed physical signs of distress, leading her to ask if he was alright. He admitted that he could have been better but insisted he was good, then told her that the box appeared to be a puzzle cube that had been popular a century earlier. The cube did not respond to his touch, and he admitted that he did not know what its symbols meant until he recognized one of them as an old hyperspace prospector symbol that he had seen similar images of when he had visited the temple on Hon-Tallos. He told her to speak to Professor Thaddeus Wolk in the Senate offices, remembering him bragging about interviewing old prospectors. As Rwoh left, Gios once again insisted that she try her old hyperspace exercises again to see what she was capable of, pointing out that recent events had shown them that they had a lot to learn about hyperspace.
Later, Gios alongside Master Yarael Poof and four senators listened to Master Cohmac Vitus' report on the Genetian civil war until Gios ended the meeting and promised to send Vitus' report to those present. However, He told Vitus and his Padawan Reath Silas to stay, introducing them to Senator Ghirra Starros who asked them to help Rwoh and Cantaros with the investigation in the Berenge Sector to help Xylan Graf of the Graf family. Once she left, Silas expressed his disconcertion to Gios and Vitus. Gios said that it was certainly some form of trap, adding that he had suspected someone important was helping the Nihil, but did not expect it to possibly be the Graf family. Gios told them not to tell anyone but Rwoh, as they wanted to catch the family in the act. He hoped that if they cut off the Nihil from their resources and suppliers they could end the conflict and make sure that no more lives were lost. After the two Jedi left, Silas still had concerns, but Vitus assured him that Gios always did what was best for the order.
After the Nihil had been largely pushed back due to the efforts of Operation: Counterstrike and the Unified Republic Task Force, Gios hosted a meeting with Master Kriss via hologram from Coruscant to update the Jedi on Starlight Beacon about the efforts. He proudly informed them that the Unified Task Force had taken on the Nihil on Aris, Port Haven, and Golrath, leaving them running scared. When the topic of the Nihil leadership arose, Gios addressed the rumors that a new Eye of the Nihil, their leader, had come to head after they mistakenly believed that Nihil Tempest Runner Lourna Dee was both the Eye of the Nihil and had been killed in the Battle of Galov. He provided an image of a candidate Talpini man that had been spotted by Togruta intelligence on Ashas Rine that unbeknownst to him was the individual Zeetar, who was only a Tempest Runner within the Nihil. He also showed an image of an individual that that been seen in garbled transmissions intercepted by the Leresai Assembly, that unbeknownst to Gios was actually the true Eye of the Nihil, Marchion Ro. However, Gios told the meeting that they had no evidence that either was the Eye.
Kriss then suggested that they might be able to get evidence, and when Gios questioned what she was wanting to share, she explained that they had found intel that Nihil Forces were gathering in the Soola System. But Gios insisted that the Task Force had already swept the area multiple times and assured her that they would not allow the Nihil to perform another atrocity like Valo again. She insisted that the response was not enough and asked to send a team to Zallo, which Gios denied. Then Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis, who was present at the meeting, spoke up, telling Gios that Kriss was right, adding that the Nihil had helped seed the Drengir across the Outer Rim to keep the Jedi of Starlight busy while they attacked the Republic Fair on Valo. Gios said that they didn't know that for sure, but Trennis pressed on, saying that they needed to show the Nihil that Starlight was not to be played with and they needed to act. Gios told all the Jedi gathered that they would act, but as part of the unified response, not by going on their own missions just to assuage their guilt. He then ended the transmission by telling them to stand by for further instruction.
In 230 BBY, Starlight Beacon was towed to the planet Eiram to assist in helping the injured and to help rebuild the infrastructure after a massive cyclone disaster on the planet. Gios met with Masters Maru, Kriss, and Sskeer, and Jedi Goonral Monshi, and Trennis via hologram to discuss the effort. Maru confirmed for Gios that work had begun on the relief effort after Starlight's transfer, which Gios said was excellent. But Kriss interrupted the meeting, asking if a Nihil hyperspace path drive had been attached to the Jedi cruiser Ataraxia, which Gios asked was the drive salvaged from the Nihil craft destroyed during the Battle of Galov. Kriss confirmed this and said that their assault on the main Nihil base could begin, which shocked Gios, reminding her that the Council recommended caution. Kriss said that the base was the Great Hall of the Nihil in No-Space and it had been recently fortified, which Gios recognized as even more reason not to attack and suggested they send one of the captured ships as a scout. Kriss refused, citing the Nihil's attacks on the Jedi, which Gios insisted were attacks on the republic, and left the meeting, with Gios trying and failing to stop her as she did.
Kriss ultimately did go off on a hasty mission to capture the supposed Eye of the Nihil Lourna Dee, though Gios warned her the council did not support her and that she would face consequences and even have her status as Marshal of Starlight revoked. She went anyway, Gios was made into the new Marshal of Starlight Beacon and oversaw the station when it moved to the When the Nihil conducted simultaneous attacks on the Echerta system, Aleen, Yeksom, Japeal, and Tais Brabbo, Gios oversaw as Starlight Beacon opened itself up to refugees. While this occurred, Gios started suffering heavily from insomnia and nightmares, though he did not know the cause.
Avar Kriss, arriving in the Ataraxia in the Eiram system after capturing Lourna Dee and a significant portion of her Tempest, engaged in a heated exchange with Gios regarding her actions. Simultaneously, Nihil operatives detonated explosives, severing all communication within the station, isolating the upper section of Starlight from the lower section, sealing all hangar bays, releasing the Force-sensitive predators known as the Nameless (the source of Gios's nightmares) upon the Jedi, and propelling the station into Eiram's gravitational field. Recognizing the communication breakdown, Gios, Elzar Mann, and Nib Assek convened and discovered that all of the station's lifts were inoperable and the maintenance shafts were contaminated with hazardous levels of radiation. The Jedi in the lower portion of Starlight then assembled at the quartermaster's office to strategize their next course of action. Pilot Leox Gyasi managed to bypass Starlight's communication blockade using his ship, the Vessel, enabling Gios to contact the Jedi Council and relay the dire situation. However, he was informed that by the time Republic forces capable of rescuing them could arrive, they would likely have perished.
Aboard the Vessel, Stellan Gios briefed Queen Thandeka of Eiram on the predicament. Despite her sorrow, she cautioned him that the second half of the station was likely to crash onto one of their largest cities below, and they may eventually have to blow apart the station in order to save thousands on the ground. He approved, and she assured him that they'd give them as much time as possible to give them a chance to repair, save their half of the station, and save everyone remaining on the station. Meanwhile, Elzar Mann was able to get communications back online on what remained of Starlight.
While traversing the corridors, Stellan Gios encountered one of the Nameless, resulting in disorientation, disturbing visions, and significant weakening. Gios managed to isolate himself from the Nameless by utilizing an airlock, thus saving himself. In the meantime, Bell Zettifar succeeded in stabilizing the auxiliary power, and he and Burryaga Agaburry set out to locate Jedi Orla Jareni, only to discover her lifeless body, a victim of the Nameless, alongside the corpse of Nib Assek, who had been searching for Orla. The two promptly contacted Gios to report the grim news. Following the notification of their deaths to Gios and Mann, they decided to enlist the assistance of the other non-Force-sensitive individuals on Starlight to seal off the corridors, thereby containing the Nameless within the remaining section of the station, as they appeared to exhibit no interest in or have any discernible effect on those who did not utilize the Force. Later, Master Kriss activated her Force network to give strength to the other Jedi still fighting aboard the station, including Gios.

