On the planet Coruscant, Pol Haus was a Zabrak male who dedicated many years to the Coruscant Police as a police officer. Following the rise of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, the planet's police force underwent a transformation, becoming known as the Imperial Sector Police. Haus was elevated to the position of Prefect, assuming command of a station house.
During the decline of the Galactic Republic, Pol Haus resided on Coruscant. Around 40 BBY, Haus became a member of the Coruscant Police, serving as a police officer. Through dedication and skill, he progressed through the ranks, earning recognition as a respected detective. He intentionally maintained a disheveled appearance to be underestimated. In 19 BBY, the Galactic Empire was established. As part of the Imperialization process, the Coruscant Police was rebranded as the Imperial Sector Police, although the names Coruscant Police or Constabulary remained in use. Haus was promoted to Prefect and given control of the Zi-Kree Sector. Simultaneously, Haus became a founding member of the underground resistance movement known as Whiplash. Haus played a role in smuggling Jedi and other victims of political persecution away from Coruscant. However, only Thi Xon Yimmon, the leader of Whiplash, knew of Haus's involvement, and Haus remained an unofficial operative.
Later, in 19 BBY, Sector Command tasked Haus with investigating the death of Ves Volette. Although such investigations were usually handled by lower-ranking officers, Haus was chosen due to Volette's status as a Caamasi, as the Empire wanted a swift resolution to avoid further publicity regarding the Destruction of Caamas. Upon arriving with police droids and the Forensics Unit, Haus discovered that Dejah Duare, Volette's girlfriend, and Jax Pavan, a private investigator, had already found the body. As forensics droids examined the scene and collected evidence, Haus questioned the witnesses and mandated that they all wear locator bands.
Subsequently, Haus began receiving reports of incidents in his sector resulting from Pavan and his team's investigation. These included Den Dhur, a journalist, impersonating a police officer, and Spa Fon, an information broker, accusing the team of threats and attacks on his employees. Haus disregarded the initial two incidents. However, his officers later responded to a complaint from a Holo House arcade, alleging that two humanoid females were causing destruction during a fight. Haus noticed that the locator band indicated Pavan and his team were nearby. Annoyed, Haus and a group of officers in three police speeders intercepted the group. Although more irritated than angry, Haus warned Pavan that he was becoming a nuisance and ordered the team to stop causing trouble or face arrest. Following this, Haus and his squads departed.
Despite continuing the Volette murder investigation, Haus made little progress. Shortly after, Pavan requested a meeting with Haus and his team at the residence of Baron and Baroness Vlaçan and Kirma Umber. Intrigued but annoyed, Haus agreed and arrived with a droid assistant at the same time as Pavan and his team. Pavan revealed that he had identified Volette's killer, stating that witnesses had seen Kirma Umber near Volette's home on the night of the murder. Kirma admitted to being there but claimed it was only to confront Volette about Vlaçan Umber's attraction to Duare, and that Volette was still alive when she left. At that point, the Umber 3PO unit confessed to killing Volette.
The droid, having served the Umber family for a long time, had followed Kirma on the night of the murder, seeing her distress. After her confrontation, the droid attempted to reason with Volette about the pain being inflicted on Kirma. However, unable to reason with Volette, the droid killed him, believing it was the only way to fulfill its programming and protect its owners. Following this revelation, the droid wiped its own memory and processing unit, effectively self-destructing. Frustrated by the situation, Haus realized he could not make an arrest and would struggle to convince his superiors that a droid had committed the murder. Duare suggested arresting someone who had evaded conviction for another crime, thereby giving meaning to Volette's death. Haus agreed and instructed his droid assistant to issue orders for the arrest of several wanted individuals, bringing the matter to a close.
After the Volette murder case, Haus began utilizing Pavan and his team to gather intelligence on various crimes. In return, Haus consented to overlook irregularities in the team's personnel records and some of their extralegal activities. In 18 BBY, Haus initiated an investigation into a significant increase in pure spice within the Zi-Kree Sector, which he suspected was controlled by Sol Proofrock, a Hutt. He believed that the murder of a spice trader, Bal Rado, was connected and sought information from Pavan's team. They discovered that Rado's supply had diminished, and he had concealed this fact from his buyer, whom they identified as Proofrock. Rado had confided in a smuggler named Droo Wabbin, who had subsequently informed Proofrock. The team also learned that Rado was found dead within a day of this, and Wabbin had received a substantial sum of credits. However, lacking concrete evidence, Haus expressed his dissatisfaction with their effectiveness, citing numerous complaints and fatalities associated with their intelligence gathering. Before Haus could continue, Dejah activated her Zeltron pheromones and began flirting with him. Blushing, Haus relented and accepted the summary of information the team provided.
