In 32 BBY, the Galactic Republic's governing body, the Galactic Senate, enacted legislation that proposed taxes on trade routes reaching distant star systems. This soon sparked a commercial disagreement between the Trade Federation megacorporation and the Republic, which escalated into a blockade of Naboo, quickly followed by the Invasion of Naboo. As the Trade Federation tried to seize Theed, Naboo's capital city, a group of individuals fled the city aboard a speeder that traveled along the Solleu river: Rorworr, a Wookiee scout; Sia-Lan Wezz, a Jedi Padawan; Dané, a young girl secretly training as a handmaiden; Galak, a Royal Naboo Security Forces volunteer; Arani Korden, a Theed native and daughter of a House Korden noble; and Deel Surool, a Twi'lek whose affluent parents established a Naboo trading post, and the crew of the Crescent. STAPs pursued the fleeing group, but the pilot's skillful maneuvering caused one STAP to collide with a Trade Federation Multi-Troop Transport. The MTT, known as Transport 714, had its cooling fins damaged, resulting in it sinking into the river, releasing steam. Padmé Amidala, Naboo's Queen, returned to Naboo after an unsuccessful attempt to persuade the Galactic Senate to intervene in the Trade Federation's invasion. The Crescent crew had joined the Naboo Resistance and received an invitation to a planning session with the Queen. Those present included the Queen and her handmaidens; Captain Quarsh Panaka, the head of the Royal Naboo Security Forces; Boss Nass, the leader of the Gungans; Jar Jar Binks, a Gungan; two Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi; their Force-sensitive charge from Tatooine, Anakin Skywalker; and several Gungan and Underground generals.
During the strategy meeting, Amidala revealed her strategy to infiltrate Theed through a hidden passage. The leaders determined that using a Trade Federation Troop Transport would be the best way to approach the passage unnoticed, but they recognized the difficulty of acquiring one. At that moment, Rorworr's team stepped forward, offering information about the MTT that had sunk into the Solleu during their initial escape from Theed. The main attack plan was then formalized by the leaders using this information.
Boss Nass offered the services of his Gungan engineers, the Gungengineeren, to salvage and repair the submerged transport; however, his Gungan scouts were unable to locate the MTT. Queen Amidala then tasked Rorworr's team with guiding the Gungengineeren to the site, as the Crescent crew knew the precise location of the transport. The unit was also assigned to protect the Gungengineeren during the operation, as the Queen wished to assure the Gungans of the Naboo's commitment to mutual cooperation. Rorworr and two others piloted three unfamiliar tribubble bongos, docking with a hydrostatic bubble to meet Koh Pa Wupps and his team of Gungengineers. Wupps guided the group, carrying the engineers and their equipment in the submersibles, around Lake Paonga, up the lower Solleu River, and through an underwater passage at the base of the Virdugo Plunge leading to the upper Solleu, while avoiding a group of opee sea killers.
Once the group discovered the downed MTT, the Gungengineeren commenced work on moving it upstream for repairs, while Rorworr's team patrolled the area in the bongos. A young, orphaned, and hungry colo claw fish repeatedly tried to crack the MTT's hull, breaking several teeth on its armor and causing considerable damage to the craft. When the colo disrupted the salvage efforts, the Crew from the Crescent attacked the young predator to distract it away from the divers and lead it on a prolonged chase that resulted in the Colo's death. The Gungan divers eventually recovered the MTT, which was repaired by the Naboo Resistance and modified to accommodate human troops.
During the Second Battle of Theed, the Naboo forces used the craft to conceal themselves and transport them undetected to the entrance of a secret passage in the cliff wall beneath Theed.
Transport 714 reappears as a key element in the roleplaying adventure Peril on Naboo. This article is based on the adventure's provided overview, though the adventure allows for alternative paths. If the heroes don't escape Theed aboard a speeder along the Solleu River, or simply fail to mention the craft, an NPC will offer information about the MTT during the planning session with Amidala. The chase involving the colo claw fish can conclude in one of three ways: the fish is either rammed to death by the bongos, led back through the secret passage and into the school of Opee sea killers, or trapped in the current near the Virdugo Plunge and ultimately swept over the falls.