Gios instructed Zettifar to return to the medical tower and devise a means of evacuating the patients housed there. The trapped people's desire to escape fueled growing tensions, partly caused by one of the civilians on board the station, Koley Linn, leading to a fight breaking out within the docking bay. When Gios arrived on the scene, lightsaber in hand, Linn aimed his blaster at a kid and tried to force his reckless plan of escape, but then the Vessel's Navigator Geode jumped between Linn and the kid, causing Linn's blaster bolt to be shot back onto him, killing him.
Gios, still injured and weakened from the Nameless's attack, returned to the quartermaster's office and was alerted by Mann that his plan to use depressurization to allow people to escape had succeeded, but that while the ships had managed to escape, Agaburry was wrapped up by an escaped rathtar's tentacles and likely blown into space when the bay was depressurized. Mann also informed Gios that he was planning to reconfigure the beacon so that he could reach the thrusters on the lowest level and pilot the beacon back up. Gios stayed behind.
At Gios's order, Zettifar had come up with a plan to separate the medical tower from the rest of Starlight if he created a large enough explosion that could push the tower out of the station. After getting his plan approved by Gios, Zettifar detonated explosives and the tower blew away from the falling station, and was caught by the Eiram medical cruiser's tractor beam.
After Mann made a costly mistake in killing the only people who could save them from certain doom because he believed they were saboteurs, Gios arrived at the bottom of the station to meet him. They realized that the station had fallen past the point of saving, but Gios took to the controls of the thrusters anyway.
Gios sent Mann back up the station to escape. Gios stayed on the station to the end, and knowing he couldn't save the station but could prevent it from destroying a city on Eiram below, gave his life to use the thrusters to move the station to fall into the ocean instead. Although he did not survive, Gios prevented potentially hundreds of more deaths as a result of his sacrifice.

