Dejah Duare, a Zeltron female residing on Coruscant, was romantically involved with Ves Volette, a renowned Caamasi artist specializing in light sculptures. Following the Destruction of Caamas, she became anxious about Volette's well-being and sought the assistance of Jax Pavan, a former Jedi, to aid in their escape from Coruscant. However, upon reaching Volette's residence, they discovered that he had been murdered. After discovering Volette's murderer, she reversed her decision to flee Coruscant and instead allied herself with Pavan and Whiplash, a group resisting the Galactic Empire. She made advances toward Pavan, seeking a romantic relationship, but he rebuffed her affections, leading her to betray Pavan and his associates to Darth Vader. Her strong desire was to fully experience the Force, a wish Pavan denied her by isolating himself. However, she found what she was looking for in Probus Tesla, a member of the Inquisitorius, who could provide her with the connection she craved. Before long, Pavan's comrade Laranth Tarak and a young Force-sensitive individual named Kajin Savaros were apprehended by the Empire and taken to the Imperial Security Bureau. Pavan orchestrated a rescue mission, but upon entering the building, Duare revealed her treachery. Vader then demanded that Pavan surrender a vial of bota—a substance rumored to amplify a Force-sensitive's connection to the Force—but Pavan refused. Vader then attacked Pavan. Tarak then revealed that she had the bota, and Vader took it and injected it into himself. However, the bota caused Vader to lose all control over his powers, and he began hurling Force energy in all directions. While the other beings present ran for cover, Duare remained in the open, as she greatly enjoyed the feeling of the Force. However, one of Vader's Force-blasts caught her and slammed her against the wall, causing her death.
In Coruscant Nights II: Street of Shadows, the spelling of Dejah's name is "Deejah" on the back cover, while the name is spelled "Dejah" throughout the book.
The character of Dejah Duare was named in tribute to two heroines created by Edgar Rice Burroughs: Dejah Thoris from his Martian novels and Duare from his Venus novels.