Koh Pa Wupps

Koh Pah Wupps was a Gungan technician of the male gender, according to legends, who resided on the planet Naboo. He is also a Gungan technician.

In the year 32 BBY, Koh Pa was involved in the recovery operation of Transport 714. A group from the Naboo Resistance, with Koh Pa leading the way, utilized three tribubble bongos to transport some Gungenineers and their tools via Naboo's water system to the location of the Solleu River bed. At that location, the team discovered the crashed Multi-Troop Transport. Koh Pa, along with his team of Gungengineers, got out of the bongos and tried to lift the sunken transport. During the salvage operation, the bongo escort safeguarded the team from a young colo claw fish that was an orphan and had launched multiple attacks on their location. Ultimately, the MTT was successfully brought back to the surface.

The Gungan designation "Koh Pa" translates to "small feet," and the family name, "Wupps," signifies "talented crafter."