In the aftermath of Starlight Beacon's fall, Gios's logistics droid, JJ-5145, a gift from Mann, arrived and informed a group of surviving Jedi that had gathered on the surface of Eiram that Gios had gone down with the station, and presented the Jedi's lightsaber to Mann, who had managed to escape in an escape pod due to Gios. Avar Kriss and Mann greatly mourned Gios's death, who they considered to be the polestar of their trio. Mann vowed to himself that he would strive to be the best Jedi possible so that he could live up to the legacy of Gios. Gios's death also left his seat on the Jedi council empty.

Stellan Gios, a human male, possessed fair skin and brown hair. His hair was kept at a moderate length, complemented by a beard he had cultivated. Esteemed as a born teacher with an optimistic outlook, Gios garnered considerable respect from his fellow Jedi. Within his enduring bond with Avar Kriss and Elzar Mann, Gios was seen as the voice of reason, offering guidance to the three friends. Mann affectionately called him the polestar of their friendship, a notion Gios himself questioned; in his view, they resembled a trio of stars, yet the suns embodying Mann and Kriss shone closer together due to the affection they openly displayed. In reality, Gios felt envy towards the connection he lacked, yet he could not bring himself to potentially transgress Jedi principles to partake in it. Gios also came to the realization that he allowed the Order to shape his identity, in contrast to his friends, who were willing to chart their own course as Jedi.
As the years passed, Gios gradually concealed his vulnerability and openness, to the point where Mann remained unaware of the transformations his friend had undergone. During the calamitous destruction of Starlight Beacon, Gios finally relinquished his defenses, revealing himself and his anxieties to Mann in a manner that made his fellow Jedi understand that his friend had, in a sense, been absent for years, only for the genuine Gios to suddenly reappear before him.
Stellan Gios was regarded as a powerful Force user within the Jedi Order. He had the ability to execute a mind touch, a skill that was not as commonly employed during the High Republic Era. Beyond his understanding of the Force, he was an avid scholar of traditional lightsaber combat forms and a highly skilled duelist and fighter, demonstrating his prowess by simultaneously wielding two lightsabers against the Nihil during their assault on the Republic Fair.

Stellan Gios was often seen wearing cream-and-gold Jedi robes crafted from shimmersilk. He was equipped with a blue-bladed crossguard lightsaber that featured a retractable physical crossguard, which would fold away when the weapon was deactivated. Gios carried his crossguard lightsaber on his hip, secured within a lightsaber holster. Following the death of his former master, Rana Kant, he also wielded her green lightsaber. He eventually gifted it to Padawan Bell Zettifar after the Padawan's lightsaber was lost during the Attack on Valo.

Stellan Gios was conceived for the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project, a storytelling endeavor designed to delve into the state of the galaxy and the Jedi centuries prior to the events of the Skywalker saga. He was introduced to the public before the project's launch on April 2, 2020, through a article that presented an overview of some of the Jedi Knights and Masters set to be featured in the forthcoming project. Gios made his first appearance in the initial wave of High Republic media, debuting concurrently in the novel The High Republic: Light of the Jedi by Charles Soule and the young-adult novel The High Republic: The Great Jedi Rescue by Cavan Scott on January 5, 2021.
An earlier version of The High Republic: The Rising Storm depicted Gios wielding two lightsabers during the conflict against the Nihil at the Republic Fair on Valo. While he would wield one of the blades conventionally, he would employ the Force to spin the other in front of him, effectively creating a protective barrier. Although this scene was modified before the final release, it remained in place long enough for the novel's cover art to incorporate this imagery.