House Korden

House Korden was a noble family that came into existence 14,000 years prior to the Battle of Yavin. Despite its relative obscurity to the galaxy generally, House Korden made significant contributions to galactic colonization initiatives during the early periods of galactic history.

Approximately 12,000 years prior to the Battle of Yavin, Haddius Korden, a prosperous trader hailing from Corulag, transformed his family's enterprise into Korden Outfitting and Surveying. This company provided a diverse array of supplies to colonists venturing to the most distant frontiers of the known galaxy. Eventually, House Korden began investing in emerging colonies, which resulted in increased prominence for Korden Outfitting and Surveying retail chains. Furthermore, this investment led House Korden to possess colonies across more than 6,000 star systems by the time of the Galactic Civil War.

The formal establishment of House Korden as an official Noble House occurred in 9349 BBY. Subsequently, on the millennium anniversary of the colonization of Novar, a world situated within the Expansion Region, House Korden was granted a unique land parcel in recognition of their contributions to Novar's advancement.

Historically, individuals from House Korden served within both the Galactic Senate and the Jedi Order, leveraging their positions to advocate for peace. Additionally, members of House Korden aided the Alliance to Restore the Republic in their struggle against the Galactic Empire.

