Luke Skywalker, Garven Dreis, together with Biggs Darklighter, were all highly skilled aviators within the Alliance to Restore the Republic's Starfighter Corps.
A starpilot, also known as a pilot, flyboy, or even a driver, was an individual who was physically present within a craft, directly manipulating its functions. In smaller starships, the pilot might have been responsible for every aspect of the vehicle's operation, including navigation, sensors, communications, and armaments. Conversely, on larger vessels, a pilot may have received assistance from other crew members to manage the various systems of the ship. The term "pilot" was applicable to vehicles operating on land, in water, in the air, and even throughout space.
During starfighter combat, fighter pilots would be required to operate either in coordinated formations or independently. As stated by Thrawn of the Chiss, pilots engaged in combat, much like soldiers on a battlefield, held a distinct perspective on victory compared to others involved in the conflict. Thrawn explained that for a pilot or soldier on the front lines, victory meant surviving the immediate battle they were fighting.
Under the rule of the Galactic Empire, operating a vehicle without possessing a valid license was considered a criminal act; "piloting without license" was among the offenses listed on an Aurebesh wanted poster for Kanan Jarrus.
Certain pilots were also considered to be spacers.
A rare disease known as Bloodburn was known to affect pilots.