He frequently tolerated the minor offenses committed by Pavan and his group, as they typically yielded better results than his own subordinates. However, when Inquisitor Probus Tesla was allegedly killed by a Force-sensitive fugitive, Haus was instructed by Darth Vader to apprehend the fugitive. He sought Pavan's assistance, revealing that he knew Pavan was a Jedi in hiding. He clarified that he had no intention of delivering Kaijin Savaros to Vader but instead wanted to help him escape off-world. Uncertain whether to trust him, Pavan consulted with Whiplash leader Thi Xon Yimmon, who vouched for Haus's trustworthiness. He also learned that Haus was one of the original members of Whiplash. It was at this time that Darth Vader suspected Haus of being involved with the Whiplash underground movement. Nevertheless, Haus successfully assisted Pavan in evading Vader's grasp and fleeing Coruscant. Haus remained undetected by Vader and retained his position as a police prefect.
After Pavan's departure from Coruscant, Haus fully dedicated himself to Whiplash. Utilizing reports from police patrols, other prefects and their districts, and his network of informants within the police and the Imperial Security Bureau, Haus tracked the movements of security personnel, the Inquisitorius, Darth Vader, and, to some extent, the Emperor himself. This placed him in a prime position to oversee Whiplash's security and intelligence operations. Haus frequently warned them of impending raids by Imperial forces and eventually relocated the group's headquarters to an old maglev train that was out of service but continued to run its routes. When Whiplash leader Thi Xon Yimmon was captured, Pavan returned to Coruscant. Haus intercepted him and Pavan's droid I-5YQ at the spaceport and took them to the maglev headquarters. There, the Whiplash Council debated whether to attempt to rescue Yimmon, ultimately deciding against it.
However, Pavan disagreed. Disguised as an Ubese merchant, Pavan visited Haus in his office, and they departed for the Ploughtekal Market. There, Pavan revealed his plan to rescue Yimmon, to which Haus agreed to remain silent. Haus also provided Pavan with a police lieutenant's uniform, granting him unrestricted access to his offices if needed. Later, Haus received information that the Emperor was visiting his villa at the Western Sea. Concerned that Tuden Sal, another Whiplash operative, would attempt to assassinate the Emperor, resulting in a severe crackdown on Whiplash, Haus decided to keep the information confidential. However, Sal discovered the Emperor's plans and confronted Haus, who admitted he had kept quiet to protect Whiplash. Believing Haus was now under suspicion, Sal informed Haus that he was no longer part of Whiplash.
Despite leaving at Sal's request, Haus remained convinced that attempting to attack the Emperor would be a fatal mistake. To that end, he held several private meetings with Sheel Mafeen, a poetess and fellow Whiplash operative. Mefeen provided Haus with Sal's plans to attack the Emperor. Despite repeatedly warning Sal and promising not to interfere, Haus decided to arrest Sal to prevent the attack from taking place. Haus summoned a tactical unit and informed them that they were to raid a dangerous criminal headquarters. Together with the tactical unit and his lieutenant, Kalibar Droosh, Haus pretended to follow Mafeen to the platform of Whiplash's maglev train, even though he and Mafeen had already discussed the plan. However, the maglev train never arrived. Haus realized that Sal had misled Mafeen as well and already suspected Haus would attempt to stop him. The tactical unit, led by Sergeant Amry and Lieutenant Droosh, discovered an abandoned maglev car. Alarmed, Haus ordered everyone to evacuate the area, but not before the train car exploded, injuring several officers. Fearing the worst, Haus raced towards the Emperor's villa, only to find that Whiplash had already attempted and failed to assassinate the Emperor. Although turned away by ISB security personnel, Haus saw the bodies of Whiplash operatives and discovered that most of the Whiplash council and many of their top operatives were dead.
Haus returned to the scene of the blown maglev train, where the Forensics Unit was sifting through the debris. Haus began searching for the remainder of the Whiplash train, discovering it further down the tracks. Upon entering it, he found and confronted Sal, who was hiding in his room. While Sal expressed his disgust at Haus and himself, Lieutenant Droosh secretly followed Haus and surprised both men. Droosh revealed to Haus that he had suspected the prefect of strange activity for some time and would take him into custody to be turned over to the ISB. Before he could do so, Sal shot and killed Droosh but sustained a fatal wound himself. Sal instructed Haus to conceal the evidence before dying. Together with Mafeen, Haus retrieved vital data from the train and disposed of it in the lowest levels before reporting to Pavan what had transpired. Together, they resolved that Whiplash would endure and set about rebuilding the resistance network.
Pol Haus possessed pale skin, golden eyes, and lacked facial tattoos, which was uncommon for a Zabrak. Despite achieving a high rank in the police force, he often dressed shabbily and adopted a dull demeanor, traits he had cultivated as a detective. This led many to underestimate him, allowing him to uncover more than he otherwise would have. In reality, Haus had a sharp mind and a keen sense for detecting irregularities.
As prefect of the Zi-Kree Sector during the early years of the Empire, Haus navigated a delicate balance between his dedication to his friends and the Whiplash resistance, his responsibilities as a police officer, and the loyalty demanded by the Imperial government. Although not always evident, Haus worked tirelessly to protect Whiplash from the Imperials and even from themselves. At times, this caused his friends to question his loyalty, as he would occasionally appear to switch sides, take actions against Whiplash, or withhold information. For the Imperials, Haus was a questionable ally. Although he came under suspicion by Darth Vader, no proof of Haus's deception ever surfaced.